This paper presents a revised method for estimating the seismic intensity (MMI or MSK scale) using Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) of ground acceleration. The improvement of the recently proposed technique (Sokolov and Chernov 1998) has been made on the basis of the data, which were obtained recently during strong earthquakes that occurred throughout the world. The total amount of the used data (horizontal components of ground-motion recordings) is about 1,150 records, while the database of 300 recordings was used in the previous study. The method implies that the seismic intensity is determined by the level of ground motion spectral amplitudes in the frequency range of 0.4–13 Hz. The corresponding empirical relationships between FAS and each intensity level were developed. The method is validated by comparison of the results of the technique application with the empirical data, which have not been included in the database. The Romanian earthquakes (intermediate-depth events of 1977, 1986, and 1990) and the recent 1999 Hector Mine earthquake in southern California were used for this purpose. In general, the FAS intensity shows a good agreement with the reported intensity, and the average residuals do not exceed ±0.3 intensity units and standard deviation is about 0.4-0.6. Evaluation of seismic intensity distribution using region- and site-dependent spectral models, as well as calculation of instrumental intensity map for the recent 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan, show that the FAS intensity clearly reflects the regional (source scaling and attenuation relation) and local (soil response) peculiarities of ground motion.

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