Pipelines in mountainous terrain often cross alluvial fans formed by steep creek processes of debris flows and debris floods and are thus exposed to their associated hazards. The design of new pipeline infrastructure and maintenance of existing pipelines necessitates steep creek risk assessments and appropriate mitigation design. We present methodology for assessing steep creek risk along pipeline routes that evaluates the probability of such processes causing a pipeline loss of containment or disruption in service. The methodology consists of estimating event frequency, scour potential, and the vulnerability of the pipeline to break if impacted by boulders. The approach can be adapted to other landslide geohazards so that different geohazard locations can be evaluated with a common metric. Steep creek process frequency is estimated based on field observations and review of documented events, historical air photo records, and terrain mapping based on LiDAR-generated topography. Scour potential is estimated based on channel morphology, presence of bedrock, and grain size distribution of channel bed material. Vulnerability is estimated based on flow width and velocity and can be modified for different pipe diameters and wall thicknesses. Mitigation options for buried pipelines include those intended to decrease the likelihood of the pipeline being exposed and to increase the resiliency of the pipeline to boulder or organic debris impacts, if exposed. The methodology presented is embedded in risk-informed decision making where pipeline owners and regulators can define probability thresholds to pipeline exposure or rupture, and pipeline designers can demonstrate that proposed mitigation measures achieve these threshold criteria.

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