The Goose Creek oil field in Harris County, Texas, first received attention in 1906, when its possibilities as an oil field were recognized by Mr. L. P. Garrett and Mr. Lee Hager, independently of each other. To these gentlemen credit is due for the discovery, although commercial production was not obtained until after much drilling by numerous enterprises. The stratigraphy is characterized by the unconsolidated nature of the sand, gumbos, and shales, which are penetrated in drilling to a depth of 5,000 feet. The structure at Goose Creek is a low dome, with no evidence of any salt core or salt plug such as distinguish most Gulf Coast fields. The field has produced about 50,000,000 barrels of oil from about 1,000 acres, production coming from sands at depths of from 1,000 feet to 4,200 feet. Recent subsidence of the surface over the producing area is explained by the removal of oil, gas, water, and sand, which permits a closer orientation of the sand grains in the producing horizons.

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