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The Pennsylvanian-age Tensleep Formation in south-central Wyoming is comprised of repeated limestones, sandy limestones, and sandstones. Strata of these varied lithologic units are folded over Beer Mug Anticline and cut by numerous intersecting fractures. The anticline, with a near-vertical forelimb and backlimb dip up to 50 degrees, provides an ideal analog for fracture systems in tightly folded Paleozoic hydrocarbon reservoirs. Fracture type and degree of development vary systematically with lithology, structural position, and degree of folding. Fracturing is most intense towards the core of the anticline, which locally consists of folding. Fracturing is most intense towards the core of the anticline, which locally consists of brecciated, oil-stained rock with large-scale vuggy porosity. Most of these strata exhibit inherited (F0) fracture patterns that predate folding, as well as fold-related extension fractures that trend approximately normal (F1) and parallel (F2) to the axis of folding.

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