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The Pliocene San Joaquin Formation is a distinctive subsurface unit in the Midway-Sunset Oil Field that forms a minor reservoir unit (P1.1). Because it does not crop out in the adjacent central Temblor Range to the west (P1.1), conventional core data is critical for informed interpretations of its reservoir character, facies, and depositional systems. Although Santa Fe Energy Resources (SFER) has not intentionally cored the San Joaquin Formation in the oil field to obtain specific information about it, two long continuous cores taken in the 1990’s for detailed studies of the overlying Tulare Formation included the uppermost parts of the San Joaquin Formation. Part of one of these cored wells, the SFER 9000-14 Well (SE/4 SE/4 sec.14, T.31S, R. 22E), is included herein for examination.

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