In 1968, the total number of wells drilled decreased throughout the Arkansas, North Louisiana, and East Texas districts. Arkansas had the largest decrease, 20.3%, followed by Louisiana with 16.8%, and East Texas with 5.5%. Decline in drilling activity can be attributed entirely to a decrease in development drilling. Exploratory drilling increased slightly over 1967 in all 3 districts.
In Arkansas, most of the 1968 exploratory and development effort was centered in Union County, the state’s oldest producing area. Exploratory drilling for Jurassic-Cotton Valley and Smackover production in East Texas accounted for 9 new-field or new-pool discoveries. Major exploratory effort in North Louisiana continued to be concentrated in the Wilcox producing area.
Seismic activity increased throughout all 3 districts, indicating a renewed interest in Jurassic-Cotton Valley and Smackover exploration.
The forecast for 1969 is that exploratory drilling will continue at about the 1968 level in all districts. In East Texas, exploratory effort in the Jurassic-Smackover will continue to be active. Recent success in Smackover development and exploratory drilling in South Arkansas and North Louisiana should result in an increase in drilling activity in the Smackover producing trend.