We have developed a careful chronological review of multistage stimulation treatments, in which microseismic interpretation was supported by fracture simulation and finite-element geomechanical simulation. The interpretation of a zipper frac stimulation treatment conducted in the Barnett Shale Formation in 2011 progressed from microseismic interpretation, from well-site observation, to a self-consistent understanding across multiple stages and multiple wells. Through this process, we have developed a tutorial on practical interpretation of microseismic data in the context of the hydraulic fracture treatment information (pump data) and regional structural information from interpretation of 3D seismic sections. Analysis of microseismic data included summarizing groups of events in the form of b-value, D-value, and extracted planar geometries. We advocate the development of a chronological interpretation, the consistency of which is tested using forward modeling. The process is iterative and relies on the forward modeling of complex fracturing and finite-element geomechanical models to inform iterations of the interpretation. Although extended case studies of this type are unsuitable for well-site analysis, we recommend their use for planning stimulation treatments for future nearby wells and to inform strategies for refracturing later in the well’s life.

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