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OBJECTIVE: During Day 2 of the field trip we will examine the stratigraphic architecture of the Kenilworth Member of the Blackhawk Formation and demonstrate how high-frequency cyclicity is expressed in wave-dominated shoreline deposits. Participants will be shown sedimentary facies, parasequence stacking patterns, regional truncation surfaces and lateral changes in depositional environments. Discussion will focus on how these elements are interpreted within a sequence stratigraphic framework.

The Kenilworth Member is Campanian in age (Speiker, 1931; Young, 1957; 1955) and occurs near the middle of the Blackhawk Formation (Fig. 2-1). During the day we will make five stops (Fig. 2-2), beginning approximately half-way along the lateral extent of the Kenilworth exposures. The objective will be to trace the sandstones in a basinward direction, observing sequence stratigraphic and facies relationships.

0.0 Depart Green River, Utah from the parking lot of the West Winds Rodeway Inn Motel and drive west along Main St (Loop 70). Turn west on Interstate 70.

4.3 Tum north on Hwy 6/50 towards Price, Utah. The Kenilworth Member is the lowest cliff-forming sandstone succession exposed on the east side of the highway.

26.9 Pass Price River Canyon access road (Stop 3) on the right-hand side of Hwy 6/50. There is an old abandoned gas station with a blue and red sign that says “Food and Fuel” on the west side of the highway just before the access road.

49.1 - Turn east on Hwy 123 at Sunnyside Junction and drive toward the town of Sunnyside.

59.0 - STOP ONE, A:

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