The Pennsylvanian upper Morrow fan delta chert conglomerates are located in the Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma parts of the Anadarko basin. The source area for these chert conglomerates was the Amarillo-Wichita Mountain complex where erosion of cherty limestones and dolomites of Mississippian age occurred. The presence of these chert conglomerates in the upper Morrow sequence precisely defines a time of uplift and erosion of the highlands not previously recorded and therefore provides a new time-stratigraphic marker for the Morrow. Unusually high porosity and permeability in the chert conglomerates at depths greater than 15,000 ft (4,572 m) in a reservoir which may contain a billion cubic feet of gas per net foot of porosity are adequate incentives and justification for deeper drilling in the basins. Successful efforts in the search for these stratigraphic traps have resulted at Shreikey, Buffalo Wallow, Viking, Cheyenne, Elk City, and other fields.