This paper is geared toward answering the questions of the small to intermediate-sized oil and gas operator, whom does not have the resources to hire an environmental consultant or manager to handle environmental compliance problems. The paper presupposes no prior understanding or familiarity with the applicable environmental laws or regulations. The main objective is to convey, in very concise format, exactly what an oil and gas producer (onshore and/or offshore) needs to do in order to be in compliance with all current federal and state environmental regulations regarding oil spills. Relevant legislation and regulations contained in and resulting from the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, the Texas Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act, national, regional, area, and state spill contingency plans. and Texas Railroad Commission regulations are briefly reviewed. This legislation and regulations are summarized in a checklist of seven essential requirements for operators to follow in order to comply with all applicable federal regulations and state regulations specific to Texas. Regulations in other states will vary. Texas is utilized here as an example which is representative of most states in the U.S.

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