Propolis produced by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) over a period of 24 months, in an Atlantic Forest area in the municipality of Entre Rios (Bahia, Brazil), was analysed palynologically. Climate data (precipitation and temperature) for the area were obtained during the same time period. A total of 115 pollen types were found, of which 92 were identified as belonging to 40 plant families and 71 genera. The study recorded the occurrence of pollen types related to resiniferous plant species (i.e. Cecropia, Maytenus, Phyllanthus, Protium heptaphyllum, Schinus terebinthifolius, Spondias tuberosa, Symphonia globulifera and Tapirira guianensis). However, the greatest percentage found was for the Eucalyptus type (60%), which was present in a sample from January 2014. Pollen from resiniferous plants, such as Schinus terebinthifolius and Cecropia spp., were present in most samples. Pollen of Eucalyptus spp. were an important marker of propolis produced in the northern Atlantic Rainforest of Bahia.