Paleontologic evidence suggests that the Pamirian beds of central Asia are of post-Guadalupian and pre-Dzhulfian age, and that they correlate closely with the Abadeh Formation. The time interval corresponding to this formation is the Abadehian Stage.
Paleontologic evidence also suggests that the upper part of the Nesen Formation in the central Alborz, which was assumed to be of Dzhulfian age, is of Abadehian age and correlates closely with the Abadeh Formation.
A correlation also is attempted between the uppermost Permian sections of the Abadeh, Julfa, and South China regions. The rock sequence equivalent to the Changhsing Formation of South China is present in the Julfa and Abadeh regions.
A new time scale for the Upper Permian also is proposed. It is based mainly on the observations in the Abadeh region.