In the Oriskany gas sand area 22 wells were completed or drilling at the end of 1948 as compared with 27 in 1947. Fourteen of these wells were failures and 6 were in storage fields. There were no new discoveries. Total Oriskany gas produced was 2,185,102 MCF. Figure 1 shows Oriskany fields and drilling during 1948. Table I shows well records. Medina gas fields had 21 wells drilled during the year. Total Medina production data are not available. In the oil fields, 1,742 wells were drilled as compared with 1,700 completions in 1947. Daily average oil runs to pipelines was 12,329 barrels. Eighteen shallow Devonian wildcats were drilled, 3 of which showed slight amounts of oil. A basement test was started in Chenango County, in the eastern part of the state. Extensive geophysical work was done during the year.