Assemblages with muscovite+quartz show a regular increase in grade from the Chlorite Zone at the base of the Lycian Nappe Complex to the Garnet Zone within the structurally underlying Menderes Massif. Biotite enters before garnet, which precedes oligoclase. Garnet-bearing assemblages in pelites are compared with those in re-equilibrated quartzofeldspathic gneisses, where garnet is unusually calcic (in one case approaching Gross 50 Alm 50 ). Garnet zoning, with Mn decreasing outwards, is interpreted as growth zoning; Ca decreases outwards in pelite garnets but shows the reverse effect in the gneisses. Chloritoid is common but rarely coexists with biotite, and garnet+chlorite+paragonite is found rather than chloritoid+albite. Garnet-biotite geothermometry, corrected for the effect of Ca in garnets with up to 29 mole% grossular, indicates temperatures of 530+ or -50 degrees C near the garnet isograd. Muscovite-paragonite geothermometry gives an anomalous result. Metamorphic pressure is considered in the light of (i) Mn/Fe partition between garnet and biotite, (ii) Ca content of garnet coexisting with plagioclase+muscovite+biotite, (iii) Na in actinolite coexisting with albite+chlorite+magnetite, and (iv) celadonite content of muscovite which, however, shows variation due to disequilibrium within a specimen and does not provide an accurate geobarometer. Comparisons with published studies indicate a strong similarity to the Barrovian Dalradian of Scotland and lead to a tentative pressure estimate of approximately 5 kbar.--Modified journal abstract.