The Aubry pegmatites are located on the Seymour Lake property, 15 km north of Lake Nipigon in northwestern Ontario. The property lies within the Caribou Lake-Marshall Lake greenstone belt along the English River-Wabigoon subprovince boundary of the Superior province of the Canadian Shield. The property was optioned in March 2001 by Linear Resources (now Linear Gold Corp.), who carried out gridding, prospecting, geological mapping, soil and lithogeochemical sampling, trenching, channel sampling, and a total of 1,866 m of diamond drilling in 32 holes. The Aubry pegmatites are classified by Breaks et al. (2003) as complex type, spodumene-subtype, lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatites (Černý, 1989). These pegmatites generally form under high-pressure–low-temperature conditions, display complex internal zoning, have relatively low Nb/Ta ratios in the ore-forming assemblages, and contain significantly elevated tantalum values (Černý, 1989). Other examples of spodumene-subtype pegmatites include the formerly producing Hugo pegmatite in South Dakota, and the currently producing Greenbushes pegmatite in Australia. The Aubry pegmatites occur as an undulating system of stacked sheets that dip moderately to steeply eastward over a 1-km strike length. The main portion of the North Aubry pegmatite ranges in true thickness from 10 to 28 m over a strike length of 125 m, whereas the thickest portion of the South Aubry has an estimated true thickness of 15 to 16 m over a minimum strike length of 95 m. The North Aubry pegmatite remains open downdip and along strike to the north, whereas the South Aubry pegmatite remains open downdip and along strike in both directions. The Aubry pegmatites are among the most highly evolved in Ontario, with the southern end of the North Aubry (trench 5/6 area) being the most highly fractionated (Breaks et al., 2002). Channel samples from the trench NA-5 area of the North Aubry pegmatite produced values up to 2.49 wt.% Ta2O5 over 4 m. Coarse manganotantalite crystals, up to 5 cm in diameter, from this trench contain up to 84.9 wt.% Ta2O5 (Breaks et al., 2002). Drill hole SL02-31 in the trench NA-6 area gave values of 0.046 wt.% Ta2O5 over 17.7 m, including 1 m @ 0.464 wt.% Ta2O5. Further exploration will focus on defining the grade of the North Aubry zone, extending and defining both known pegmatites, and identifying additional Ta-rich zones within them. Lithogeochemical and enzyme leach soil geochemical data suggest the presence of multiple undiscovered pegmatites on the property.

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