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Investigation of phase transition of natural ZnS minerals by high resolution electron microscopy

Mizuhiko Akizuki
Investigation of phase transition of natural ZnS minerals by high resolution electron microscopy
American Mineralogist (October 1981) 66 (9-10): 1006-1012


Sphalerite and natural disordered wurtzite from Pribram, Czechoslovakia, were heated. The sphalerite gave 2H, 4H, and twinned 3C structures with a few 12R and 15R polytypes when heated at 950 degrees , 1000 degrees , and 1050 degrees C. The Pribram ZnS gave only disordered 2H and 3C sequences. Thermal strains caused disorder at the early stage of phase transition which recrystallized at the final stage in a high state of order.

ISSN: 0003-004X
EISSN: 1945-3027
Serial Title: American Mineralogist
Serial Volume: 66
Serial Issue: 9-10
Title: Investigation of phase transition of natural ZnS minerals by high resolution electron microscopy
Author(s): Akizuki, Mizuhiko
Affiliation: Tohoku Univ., Inst. Mineral., Petrol. and Econ. Geol., Sendai, Japan
Pages: 1006-1012
Published: 198110
Text Language: English
Publisher: Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, United States
References: 11
Accession Number: 1982-022453
Categories: Mineralogy of non-silicates
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus.
N30°00'00" - N45°00'00", E129°00'00" - E147°00'00"
N49°30'00" - N49°45'00", E13°49'60" - E14°10'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from Mineralogical Abstracts, United KingdomTwickenhamUKUnited Kingdom
Update Code: 1982
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