Earthquakes occurring over the past decade in the Canterbury region of New Zealand have resulted in liquefaction case-history data of unprecedented quantity. This provides the profession with a unique opportunity to advance the prediction of liquefaction occurrence and consequences. Toward that end, this article presents a curated dataset containing ∼15,000 cone-penetration-test-based liquefaction case histories compiled from three earthquakes in Canterbury. The compiled, post-processed data are presented in a dense array structure, allowing researchers to easily access and analyze a wealth of information pertinent to free-field liquefaction response (i.e. triggering and surface manifestation). Research opportunities using these data include, but are not limited to, the training or testing of new and existing liquefaction-prediction models. The many methods used to obtain and process the case-history data are detailed herein, as is the structure of the compiled digital file. Finally, recommendations for analyzing the data are outlined, including nuances and limitations that users should carefully consider.

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