This article discusses the principal features of Rayleigh surface waves generated by basin-edge effects in Mexico City during the Mw7.1 19 September 2017 Puebla–Morelos, Mexico earthquake. Rayleigh waves were extracted from ground motions recorded at 12 stations in Mexico City. We used a recently proposed method for extracting surface waves, where the earthquake record is filtered based on the normalized inner product of the Stockwell transform of the three-component earthquake recordings. Results of this study reveal that basin-edge effects produced strong Rayleigh waves, particularly at certain stations, with frequencies that are mainly between 0.2 and 0.9 Hz, which is consistent with previous frequency ranges reported in the literature. Evidence of higher-mode Rayleigh waves was found at all stations located on soft soil sites, even at stations that are more than 1 km away from the basin edges. It was also observed that peak acceleration spectral ordinates of the retrograde component of the extracted Rayleigh waves at two stations exceeded the design spectral ordinates of the 1976 and 2004 editions of the Mexico City Seismic Provisions.
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December 01, 2020
Observations of Rayleigh waves in Mexico City Valley during the 19 September 2017 Puebla–Morelos, Mexico earthquake
Pablo Heresi, M.EERI;
Departamento de Obras Civiles, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago, ChilePablo Heresi, Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 3939, San Joaquín, Santiago, 8940572, Chile. Email: [email protected]
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Jorge Ruiz-García;
Jorge Ruiz-García
Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México
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Omar Payán-Serrano;
Omar Payán-Serrano
Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, Culiacán, México
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Eduardo Miranda, M.EERI
Eduardo Miranda, M.EERI
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
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Departamento de Obras Civiles, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago, Chile
Jorge Ruiz-García
Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México
Omar Payán-Serrano
Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, Culiacán, México
Eduardo Miranda, M.EERI
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USAPablo Heresi, Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 3939, San Joaquín, Santiago, 8940572, Chile. Email: [email protected]
Publisher: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
12 Jun 2020
16 Jun 2020
First Online:
28 May 2021
Online ISSN: 1944-8201
Print ISSN: 8755-2930
© The Author(s) 2020
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Earthquake Spectra (2020) 36 (2_suppl): 62–82.
Article history
12 Jun 2020
16 Jun 2020
First Online:
28 May 2021
Pablo Heresi, Jorge Ruiz-García, Omar Payán-Serrano, Eduardo Miranda; Observations of Rayleigh waves in Mexico City Valley during the 19 September 2017 Puebla–Morelos, Mexico earthquake. Earthquake Spectra 2020;; 36 (2_suppl): 62–82. doi:
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