Paleomagnetic results and a U–Pb baddeleyite age from the Silurian Mavillette gabbroic sill in southwest Nova Scotia, Canada, provide new evidence about the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Meguma terrane. The Mavillette gabbro sill intruded ca. 440–430 Myr old bimodal rift-related metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the White Rock Formation in the Silurian–Devonian Rockville Notch Group. The 426.4 ± 2.0 Ma Mavillette gabbro age is notably younger than the ca. 440 Ma magmatism, but is part of a geochemically defined suite of within-plate sills and volcanic rocks of the Rockville Notch Group with ages as young as Early Devonian. Paleomagnetic investigation of 13 sites distributed along the Neoacadian (ca. 390 Ma) synclinal limbs of the Mavillette sill reveal magnetization directions that fail a fold test and therefore postdate Silurian emplacement of the gabbro. The post-folding remanence has a mean direction of D = 153.4, I = 17.1°; α95 = 6.5° (n = 12 sites), with corresponding paleopole 31.9 °S, 325.2 E; dp = 3.5°, dm = 6.7° that resembles a pervasive late Carboniferous Kiaman overprint magnetization in North America, but is rotated significantly 22.2° ± 8.1° counter-clockwise (CCW). Mavillette remanence acquisition likely occurred in concert with fluid mobilization related to Alleghanian deformation, recorded locally by ca. 320 Ma muscovite 40Ar–39Ar ages. Previously published paleomagnetic results from the Meguma terrane also have Carboniferous remanence directions with similar ∼24° CCW discordance. The regional CCW rotation of the southwest Meguma terrane post-dates this ca. 320 Ma tectonothermal remanence acquisition event, likely recording the development of an oroclinal bend of the Meguma terrane during the Alleghanian orogeny.
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September 15, 2020
Meguma terrane orocline: U–Pb age and paleomagnetism of the Silurian Mavillette gabbro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Halima S. Warsame;
Western Paleomagnetic & Petrophysical Laboratory, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.b
Department of Earth Sciences, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.Corresponding author: Halima S. Warsame (email: [email protected]).
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Phil J.A. McCausland;
Phil J.A. McCausland
Western Paleomagnetic & Petrophysical Laboratory, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.b
Department of Earth Sciences, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.
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Chris E. White;
Chris E. White
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Halifax, NS B3J 2T9, Canada.
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Sandra M. Barr;
Sandra M. Barr
Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6, Canada.
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Gregory R. Dunning;
Gregory R. Dunning
Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL A1B 3X5, Canada.
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John W.F. Waldron
John W.F. Waldron
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Canada.
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Western Paleomagnetic & Petrophysical Laboratory, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.b
Department of Earth Sciences, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.
Phil J.A. McCausland
Western Paleomagnetic & Petrophysical Laboratory, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.b
Department of Earth Sciences, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.
Chris E. White
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Halifax, NS B3J 2T9, Canada.
Sandra M. Barr
Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6, Canada.
Gregory R. Dunning
Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL A1B 3X5, Canada.
John W.F. Waldron
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Canada.Corresponding author: Halima S. Warsame (email: [email protected]).
Publisher: Canadian Science Publishing
13 May 2020
28 Jul 2020
First Online:
21 Apr 2021
Online ISSN: 1480-3313
Print ISSN: 0008-4077
Published by NRC Research Press
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2021) 58 (4): 315–331.
Article history
13 May 2020
28 Jul 2020
First Online:
21 Apr 2021
Halima S. Warsame, Phil J.A. McCausland, Chris E. White, Sandra M. Barr, Gregory R. Dunning, John W.F. Waldron; Meguma terrane orocline: U–Pb age and paleomagnetism of the Silurian Mavillette gabbro, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 2020;; 58 (4): 315–331. doi:
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- absolute age
- accretion
- baddeleyite
- Canada
- demagnetization
- Eastern Canada
- gabbros
- igneous rocks
- intrusions
- magmatism
- magnetic properties
- magnetic susceptibility
- Maritime Provinces
- Meguma Terrane
- Nova Scotia
- oroclines
- orogenic belts
- oxides
- paleomagnetism
- Paleozoic
- plutonic rocks
- pole positions
- sills
- Silurian
- terranes
- U/Pb
- Upper Silurian
- Yarmouth County Nova Scotia
- Mavillette Sill
- Mavillette Gabbro
- Mavillette Nova Scotia
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