This paper analyzes short gravity cores sampled along transects in three adjacent deep fjord-lakes (lakes Pentecôte, Walker, and Pasteur) on the Québec North Shore, eastern Canada, to evaluate the distribution of laminated sediments and potential for varve formation. Facies analysis based on lithological description, digital photos, CT-scan images, and bathymetric data allowed for the identification of four main sediment facies, namely laminated sediments, partially laminated sediments, bioturbated sediments, and massive sediments. Direct evidence that Lake Walker undergoes thermal stratification was monitored from 2014 to 2016. Mean sedimentation rates and sedimentation fluxes of postglacial sediments in the distal basin of the three studied lakes are ≤0.12 cm a−1 and 0.03–0.16 g cm−2 a−1, respectively, based on 210Pb, 137Cs, and AMS radiocarbon dating. On the basis of thin section image analysis and 210Pb (CIC) chronology model, Lake Pentecôte contains mainly massive, partially laminated sediments, while Lake Pasteur contains partially laminated sediments and non-annual varve-like sediments. However, Lake Walker contains laminated sediments that are likely varves. The increased potential for laminae preservation observed in Lake Walker compared to lakes Pentecôte and Pasteur is associated with more favourable morphological characteristics including higher relative depth, mean depth, maximum depth, and topographic exposure.

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