The Charlevoix area, which is host to an impact structure of Devonian age, straddles the boundaries among crystalline rocks of the Grenville Province, the Cambrian–Ordovician sedimentary succession of the St. Lawrence Platform, and accreted units of the Appalachian orogen. The area features well-developed supracrustal fault systems attributed to impact cratering. A major fault system oriented from northeast to northwest consists of normal faults marked by cataclastic and gouge breccias and, less frequently, by pseudotachylyte. Detailed mapping of faults both within and outside the Charlevoix impact crater suggests that brittle faulting occurred both before and after impact cratering. Polymictic fault breccias occurring along some supracrustal faults are the clearest evidence of impact-related fault rocks in the Charlevoix area. The St-Laurent fault, trending to the northeast, represents a major structure interpreted as being related to Late Proterozoic – early Paleozoic rifting of the Iapetus Ocean. However, the St-Laurent fault crosses the Charlevoix impact crater without major deflection, suggesting post-impact reactivation. The fault systems in the Charlevoix area are interpreted to be pre-impact structures related to the opening of the Iapetus Ocean, most of which have also been reactivated during the Devonian cratering event and in post-impact time, the latter most likely coeval with the Atlantic Ocean rifting in Mesozoic time.

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