Preliminary estimates indicate that Kansas increased its oil production in 1979 by a small margin of 0.7% over 1978, the first increase since 1956. Natural gas production is estimated to be down a slight 6.6%. Total number of wells drilled was 4,306, which is about the same as last year’s 4,322. Total footage amounted to 14,546,356, compared to 14,479,279 in 1978. of the total footage drilled, 14,291,282 was for oil and gas production and the remaining 255,064 was in 70 miscellaneous tests. Approximately 73% of the tests were development holes (10,125,231 ft) and 25% were exploratory tests (4,166,051 ft). Average depth of an exploratory test was 3,865 ft in 1979 compared to 3,206 ft for the average depth of a development well. The success rate among all exploratory wells was 21.5%; among development wells it was 63.8%. The overall success rate for tests drilled for oil and gas was 53%.

Drilling nearly doubled in Missouri in 1979 with 81 completions reported. Most of the activity continued to be in the westernmost counties of the state. Total footage drilled was 19,783: 15 exploratory wells (5,271 ft), 50 development wells (10,162 ft), and 16 miscellaneous holes (4,350 ft). The average test was 244 ft deep.

Drilling activity in Nebraska increased 15.23% with 453 completions.

No drilling activities were reported in Iowa, Wisconsin, or Minnesota.

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