The Early Devonian graptolite fauna of the Arctic Islands comprises the highest species content (17 species) in the world. In spite of this richness, no new species have been recognized; instead already-existing species, scattered around the then-known continents, suggest that relatively complete cosmopolitanism held sway for graptolites. Canadian Arctic biozonation is very similar to schemes elsewhere, consisting of the uniformis and hercynicus biozones in the Lochkovian, falcarius in the lower Pragian, and an expanded yukonensis Biozone in the upper Pragian and the lower Emsian. Three genera and 17 species are recognized: “Monograptus” (microdon cf. microdon, microdon curvatus); Neomonograptus (cf. atopus, aequabilis, bardoensis, falcarius, notoaequabilis); and Uncinatograptus (birchensis, craigensis, hercynicus, langgunensis, parangustidens, subhercynicus, telleri, thomasi, uniformis, yukonensis).