The CSD District 20 report includes Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
In Maryland 3 wells were drilled in the Accident field during the year, one of which reached the Juniata Formation. Total new footage drilled was 27,244.
In Ohio 1,502 new wells were drilled in 1973. Of these, 759 were gas wells, 145 oil wells, 432 combination wells, and 166 dry holes. Of the new wells drilled 169 were exploratory wells. A total of 1,342 wells was drilled to the Silurian Clinton-Medina sandstone; 1,230 were productive. The 1973 oil production had a value of $44,690,005 and the gas produced was valued at $39,785,900. Total new footage drilled was 6,302,028.
Pennsylvania’s drilling activity increased in 1973 over 1972 by 50% in exploratory drilling and 20% in development drilling. The number of gas wells drilled increased 62%, or from 297 wells in 1972 to 482 wells in 1973. Oil-well drilling remained about the same as 1972 with 516 wells being drilled. A total of 1,054 new wells was drilled and 45 wells were deepened. Crude oil production decreased 5% and gas production increased 6% over that of 1972. There were 23 gas discoveries in 1973, a high for the Commonwealth over the past several years. Seismic activity was down from 263 crew-weeks in 1972 to 161 crew-weeks in 1973. Footage drilled in new and deepened wells was 2,633,999 and in gas storage wells 55,455 for a total of 2,689,454.
In Virginia 18 wells were drilling during the year; 15 of them were gas wells. Total footage drilled was 86,485.
West Virginia had an increase of 16.7% in total well completions from 1972 to 1973. However, the deep well completions decreased 32.8%. For the second time in recent years the Newburg was not the main deep-drilling target, as Newburg completions decreased 48.1% from the previous year. However, exploratory drilling increased 8.4%. Oil-well completions increased 147.6%. Both oil and gas production declined slightly during the year. Total footage drilled was 2,316,094.