The Lac Nominingue – Mont-Laurier region of the Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province of Quebec, comprises the granulite-facies Bondy gneiss complex (core of the Bondy gneiss dome) and overlying Sourd group metasedimentary rocks. A metamorphic foliation – transposed compositional layering (S1; host to peak-pressure parageneses) has been folded by isoclinal folds (F2 and F3) crosscut by leucosomes that host peak-temperature assemblages. The orthopyroxene isograd cuts obliquely across F3 folds, indicating that 1.20–1.18 Ga granulite-facies metamorphism post-dated D3. D3 structures are cut by ductile shear zones and boudinaged in D4 and are folded by regional-scale, open, upright north–south folds (F5). Folds with shallowly dipping axial surfaces (F6) are subsequently developed in the Sourd group. F5 (and probably F6) developed prior to intrusion of the ca. 1165 Ma Chevreuil suite. In the Nominingue–Chénéville deformation zone (NCDZ) east of the Bondy gneiss dome, Chevreuil intrusions contain north-striking magmatic and tectonic foliations. These, along with host gneisses and metasedimentary rocks, are displaced by conjugate ductile shear zones (northeast dextral and south-southeast sinistral) and north-northeast-striking thrusts. Late open folds (F8) with east-northeast-striking axial surfaces produce dome and basin interference patterns. F2 to F5 folds may have formed during either subhorizontal, east–west contraction or east–west extension resulting from orogenic collapse or convective lithospheric thinning following crustal thickening during terrane assembly in the Elzevirian orogeny. Structures in the NCDZ imply ESE–WNW contraction and NNE–SSW (orogen-parallel) extension in D7 syn- to post-intrusion of the Chevreuil suite. F8 folds imply a late, Grenvillian SSE–NNW contraction.