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The generalized geologic map of Cuba (Figure 54) shows that the island is segmented into eight general areas of pre-upper Eocene outcrops surrounded by relatively undisturbed later Tertiary sediments. Although there are similarities between them, each area has its own stratigraphic and structural characteristics. From northeast to southwest, these areas can generally be grouped as follows: (1) north-central sedimentary terranes: from northern Las Villas to northern Oriente; (2) basic igneous-volcanic terranes: from northern Pinar del Rio to eastern Oriente; and (c) southwestern sedimentary terranes: from Pinar del Rio and Isla de la Juventud to southeastern Oriente.

These areas are complexly deformed structurally and are present-day topographic highs. They are surrounded by a relatively thin and much less disturbed cover of sediments ranging in age from late lower Eocene to Pleistocene. These areas are large-scale, mostly post-Eocene, uplifts.

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