Geothermal energy development and utilization in the United States date back to the pioneer days when thermal waters were developed and used for recreation and bathing purposes. In 1890 a district geothermal space-heating project was initiated in Boise, Idaho, and in 1925 the first electric generation using geothermal fluids was accomplished in The Geysers area of California.
Geothermal energy is being investigated in many areas of the United States with most of the development occurring in the western states. Most of this development is oriented toward small, nonelectric projects such as space heating, greenhouses, and aquaculture, although several larger heating and industrial projects are being considered.
Electric generation using geothermal fluids is being done in California, Utah, and Oregon, with most effort in The Geysers and Imperial Valley areas of California. Considerable exploration and drilling has been done in Nevada for electric-grade geothermal resources, although institutional and economic problems have limited development at this time.