Total drilling in South Texas decreased 24.4% from 2,029 wells in 1967 to 1,532 wells in 1968. Exploratory drilling for the year was 22.8% successful, an increase of 6.4% over 1967.

Seismic activity decreased in all trends except the Jurassic-Cretaceous and offshore trends which increased slightly. No gravity exploration was reported in 1968. Total geophysical activity decreased 21%.

Only 1 Jurassic test was drilled. At the year end, several deep tests in the Paleozoic trend were drilling. Exploratory drilling for the Sligo Formation (Cretaceous) continued but was unsuccessful.

Wilcox discoveries of interest were in the shallow updip trend and the deep lower Wilcox. Exploration continued in the deep upper Wilcox.

Most prolific discoveries of the area appear to be 2 new Frio (multiple pay) fields in Jackson County. Two other deep Frio discoveries and 1 Vicksburg gas discovery are significant.

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