Thirty-eight parishes constitute the South Louisiana Onshore District.

A total of 1,087 wells was drilled in the district during 1977. The breakdown shows that 207 wildcats were drilled with a producer to dry ratio of 1/10.5; 229 exploratory wells were drilled with a producer to dry ratio of 1/1.9, and 651 development wells were drilled with a producer to dry ratio of 1.6/1. The success rate for wildcats was 8.7%, for exploratory wells 33%, and for development wells 62%.

Eighteen new discoveries were made in 1977, compared with 9 discoveries during 1976; the 1977 figure perhaps signals a return to the level of success in 1975 when 19 new discoveries were made.

Geophysical activity onshore totaled 1,128 crew-weeks, an increase of 241 crew-weeks over 1976.

Total leasing activity in 1977 was 1,599,655 acres, a decrease from the level of 1976 when 1,754,660 acres were leased.

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