The Chester series underlies most of the southern half of Illinois east of East St. Louis. Except where they have been removed by post-Chester erosion, all of the formations in the standard Chester section can be identified in the area. Producing formations are the Cypress and Bethel sandstones, both of which are in the lower part of the Chester series. The maximum known thickness is 1,450 feet at a point in the most southerly part of the area. Because of northward thinning of individual formations, the original thickness of the entire section in the northern part of the area was probably half of this. Uplift, warping, and peneplanation previous to the deposition of Pennsylvanian sediments caused truncation of the series throughout the basin and scalping of local structures. The isopach map indicates two major pre-Pennsylvanian anticlinal areas in which are located a large proportion of the Illinois oil fields, one the LaSalle anticline, and the other an uplift extending southeast from the region of Sorento.

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