Urban geophysics ups the ante in the world of applied geophysics, which requires innovative thinking and seemingly off-the-wall approaches, if for no other reason than the settings. Ambient-noise-tomography (ANT) can play a pivotal role in yielding subsurfa2ce information in urban areas, which is capable of dealing with challenges related to these scenarios (e.g., human activities and low signal-to-noise ratio). In this study, the ANT was conducted to investigate the near-surface shear-velocity structure in the surrounding area of the Baotu Spring Park in downtown Jinan, Shandong Province, China. Quiet clear Rayleigh waves have been obtained by the cross-correlation, which indicates that strong human activities, such as moving vehicles and municipal engineering constructions, can produce approximately isotropic distribution of noise sources for high-frequency signals. The direct surface-wave tomographic method with period-dependent ray-tracing was used to invert all surface-wave dispersion data in the period band 0.2-1.5 s simultaneously for 3D variations of shear-velocity (Vs) structure. Our results show a good correspondence to the geological features with thinner Quaternary sediments, the geological structural characteristic of the limestone surrounded by the igneous which has the highest velocity than that of the limestone in the study area, and several concealed faults of which specific location has been detected at depth. The results demonstrate that it is possible to successfully use ANT with high-frequency signal in an urban environment provided a detailed planning and execution is implemented.