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Volume 118, Number 8
December 2023

ISSN: 0361-0128
EISSN: 1554-0774
Decoupling of Sulfur Isotope Signatures from Platinum Group Elements in Komatiite-Hosted Ore Systems: Evidence from the Mount Keith MKD5 Ni-(Co-Cu) Deposit, Western Australia
Anne B. Virnes; Marco L. Fiorentini; Stephen J. Barnes; Stefano Caruso; Laure A.J. Martin; Matvei Aleshin; Louise E. Schoneveld; Malcolm P. Roberts; Quentin Masurel; Nicolas Thebaud
Scientific Communications
Interesting Papers in Other Journals
Cover Image
Cover Image
On the cover: Simplified mass-independent fractionation of S (MIF-S) isotope systematics in the Archean ozone-free atmosphere. Modified from Bekker et al. (2009) and Fiorentini et al. (2012b). BIF = banded iron formation, UV = ultraviolet, VMS = volcanogenic massive sulfide. The geology and ore deposits of the Mount Keith region are described in the paper by Virnes et al. in this issue.
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