For performance evaluation of buildings and structures, synthetic uniform hazard (10% and 2% in 50 years) ground motions are generated for Memphis, Tennessee, St. Louis, Missouri, and Carbondale, Illinois. The method of simulation is based on the latest regional seismic information and stochastic ground motion models. Both point-source model and finite-fault model are used and the effects of soil profile are considered. The emphasis is on treatment of uncertainty and efficiency in application to evaluation of structural performance in both the linear and nonlinear range. The results show that the uniform hazard response spectra calculated from the simulated motions are comparable to those corresponding to USGS hazard maps. The suites of ten ground motions selected to match the uniform hazard response spectra represent events of different magnitudes, distances, and attenuation. The median value of the structural response to the selected ground motions matches closely the uniform hazard linear and nonlinear response spectra based on nine thousand ground motions and has a coefficient of variation of less than 10%. The suites of uniform hazard ground motions therefore can be used in probabilistic performance evaluation with good accuracy and efficiency.
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Research Article|
May 01, 2001
Uniform Hazard Ground Motions for Mid-America Cities
Y. K. Wen;
Y. K. Wen
Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 205 N. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801
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C. L. Wu, Student M.EERI
C. L. Wu, Student M.EERI
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, 200, Sec.3, Hsinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
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Y. K. Wen
Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 205 N. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801
C. L. Wu, Student M.EERI
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, 200, Sec.3, Hsinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
Publisher: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
First Online:
01 Jun 2020
Online ISSN: 1944-8201
Print ISSN: 8755-2930
© 2001 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Earthquake Spectra (2001) 17 (2): 359–384.
Article history
First Online:
01 Jun 2020
Y. K. Wen, C. L. Wu; Uniform Hazard Ground Motions for Mid-America Cities. Earthquake Spectra 2001;; 17 (2): 359–384. doi:
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Index Terms/Descriptors
- bedrock
- body waves
- boreholes
- Carbondale Illinois
- earthquakes
- elastic waves
- epicenters
- fault planes
- faults
- geologic hazards
- ground motion
- Illinois
- Jackson County Illinois
- magnitude
- Memphis Tennessee
- Mississippi Embayment
- Missouri
- natural hazards
- New Madrid earthquakes 1811-1812
- New Madrid region
- probability
- recurrence interval
- risk assessment
- S-waves
- Saint Louis County Missouri
- Saint Louis Missouri
- seismic waves
- seismic zoning
- seismicity
- Shelby County Tennessee
- soil profiles
- soils
- statistical analysis
- Tennessee
- United States
- urban environment
- wave amplification
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