Excursions in Geology and History: Field Trips in the Middle Atlantic States
The 2006 GSA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia provided a unique venue for the geologic and historic exploration of the Middle Atlantic States. Excursions into Geology and History is a collection of 13 papers and accompanying field guides that explores topics ranging from fossil plants of the Pennsylvania Anthracite basins, to the use of slate as a building stone, to the structural geology of Appalachian orogen transects, to coal basin mine fires, to the geological influences on the outcome of the Civil War battle at Gettysburg, America’s most hallowed ground. The book will prove to be a valuable educational resource for geologists and historians alike.
Along-strike changes in fold-thrust belt architecture: Examples from the Hudson Valley, New York
Published:January 01, 2006
The Hudson Valley fold-thrust belt of eastern New York State involves a relatively thin sequence of shallow-marine Silurian and Lower Devonian strata. Because of the thinness of this sequence, structures of the belt are relatively small. Thus, first-order ramps and flats, and fault-related folds can be seen in their entirety at a single roadcut. A field trip in the southern half of the Hudson Valley fold-thrust belt, from the latitude of Catskill to the latitude of Rosendale, provides an opportunity to see many examples of these structures, and to discuss the three-dimensional architecture of fold-thrust belts in an orocline. In particular, we will see how along-strike changes in stratigraphy affect fold wavelength and the depth of detachment horizons. The trip also provides the opportunity to examine the relationship between mesoscopic structures (e.g., solution cleavage and veining) and first-order structures.
- Acadian Phase
- Allegheny Group
- Appalachians
- Carboniferous
- Catskill Mountains
- cleavage
- Devonian
- field trips
- fold and thrust belts
- foliation
- guidebook
- Hudson Valley
- Lower Devonian
- Middle Pennsylvanian
- New York
- North America
- oroclines
- orogenic belts
- Paleozoic
- Pennsylvanian
- road log
- sequence stratigraphy
- Silurian
- strike
- structural analysis
- Ulster County New York
- United States