In Kansas, discoveries were up 27%, from 126 to 160 wells in 1978. The heaviest concentration of drilling was in the same areas as in recent years, but there were indications of more rank-wildcat activity. Total footage drilled was up 13.8% from 12,727,382 to 14,479,279 ft in 1978. Of the total footage drilled, 12,406,941 ft was for oil and gas production and the remainder, 320,441 ft, was in 44 stratigraphic and miscellaneous tests. Approximately 74% of the tests were development holes (10,036,354 ft drilled) and 26% were exploratory tests (4,200,471 ft drilled). The average depth of an exploratory test was 4,170 ft compared to 3,102 ft for an average development well.
Drilling was down 9% in Missouri with 49 completions compared to 54 in 1977. Total footage drilled was 16,702: 7 exploratory tests (4,485 ft), 25 development holes (6,631 ft), and 17 stratigraphic and miscellaneous tests (5,585 ft). The average test was 304 ft deep. Except for 1 deep stratigraphic test drilled by the U.S. Geological Survey for seismic evaluation, drilling was confined to the western border of the state.
Drilling activity in Nebraska decreased 6.8% with 384 completions.
No drilling activities were reported in Iowa, Wisconsin, or Minnesota.