A partial ornithischian dinosaur skeleton discovered near the Sustut River in 1971 has, to date, represented the only vertebrate fossil remains recovered from the Sustut Basin in northern British Columbia, Canada, but the geological provenance and age of this specimen has remained unclear. We provide new data on the age of this dinosaur specimen based on reconnaissance palaeontological prospecting along the Sustut River, and also report new vertebrate and plant fossils from this region. A skeletal fragment of a species of the turtle Basilemys Hay, 1902 was discovered at a site closely matching field notes describing the initial collection of the ornithischian dinosaur, suggesting that the new turtle fossil derives from the same locality as the dinosaur. Palynomorphs collected from this site include the marker taxon Pseudoaquilapollenites bertillonites (Sriv.), found in the lower Hell Creek Formation, and suggesting an age range of between 68.2 and 67.2 Ma for the locality. To the west of this locality we discovered multiple new fossil plant sites preserving wood and the leaves of Metasequoia Miki and several angiosperms, and one site preserved fronds resembling a species of the tree fern Coniopteris Brong., suggesting a Cenomanian or older age for sites in the area. The complex translational history of the Intermontane Terrane means that the newly discovered turtle may not represent a northern range extension for Basilemys, but it does represent one of the westernmost occurrences of this genus. The discovery of new vertebrate fossil remains in a region with relatively little accessible outcrop at present indicates the potential for future discoveries in the higher elevation outcrops of the Sustut Basin in this mountainous region of British Columbia.

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