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In this discussion I make no pretence of covering all the papers that were concerned with sulfide ore deposits but restrict myself to three or four that touch on problems of particular interest to me. The paper by Souch, Podolsky, et al. (this volume) on the ores of the Sudbury district contains much factual information that has an important bearing on the hypotheses that we may propose for the origin and emplacement of the ores. Data from my own recent study (Naldrett and Kullerud, 1966) of the Strathcona Mine point to hypotheses similar to those suggested by the evidence in Souch et al.'s paper. Accordingly, I will first consider the Sudbury ores, touching on problems such as the nature of the Nickel Irruptive and the emplacement of the sulfide ores. Following this I will discuss the papers describing nickel deposits associated with ultramafic rocks.

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