CSD District 20 includes the states of Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Drilling activity increased in 3 of the 5 states in 1982. Overall, 11, 160 well were reported as completed, up just 1.3% from 1981. However, exploratory completions dropped 19.3%, and footage drilled (34,124,966 ft) was down 6.5%. Total gas production for the district (417,267,393 mcf) decreased 4.0%, but oil production (21,612,296 bbl) increased 8.5%.
For the first time in 12 years, no wells were drilled or applications filed to drill wells in Maryland. In addition, most of the producing gas wells were shut in for an extended period, resulting in a lower production figure relative to 1981.
Drilling operations in Ohio decreased 15.1% from the record-setting previous year but still reached the second highest level of activity ever. Footage drilled also decreased 18.6%. Drilling in Ohio continued to be dominated by shallow wells (average depth, 3,448 ft), mostly to the Lower Silurian Clinton-Medina section (71% of all wells). Successful completions were predominantly oil and gas combination wells (62.5% of all new producers), and success rates were high (92.9%). However, exploration activity was low, with only 6.1% of all new wells classified as exploratory tests. Oil production increased 7.5%, whereas gas production decreased 1.9% from 1981.
Pennsylvania’s drilling activity again increased rather significantly (18.9%) compared with 1981. Total footage drilled also increased 5.5%. However, exploratory drilling decreased 47.2%, exploratory footage dropped 48.2%, and seismic activity went down 37.9%. The average depth of new wells was 2,250 ft as Pennsylvania activity again was characterized by shallow drilling for both oil (55.5% of all new producing wells) and gas. Success rates were very high, not only for all wells (97.3%), but also for exploratory wells (84.1%) and deep wells (97.6%). Deep drilling (Middle Devonian Tully Limestone or equivalent) increased 7.1% and was concentrated in northwestern Pennsylvania, where Lower Silurian Medina Group reservoirs were the prime targets. Shallow drilling increased 21.5% and was dominated by the development of oil pools in the Upper Devonian Venango Group and gas pools in the Upper Devonian Bradford Group. Exploration activity was concentrated in these groups as well, in addition to deeper pool tests to the Upper Devonian Elk Group in established fields. Oil production increased 14.8%, hut gas production decreased 1.1%.
Drilling activity in Virginia increased dramatically (233.3%) during 1982. Footage drilled also increased significantly (199.5%). Exploratory completions increased from just 2 in 1981 to 30 in 1982, of which 12 were successful (40.0%). Overall, 75.0% of new completions were successful. Two-thirds of the successful development completions were gas wells in various Mississippian or Devonian shale reservoirs. The other one-third was completed as oil wells in older units, either Silurian Clinch Sandstone or Ordovician Reedsville Shale and Trenton Limestone. Gas also was discovered in the Clinch and Trenton, but most exploratory successes were in younger Mississippian or Devonian formations. Development drilling averaged 4,173 ft/well, and exploratory drilling averaged 4,707 ft/well. Oil production increased greatly (273.2%), but gas production decreased (22.7%).
Total well completions in West Virginia increased 4.6% and total footage drilled increased 8.5%. Exploratory drilling, however, decreased 4.8% (with a success rate of 67.2%) with the main emphasis remaining on the Upper Devonian Chemung or Brallier sandstones or laterally equivalent shales along the Burning Springs anticline. West Virginia continued to be predominantly a gas-producing area (in contrast to Ohio and Pennsylvania), as 84.3% of all new producers were gas wells. Deep drilling (Middle Devonian Onondaga Limestone or equivalent) increased 63.1%, but success rates were nowhere near West Virginia’s overall 92.9% norm. Seismic activity decreased 23.2%. Oil production increased 2.9%, but gas production decreased 6.9%, reflecting the trend in all Appalachian producing states.