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Field investigations in Arkansas Valley seismic swarm area

S. R. Steele
Field investigations in Arkansas Valley seismic swarm area (in AAPG Eastern Section meeting, Anonymous)
AAPG Bulletin (September 1983) 67 (9): 1460


Field and air photo investigation of the Arkansas Valley seismic swarm area in 1982 resulted in the detection of a northeast-trending lineament which dissects the swarm region and may be indicative of the fault which is the source of the recent seismicity. The linear coincides with the alignment of portions of several drainage systems along much of its length, and in other places it is defined by escarpments a few feet high. The possible relationship of the linear to local and regional structures and seismicity will be discussed. Additional features consisting of ground cracks, sinks, and a relatively fresh-appearing scarp in the vicinity of a known fault in the swarm area will also be discussed. This study was funded by the Arkansas Geologic Commission and the Geology Department of Southern Illinois University.

ISSN: 0149-1423
EISSN: 1558-9153
Coden: AABUD2
Serial Title: AAPG Bulletin
Serial Volume: 67
Serial Issue: 9
Title: Field investigations in Arkansas Valley seismic swarm area
Title: AAPG Eastern Section meeting
Author(s): Steele, S. R.
Author(s): Anonymous
Affiliation: Earth Sci. Res. and Consult., Carbondale, IL, United States
Pages: 1460
Published: 198309
Text Language: English
Publisher: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States
Meeting name: AAPG Eastern Section meeting
Meeting location: Carbondale, IL, USA, United States
Meeting date: 19831003Oct. 3-4, 1983
Summary: Y
Accession Number: 1984-003469
Categories: Environmental geology
Document Type: Serial Conference document
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2019, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1984
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