Search GeoRef keywords across over 50 full-text scholarly journals with mapping capabilities and links to millions of relevant resources hosted elsewhere on the internet.

Fully Integrated
The GeoRef database and the GeoRef Thesaurus are fully integrated into GeoScienceWorld.
The GeoRef database, established by the American Geosciences Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. GeoRef is the most comprehensive bibliographic database in the geosciences and continues to grow by more than 100,000 references a year. The database contains over 4.5 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports, and theses. In addition, GSW provides access to GeoRef in Process, a database of bibliographic records that are currently being edited and reviewed for inclusion in GeoRef.
The GeoRef database covers the geology of North America from 1666 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present. The database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey. Masters' theses and doctoral dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities are also covered.
The GeoRef Thesaurus contains more than 40,000 controlled vocabulary terms and the complete GeoRef indexing structure. The Thesaurus is an indispensable tool for subject, geographic, and time-span searching in GeoScienceWorld.