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A broadband study of the 13 August 1978 Santa Barbara earthquake
Terry C. Wallace, Donald V. Helmberger and John E. Ebel
A broadband study of the 13 August 1978 Santa Barbara earthquake
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (December 1981) 71 (6): 1701-1718
A broadband study of the 13 August 1978 Santa Barbara earthquake
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (December 1981) 71 (6): 1701-1718
Index Terms/Descriptors
ISSN: 0037-1106
EISSN: 1943-3573
Serial Title: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Serial Volume: 71
Serial Issue: 6
Title: A broadband study of the 13 August 1978 Santa Barbara earthquake
Affiliation: Calif. Technol., Seismol. Lab.,
Pasadena, CA,
United States
Pages: 1701-1718
Published: 198112
Text Language: English
Publisher: Seismological Society of America,
Berkeley, CA,
United States
References: 30
Accession Number: 1982-022580
Categories: Seismology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Annotation: Calif. Inst. Technol., Seismol. Lab.; Contrib. No. 3404
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch map
N34°01'60" - N34°27'00", W120°34'60" - W119°13'60"
N34°25'00" - N35°10'00", W120°45'00" - W119°25'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1982