AAPG Bull., V. 66, no. 3 (March 1982), “New Upper Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic Stratigraphic Units, Central and Western Brooks Range, Alaska,” by C. G. Mull, 1. L. Tailleur, C. F. Mayfield, Inyo EUersieck, and S. Curtis, p. 360, second column, under “Age”:
(1) in both paragraphs, pectanacid should be pectinacid.
(2) in second paragraph, Monotis (Eomonotis) ochotica pachypleura should be Monotis (Entomonotis) ochotica pachypleura; Monotis (Eomonotis) ochotica ochotica should be Monotis (Entomonotis) ochotica ochotica; and Monotis (Entomonotis) typica should be Monotis (Eomonotis) typica.
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