High-precision SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating yields a late Palaeoarchaean age (3290 ± 8.6 Ma) for a large, unmetamorphosed, weakly peraluminous TTG body (the Keonjhargarh–Bhaunra pluton) in the Singhbhum craton of eastern India. One inherited subhedral zircon grain gave a concordant age of 3495.9 ± 5.3 Ma and Nd isotope characteristics show a juvenile trend with εNdt ~ 0 and TDM 3395–3453 Ma. The data support a model of typical Archaean crustal evolution until late Palaeoarchaean times for the Singhbhum craton, which is in contrast to the more southerly Bastar craton where Palaeoarchaean non-TTG granites have been identified. These data demonstrate the diachronous development of continental crustal blocks now forming the basement of the eastern and central peninsular of India.

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