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Volume 194, Number 1
ISSN: 0037-9409
EISSN: 1777-5817
Long-term evolution of a carbonate reservoir submitted to fresh, saline and thermal waters interactions – Jurassic carbonates in the coastal area of the Gulf of Lion margin (southern Fran...
Florian Widhen; Michel Séranne; Grégory Ballas; Pierre Labaume; Erwan Le-Ber; Philippe Pezard; Flavia Girard; Claudine Lamotte; Bernard Ladouche
A tectonic model for the juxtaposition of granulite- and amphibolite-facies rocks in the Eburnean orogenic belt (Sassandra-Cavally domain, Côte d’Ivoire)
Augustin Yao Koffi; Lenka Baratoux; Pavel Pitra; Alain Nicaise Kouamelan; Olivier Vanderhaeghe; Nicolas Thébaud; Olivier Bruguier; Sylvain Block; Hervé Jean-Luc Fossou Kouadio; Jacques Kone
Questioning carbonate facies model definition with reference to the Lower Cretaceous Urgonian platform (SE France Basin)
Julien Michel; Cyprien Lanteaume; Gérard Massonnat; Jean Borgomano; Anthony J.-B. Tendil; Fanny Bastide; Camille Frau; Philippe Léonide; Michel Rebelle; Mickael Barbier; Charles Danquigny; Jean-Paul Rolando
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