publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online mongraph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type collection_year Stratigraphy of Western Newfoundland 9780813710013 Schuchert 10.1130/MEM1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1934 1934 1 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Paleozoic Plankton of North America 9780813710020 Ruedemann 10.1130/MEM2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1934 1934 2 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Evolution of the Congo Basin 9780813710037 Veatch 10.1130/MEM3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1935 1935 3 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Geology in the Coastal Atlas of Western Algeria 9780813710044 van Vleck Anderson 10.1130/MEM4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1936 1936 4 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Radiolaria from the Kreyenhagen Formation Near Los Banos, California 9780813710105 Clark 10.1130/MEM10 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 10 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Structural Petrology 9780813710068 Knopf 10.1130/MEM6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 6 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Adirondack Igneous Rocks and Their Metamorphism 9780813710075 Buddington 10.1130/MEM7 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 7 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 The Universal Stage (With five axes of rotation) 9780813710082 Emmons 10.1130/MEM8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 8 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 American Old and Middle Tertiary Larger Foraminifera and Corals 9780813710099 Vaughan 10.1130/MEM9 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 9 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Structural Behavior of Igneous Rocks 9780813710051 10.1130/MEM5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1937 1937 5 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Mollusca of the Tertiary Formations of Northeastern Mexico 9780813710112 Gardner 10.1130/MEM11 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 11 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Revision of the Upper Cambrian Faunas of New Jersey 9780813710129 Howell 10.1130/MEM12 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 12 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Pennsylvanian Geology of a Part of the Southern Appalachian Coal Field 9780813710136 Wanless 10.1130/MEM13 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1946 1946 13 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Brachiopoda of the Independence Shale of Iowa 9780813710143 Stainbrook 10.1130/MEM14 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 14 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Tungsten Mineralization in the United States 9780813710150 Kerr 10.1130/MEM15 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1946 1946 15 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Corals from the Gulf of California and the North Pacific Coast of America 9780813710204 Durham 10.1130/MEM20 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1947 1947 20 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Graptolites of North America 9780813710198 Ruedemann 10.1130/MEM19 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1947 1947 19 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Lineation: A Critical Review and Annotated Bibliography 9780813710181 Cloos 10.1130/MEM18 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1946 1946 18 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Permian Fusulinids of California 9780813710174 Thompson 10.1130/MEM17 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1946 1946 17 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Eocene Faunas from the Department of Bolivar, Colombia 9780813710167 Clark 10.1130/MEM16 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1946 1946 16 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Origin and Development of Craters 9780813710211 Jaggar 10.1130/MEM21 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1947 1947 21 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Reconnaissance Geology of Portions of Victoria Island and Adjacent Regions Arctic Canada 9780813710228 Washburn 10.1130/MEM22 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1947 1947 22 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Tertiary Nautiloids of the Americas 9780813710235 Miller 10.1130/MEM23 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1947 1947 23 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Intertonguing Marine and Nonmarine Upper Cretaceous Deposits of New Mexico, Arizona, and Southwestern Colorado 9780813710242 Pike 10.1130/MEM24 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1947 1947 24 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Evolution of the Horse Brain 9780813710259 Edinger 10.1130/MEM25 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 25 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliographic Index of Permian Invertebrates 9780813710266 Branson 10.1130/MEM26 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 26 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Propagation of Sound in the Ocean 9780813710273 Worzel 10.1130/MEM27 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 27 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Origin of Granite 9780813710280 10.1130/MEM28 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 28 Gilluly P 1926-1985 Batholith and Associated Rocks of Corona, Elsinore, and San Luis Rey Quadrangles Southern California 9780813710297 Larsen 10.1130/MEM29 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 29 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Mineralogical and Structural Evolution of the Metamorphic Rocks 9780813710303 Turner 10.1130/MEM30 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 30 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Geology of the Coast Ranges Immediately North of the San Francisco Bay Region, California 9780813710358 Weaver 10.1130/MEM35 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 35 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Geology and Origin of South Park, Colorado 9780813710334 Stark 10.1130/MEM33 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 33 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Reconnaissance of the Geology and Oil Possibilities of Baja California, Mexico 9780813710310 Beal 10.1130/MEM31 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 31 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Agua Salada Group, State of Falcon, Venezuela 9780813710327 Renz 10.1130/MEM32 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1948 1948 32 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Permian Crinoid Calceolispongia 9780813710341 Teichert 10.1130/MEM34 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 34 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Interpretation of Ore Textures 9780813710457 Bastin 10.1130/MEM45 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1950 1950 45 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Faunal Lists and Descriptions of Paleozoic Corals 9780813710440 Bassler 10.1130/MEM44 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1950 1950 44 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Maquoketa Brachiopoda of Iowa 9780813710426 Wang 10.1130/MEM42 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 42 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 1940 E. W. Scripps Cruise to the Gulf of California 9780813710433 Anderson 10.1130/MEM43 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1950 1950 43 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 American Permian Nautiloids 9780813710419 Miller 10.1130/MEM41 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 41 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Sedimentary Facies in Geologic History 9780813710396 10.1130/MEM39 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 39 Longwell P 1926-1985 Revision of the Families and Genera of the Devonian Tetracorals 9780813710402 Stumm 10.1130/MEM40 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 40 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy in Southeastern Arizona 9780813710389 Stoyanow 10.1130/MEM38 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 38 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1939–1943 9780813710372 Camp 10.1130/MEM37 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 37 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Geology of the Lake Titicaca Region, Peru and Bolivia 9780813710365 Newell 10.1130/MEM36 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1949 1949 36 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Ecology of Foraminifera, Northwest Gulf of Mexico 9780813710464 Phleger 10.1130/MEM46 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1951 1951 46 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Maps 9780813710471 Vacquier 10.1130/MEM47 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1954 1954 47 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 North American Geosynclines 9780813710488 Kay 10.1130/MEM48 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1951 1951 48 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Geologic Structure and Orogenic History of Venezuela: Text to Accompany the Author's Geologic Tectonic Map of Venezuela 9780813710495 Bucher 10.1130/MEM49 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1952 1952 49 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Deformation, Metamorphism, and Mineralization in Gypsum-Anhydrite Cap Rock 9780813710501 Goldman 10.1130/MEM50 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1952 1952 50 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Catalogue of the Cenozoic Plants of North America through 1950 9780813710518 Lamotte 10.1130/MEM51 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1952 1952 51 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Selected Petrogenic Relationships of Plagioclase 9780813710525 10.1130/MEM52 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 52 Emmons P 1926-1985 Paleozoic and Mesozoic Arachnida of Europe 9780813710532 Petrunkevitch 10.1130/MEM53 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 53 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Biostratigraphy of the Maqfi Section, Egypt 9780813710549 LeRoy 10.1130/MEM54 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 54 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Trilobites from the Lower Champlainian Formations of the Appalachian Valley 9780813710556 Cooper 10.1130/MEM55 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 55 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 North American and European Stropheodontids: Their Morphology and Systematics 9780813710563 Williams 10.1130/MEM56 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 56 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1944–1948 9780813710570 Camp 10.1130/MEM57 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 57 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Upper Paleozoic of Peru 9780813710587 Newell 10.1130/MEM58 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 58 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Silicified Middle Ordovician Trilobites 9780813710594 Whittington 10.1130/MEM59 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1953 1953 59 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Crystal Data: Classification of Substance by Space Groups and Their Identification from Cell Dimensions 9780813710600 Donnay 10.1130/MEM60 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1954 1954 60 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy and History of the Moenkopi Formation of Triassic Age 9780813710617 McKee 10.1130/MEM61 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1954 1954 61 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Ordovician Cephalopod Fauna of Baffin Island 9780813710624 Miller 10.1130/MEM62 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1954 1954 62 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Paleozoic and Mesozoic Rocks of Gros Ventre, Teton, Hoback, and Snake River Ranges, Wyoming 9780813710631 Wanless 10.1130/MEM63 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1955 1955 63 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Sunken Islands of the Mid-Pacific Mountains 9780813710648 Hamilton 10.1130/MEM64 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1956 1956 64 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Handbook of South American Geology: An Explanation of the Geologic Map of South America 9780813710655 10.1130/MEM65 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1956 1956 65 Jenks P 1926-1985 Cenozoic Foraminifera of Micronesia 9780813710662 Hanzawa 10.1130/MEM66 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 66 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology 9780813710679 10.1130/MEM67V1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 67V1 Hedgpeth P 1926-1985 Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology 9780813760346 10.1130/MEM67V2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 67V2 Ladd P 1926-1985 Beekmantown Group (Lower Ordovician) of Maryland 9780813710686 Sando 10.1130/MEM68 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 68 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Genus Pentremites and its Species 9780813710693 Galloway 10.1130/MEM69 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 69 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Fenestella from the Permian of West Texas 9780813710709 Elias 10.1130/MEM70 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 70 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast 9780813710716 Anderson 10.1130/MEM71 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 71 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Coastal Sand Dunes of Oregon and Washington 9780813710723 Cooper 10.1130/MEM72 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 72 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Metamorphic Reactions and Metamorphic Facies 9780813710730 Fyfe 10.1130/MEM73 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 73 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Origin of Granite in the Light of Experimental Studies in the System NaAlSi3O8–KAlSi3O8–SiO2–H2O 9780813710747 Tuttle 10.1130/MEM74 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 74 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Selected Bibliographies of Hydrothermal and Magmatic Mineral Deposits 9780813710754 Ridge 10.1130/MEM75 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 75 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Type Specimens of Marine Mollusca Described By P. P. Carpenter From the West Coast (San Diego to British Columbia) 9780813710761 van Winkle Palmer 10.1130/MEM76 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 76 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Relation of Ore Deposition to Doming in the North American Cordillera 9780813710778 Wisser 10.1130/MEM77 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1960 1960 77 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Molluscan Faunas of the Flagstaff Formation of Central Utah 9780813710785 La Rocque 10.1130/MEM78 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1960 1960 78 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Rock Deformation (A Symposium) 9780813710792 10.1130/MEM79 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1960 1960 79 Griggs P 1926-1985 Stillwater Igneous Complex, Montana 9780813710808 Hess 10.1130/MEM80 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1960 1960 80 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Morphology, Classification and Life Habits of the Productoidea (Brachiopoda) 9780813710815 Muir-Wood 10.1130/MEM81 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1960 1960 81 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Oligocene Plants from the Upper Ruby River Basin, Southwestern Montana 9780813710822 Becker 10.1130/MEM82 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1961 1961 82 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Biostratigraphic Studies in the Comanche (Cretaceous) Series of Northern Mexico and Texas 9780813710839 Perkins 10.1130/MEM83 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1960 1960 83 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1949–1953 9780813710846 Camp 10.1130/MEM84 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1961 1961 84 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 X-ray Powder Data for Ore Minerals: The Peacock Atlas 9780813710853 Berry 10.1130/MEM85 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 85 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Morphologic and Systematic Relationships of Some Middle Ordovician Ostracoda 9780813710860 Kraft 10.1130/MEM86 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 86 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Standard Wolfcampian Series (Permian), Glass Mountains, Texas 9780813710884 Ross 10.1130/MEM88 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1963 1963 88 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates Exclusive of North America, 1509–1927 9780813710877 Romer 10.1130/MEM87V1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 87V1 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Supai Formation (Permian) of Eastern Arizona 9780813710891 Winters 10.1130/MEM89 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1963 1963 89 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates Exclusive of North America, 1509–1927 9780813760353 Romer 10.1130/MEM87V2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 87v2 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography and Index of Fossil Dinoflagellates and Acritarchs 9780813710945 Downie 10.1130/MEM94 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 94 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Heteromorph Ammonoids from the Albian and Cenomanian of Texas and Adjacent Areas 9780813710952 Clark 10.1130/MEM95 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 95 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Faunas and Stratigraphy of the Snowy Range Formation (Upper Cambrian) in Southwestern Montana and Northwestern Wyoming 9780813710969 Grant 10.1130/MEM96 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 96 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Handbook of Physical Constants 9780813710976 10.1130/MEM97 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1966 1966 97 Clark P 1926-1985 Caribbean Geological Investigations 9780813710983 10.1130/MEM98 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1966 1966 98 Hess P 1926-1985 Geology of the Alaska Peninsula_ Island Arc and Continental Margin (Part 1) 9780813710990 Burk 10.1130/MEM99 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 99 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Ordovician Paleontology of the Northern Hudson Bay Lowland 9780813710907 Nelson 10.1130/MEM90 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1963 1963 90 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Texas Mojsisovicziinae (Ammonoidea) and the Zonation of the Fredericksburg 9780813711003 Young 10.1130/MEM100 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1966 1966 100 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Late Eocene Zoogeography of the Eastern Gulf Coast Region 9780813710914 Cheetham 10.1130/MEM91 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1963 1963 91 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Ostracoda from the Gulf of California 9780813711010 Swain 10.1130/MEM101 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 101 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Brachiopoda of the Keyser Limestone (Silurian-Devonian) of Maryland and Adjacent Areas 9780813711027 Bowen 10.1130/MEM102 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 102 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1954–1958 9780813710921 Camp 10.1130/MEM92 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 92 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Conodonts and Zonation of the Upper Devonian in the Great Basin 9780813711034 Clark 10.1130/MEM103 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 103 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Coastal Dunes of California 9780813711041 Cooper 10.1130/MEM104 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 104 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Type Species of Paleozoic Nuculoid Bivalve Genera 9780813711058 McAlester 10.1130/MEM105 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 105 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Silurian and Devonian Corals of the Falls of the Ohio 9780813710938 Stumm 10.1130/MEM93 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 93 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Annotated Index of Fossil and Recent Silicoflagellates and Ebridians with Descriptions and Illustrations of Validly Proposed Taxa 9780813711065 Loeblich 10.1130/MEM106 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 106 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Tidal Flat Sedimentation on the Colorado River Delta, Northwestern Gulf of California 9780813711072 Thompson 10.1130/MEM107 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 107 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Coprolites an Annotated Bibliography 9780813711089 Häntzschel 10.1130/MEM108 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 108 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Telluride Ores of Boulder County, Colorado 9780813711096 Kelly 10.1130/MEM109 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 109 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Nevada Test Site 9780813711102 10.1130/MEM110 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 110 Eckel P 1926-1985 History of the Redwall Limestone of Northern Arizona 9780813711140 McKee 10.1130/MEM114 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 114 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Western Gulf Coast Area of México, Texas, and Arkansas 9780813711119 Pessagno 10.1130/MEM111 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 111 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 The Kiglapait Layered Intrusion, Labrador 9780813711126 Morse 10.1130/MEM112 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 112 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Paleoecology of an Early Pleistocene Lake on the High Plains of Texas 9780813711133 Anderson 10.1130/MEM113 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 113 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Igneous and Metamorphic Geology 9780813711157 10.1130/MEM115 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 115 Larsen P 1926-1985 Great Basin Lower Devonian Brachiopoda 9780813711218 Johnson 10.1130/MEM121 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 121 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Calculated X-ray Powder Patterns for Silicate Minerals 9780813711225 Borg 10.1130/MEM122 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 122 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Environmental Geochemistry in Health and Disease 9780813711232 10.1130/MEM123 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1971 1971 123 Cannon P 1926-1985 Comparative Study of Low-Grade Metamorphism in the California Coast Ranges and the Outer Metamorphic Belt of Japan 9780813711249 Donnay 10.1130/MEM124 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 124 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Studies in Volcanology 9780813711164 10.1130/MEM116 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 116 Coats P 1926-1985 Relation of Shell Form to Life Habits of the Bivalvia (Mollusca) 9780813711256 Stanley 10.1130/MEM125 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 125 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Geological Investigations of the North Pacific 9780813711263 10.1130/MEM126 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 126 Hays P 1926-1985 Symposium on Conodont Biostratigraphy 9780813711270 10.1130/MEM127 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 127 Stweet P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1959–1963 9780813711171 Camp 10.1130/MEM117 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 117 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography and Index of North American Carboniferous Brachiopods (1898–1968) 9780813711287 Carter 10.1130/MEM128 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 128 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Paleogeography and Geological History of Greater Antilles 9780813711294 Khudoley 10.1130/MEM129 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1971 1971 129 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Caribbean Geophysical, Tectonic, and Petrologic Studies 9780813711300 10.1130/MEM130 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1971 1971 130 Donnelly P 1926-1985 Annotated Bibliographies of Mineral Deposits in the Western Hemisphere 9780813711317 Ridge 10.1130/MEM131 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 131 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Studies in Earth and Space Sciences 9780813711324 10.1130/MEM132 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 132 Shagam P 1926-1985 Environmental Framework of Coastal Plain Estuaries 9780813711331 10.1130/MEM133 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 133 Nelson P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1964–1968 9780813711348 Camp 10.1130/MEM134 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 134 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Studies in Mineralogy and Precambrian Geology 9780813711355 10.1130/MEM135 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 135 Doe P 1926-1985 The Wisconsinan Stage 9780813711362 10.1130/MEM136 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 136 Black P 1926-1985 Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 1942–1968 9780813711379 Webster 10.1130/MEM137 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 137 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Petrology of the Duke Island Ultramafic Complex Southeastern Alaska 9780813711386 Irvine 10.1130/MEM138 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 138 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 A System of Stages for Correlation of Magallanes Basin Sediments 9780813711393 Natland 10.1130/MEM139 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 139 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Reconnaissance Geology of the State of Baja California 9780813711409 Gastil 10.1130/MEM140 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 140 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1969–1972 9780813711416 Gregory 10.1130/MEM141 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 141 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Quantitative Studies in the Geological Sciences 9780813711423 10.1130/MEM142 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 142 Whitten P 1926-1985 Geology and Petrology of the Galápagos Islands 9780813711188 McBirney 10.1130/MEM118 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 118 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Cenozoic History and Paleoceanography of the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean 9780813711430 van Andel 10.1130/MEM143 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 143 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Cenozoic History of the Southern Rocky Mountains 9780813711447 10.1130/MEM144 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 144 Curtis P 1926-1985 Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 9780813711454 10.1130/MEM145 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 145 Cune P 1926-1985 Taxonomic Revision of the Superspecific Groups of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic Tellinidae 9780813711195 Afshar 10.1130/MEM119 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 119 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Studies in New England Geology 9780813711461 10.1130/MEM146 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 146 Lyons P 1926-1985 Quaternary Sedimentation in South Florida 9780813711478 Enos 10.1130/MEM147 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1977 1977 147 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Contributions to the Stratigraphy of New England 9780813711485 10.1130/MEM148 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 148 Page P 1926-1985 Regional Tectonic Synthesis of Northwestern New England and Adjacent Quebec 9780813711201 Cady 10.1130/MEM120 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 120 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Stratigraphic, Paleontologic, and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous Rocks of Cimarron County, Northwestern Oklahoma 9780813711492 Kauffman 10.1130/MEM149 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1977 1977 149 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy and Paleobotany of the Golden Valley Formation (Early Tertiary) of Western North Dakota 9780813711508 Hickey 10.1130/MEM150 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1977 1977 150 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 Laramide Folding Associated with Basement Block Faulting in the Western United States 9780813711515 10.1130/MEM151 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1978 1978 151 Matthews P 1926-1985 Proterozoic Geology: Selected Papers from an International Proterozoic Symposium 9780813711614 10.1130/MEM161 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 161 Medaris P 1926-1985 Cenozoic Tectonics and Regional Geophysics of the Western Cordillera 9780813711522 10.1130/MEM152 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1978 1978 152 Smith P 1926-1985 Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes 9780813711539 10.1130/MEM153 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1980 1980 153 Crittenden P 1926-1985 Nazca Plate: Crustal Formation and Andean Convergence 9780813711546 10.1130/MEM154 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1981 1981 154 Kulm P 1926-1985 The Geological Society of America: Life History of a Learned Society 9780813711553 Eckel 10.1130/MEM155 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 155 GSA Memoirs P 1926-1985 The Caribbean-South American Plate Boundary and Regional Tectonics 9780813711621 10.1130/MEM162 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 162 Bonini P 1926-1985 Geology and Tectonics of the Lake Superior Basin 9780813711560 10.1130/MEM156 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 156 Wold P 1926-1985 Tectonic and Stratigraphic Studies in the Eastern Great Basin 9780813711577 10.1130/MEM157 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 157 Miller P 1926-1985 Contributions to the Tectonics and Geophysics of Mountain Chains 9780813711584 10.1130/MEM158 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 158 Hatcher P 1926-1985 Circum-Pacific Plutonic Terranes 9780813711591 10.1130/MEM159 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 159 Roddick P 1926-1985 Blueschists and Eclogites 9780813711645 10.1130/MEM164 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 164 Evans P 1986-1999 Early Proterozoic Geology of the Great Lakes Region 9780813711607 10.1130/MEM160 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 160 Medaris P 1926-1985 The Miocene Ocean: Paleoceanography and Biogeography 9780813711638 10.1130/MEM163 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 163 Kennett P 1926-1985 Geophysical Framework of the Continental United States 9780813711720 10.1130/MEM172 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 172 Pakiser P 1986-1999 Glacial Lake Wisconsin 9780813711737 Clayton 10.1130/MEM173 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 173 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 The Nature and Origin of Cordilleran Magmatism 9780813711744 10.1130/MEM174 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 174 Anderson P 1986-1999 Fossil Conchostraca of the Southern Hemisphere and Continental Drift 9780813711652 Tasch 10.1130/MEM165 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 165 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Structural Fabrics in Deep Sea Drilling Project Cores From Forearcs 9780813711669 10.1130/MEM166 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 166 Moore P 1986-1999 Mt. Pelée, Martinique; A Study of an Active Island-arc Volcano 9780813711751 Smith 10.1130/MEM175 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 175 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Geology of the Henry Mountains, Utah, as recorded in the notebooks of G. K. Gilbert, 1875–76 9780813711676 Hunt 10.1130/MEM167 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 167 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 The Cretaceous System of Southern South America 9780813711683 Riccardi 10.1130/MEM168 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 168 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Geology and Paleontology of Seymour Island Antarctic Peninsula 9780813711690 10.1130/MEM169 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 169 Feldmann P 1986-1999 Geology and Paleontology of the Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica 9780813711706 10.1130/MEM170 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 170 Webers P 1986-1999 Interaction of the Rocky Mountain Foreland and the Cordilleran Thrust Belt 9780813711713 10.1130/MEM171 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 171 Schmidt P 1986-1999 Salt Diapirs of the Great Kavir, Central Iran 9780813711775 Jackson 10.1130/MEM177 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 177 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of Late Quaternary Valley Fills on the Southern High Plains 9780813711867 Holliday 10.1130/MEM186 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 186 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Palynological Correlation of Major Pennsylvanian (Middle and Upper Carboniferous) Chronostratigraphic Boundaries in the Illinois and Other Coal Basins 9780813711881 Peppers 10.1130/MEM188 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 188 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Gondwana Master Basin of Peninsular India Between Tethys and the Interior of the Gondwanaland Province of Pangea 9780813711874 Veevers 10.1130/MEM187 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 187 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Ruptures of Major Earthquakes and Active Deformation in Mongolia and Its Surroundings 9780813711812 Baljinnyam 10.1130/MEM181 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 181 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Phanerozoic Faunal and Floral Realms of the Earth: The Intercalary Relations of the Malvinokaffric and Gondwana Faunal Realms with the Tethyan Faunal Realm 9780813711898 Meyerhoff 10.1130/MEM189 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 189 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Plugs and Plug Circles: A Basic Form of Patterned Ground, Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada -- Origin and Implications 9780813711904 Washburn 10.1130/MEM190 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 190 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Permian-Triassic Pangean Basins and Foldbelts Along the Panthalassan Margin of Gondwanaland 9780813711843 10.1130/MEM184 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 184 Veevers P 1986-1999 Pre-Mesozoic Ice Ages: Their Bearing on Understanding the Climate System 9780813711928 Crowell 10.1130/MEM192 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 192 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 Eustasy: The Historical Ups and Downs of a Major Geological Concept 9780813711805 10.1130/MEM180 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 180 Dott P 1986-1999 Late Cenozoic Lava Dams in the Western Grand Canyon 9780813711836 Hamblin 10.1130/MEM183 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 183 GSA Memoirs P 1986-1999 The San Andreas Fault System: Displacement, Palinspastic Reconstruction, and Geologic Evolution 9780813711782 10.1130/MEM178 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 178 Powell P 1986-1999 Regional Geology of Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming 9780813711799 10.1130/MEM179 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 179 Link P 1986-1999 The Nature of Magmatism in the Appalachian Orogen 9780813711911 10.1130/MEM191 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 191 Sinha P 1986-1999 Tectonic Modeling: A Volume in Honor of Hans Ramberg 9780813711935 10.1130/MEM193 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 193 Koyi P 2000-2005 The Large-Wavelength Deformations of the Lithosphere: Materials for a History of the Evolution of Thought from the Earliest Times to Plate Tectonics 9780813711966 10.1130/MEM196 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 196 GSA Memoirs P 2000-2005 Jamaican Rock Stars, 1823–1971: The Geologists Who Explored Jamaica 9780813712055 Donovan 10.1130/MEM205 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 205 GSA Memoirs P 2006-2010 Paleozoic and Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Central and Eastern Asia: From Continental Assembly to Intracontinental Deformation 9780813711942 10.1130/MEM194 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 194 Hendrix P 2000-2005 Backbone of the Americas: Shallow Subduction, Plateau Uplift, and Ridge and Terrane Collision 9780813712048 10.1130/MEM204 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 204 Kay P 2006-2010 Geologic Evolution of the Mojave Desert and Southwestern Basin and Range 9780813711959 10.1130/MEM195 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 195 Glazner P 2000-2005 The Revolution in Geology from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment 9780813712031 10.1130/MEM203 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 203 Rosenberg P 2006-2010 The African Erosion Surface: A Continental-Scale Synthesis of Geomorphology, Tectonics, and Environmental Change over the Past 180 Million Years 9780813712017 Burke 10.1130/MEM201 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 201 GSA Memoirs P 2006-2010 Biostratigraphy of Jamaica 9780813711829 10.1130/MEM182 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 182 Wright P 1986-1999 Historical Perspective of Early Twentieth Century Carboniferous Paleobotany in North America 9780813711850 10.1130/MEM185 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 185 Lyons P 1986-1999 Origin and Evolution of Precambrian High-Grade Gneiss Terranes, with Special Emphasis on the Limpopo Complex of Southern Africa 9780813712079 10.1130/9780813712079 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 207 van Reenen P 2011-2014 From Rodinia to Pangea: The Lithotectonic Record of the Appalachian Region 9780813712062 10.1130/978-0-8137-1206-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 206 Tollo P 2006-2010 Hydrology and Geochemistry of Yucca Mountain and Vicinity, Southern Nevada and California 9780813712093 10.1130/9780813712093 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 209 Stuckless P 2011-2014 Tectonics of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau and Its Adjacent Foreland 9780813712109 Burchfiel 10.1130/MEM210 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 210 GSA Memoirs P 2011-2014 Stratigraphy and Mollusca of the Eocene of Western Oregon 9780813720104 Turner 10.1130/SPE10 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 10 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Pre-Cretaceous Sedimentation and Metamorphism in the Winchester Area, Northern Peninsular Ranges, California 9780813721002 Schwarcz 10.1130/SPE100 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 100 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Bibliographic Index of Paleozoic Ostracoda 9780813720012 Bassler 10.1130/SPE1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1934 1934 1 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geodynamics of a Cordilleran Orogenic System: The Central Andes of Argentina and Northern Chile 9780813712123 10.1130/9780813712123 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 212 DeCelles P 2015 Correlation of the North American Silurian Rocks 9780813721026 10.1130/SPE102 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 102 Berry P 1926-1985 Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California 9780813712116 10.1130/9780813712116 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 211 Morton P 2011-2014 The Geology and Climatology of Yucca Mountain and Vicinity, Southern Nevada and California 9780813711997 10.1130/MEM199 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 199 Stuckless P 2006-2010 Origin and Paleoclimatic Significance of Large-Scale Patterned Ground in the Donnelly Dome Area, Alaska 9780813721033 Péwé 10.1130/SPE103 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 103 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Tectonic Mechanisms Indicated by Structural Framework of Central Beaverhead Range, Idaho–Montana 9780813721040 Scholten 10.1130/SPE104 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 104 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Abstracts of papers submitted for six meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813721019 10.1130/SPE101 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 101 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geology and Paleontology of a Late Pleistocene Basin in Southwest Kansas 9780813721057 Schultz 10.1130/SPE105 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 105 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Reflection Profiling Studies of the California Continental Borderland: Structure and Quaternary Turbidite Basins 9780813721071 Moore 10.1130/SPE107 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 107 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Archaeological Evidence for Eustatic Change of Sea Level and Earth Movements in the Western Mediterranean During the Last 2,000 Years 9780813721095 Flemming 10.1130/SPE109 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 109 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Blackhawk Landslide 9780813721088 Shreve 10.1130/SPE108 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 108 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Exploring the Earth's Crust—History and Results of Controlled-Source Seismology 9780813712086 Prodehl 10.1130/MEM208 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 208 GSA Memoirs P 2011-2014 Biostratigraphic Classification of the Marine Triassic in North America 9780813721101 Silberling 10.1130/SPE110 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 110 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Continental Sedimentation, Northeastern North America 9780813721064 10.1130/SPE106 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 106 deVries Klein P 1926-1985 Pleistocene-Recent Stratigraphy, Evolution, and Development of the Apalachicola Coast, Florida 9780813721125 Schnable 10.1130/SPE112 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 112 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geology And Paleontology of the Mingan Islands, Quebec 9780813720111 Twenhofel 10.1130/SPE11 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 11 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Palisades Sill, New Jersey: A Reinvestigation 9780813721118 Walker 10.1130/SPE111 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 111 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Lower, Middle, and Upper Cambrian Faunas in the Taconic Sequence of Eastern New York: Stratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Significance 9780813721132 Bird 10.1130/SPE113 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 113 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Cloudy Pass Epizonal Batholith and Associated Subvolcanic Rocks 9780813721163 Cater 10.1130/SPE116 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 116 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Greenland Caledonides: Evolution of the Northeast Margin of Laurentia 9780813712024 10.1130/MEM202 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 202 Higgins P 2006-2010 Geochemistry and Petrology of the Rocky Hill Stock, Tulare County, California 9780813721200 Putman 10.1130/SPE120 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 120 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Environments of Coal Deposition: Papers Presented at a Symposium by the Coal Geology Division of The Geological Society of America at the Annual Meeting Miami Beach, Florida, 1964 9780813721149 10.1130/SPE114 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 114 Dapples P 1926-1985 Cloridorme Formation, Middle Ordovician Flysch, Northern Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec 9780813721170 Enos 10.1130/SPE117 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 117 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Petrology and Structure of the Vourinos Ophiolitic Complex of Northern Greece 9780813721187 Moores 10.1130/SPE118 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 118 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Abstracts of papers submitted for seven meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813721156 10.1130/SPE115 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 115 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Early Devonian Brachiopod Zoogeography 9780813721194 Boucot 10.1130/SPE119 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 119 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Tertiary Flora from the Rio Pichileufu, Argentina 9780813720128 Berry 10.1130/SPE12 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 12 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Clay Minerals: A Guide to Their X-ray Identification 9780813721262 Carroll 10.1130/SPE126 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 126 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Caballos Novaculite, Marathon Region, Texas 9780813721224 McBride 10.1130/SPE122 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 122 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Stratigraphic Analysis of a Deep Ice Core from Greenland 9780813721255 Langway 10.1130/SPE125 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 125 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Abstracts for 1968: Abstracts of papers submitted for seven meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813721217 10.1130/SPE121 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 121 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geology and Regional Metamorphism of Some High-Grade Cordierite Gneisses, Front Range, Colorado 9780813721286 Gable 10.1130/SPE128 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 128 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Radiometric Dating and Paleontologic Zonation 9780813721248 10.1130/SPE124 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 124 Bandy P 1926-1985 United States Contributions to Quaternary Research; Papers Prepared on the Occasion of the VIII Congress of the International Association for Quaternary Research Paris, France, 1969 9780813721231 10.1130/SPE123 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 123 Schumm P 1926-1985 Rotated Garnets in Metamorphic Rocks 9780813721293 Rosenfeld 10.1130/SPE129 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 129 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Symposium on Palynology of the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary 9780813721279 10.1130/SPE127 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 127 Kosanke P 1926-1985 Thermodynamic Properties of Water to 1,000° C and 10,000 Bars 9780813721323 Burnham 10.1130/SPE132 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 132 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Ozarkian and Canadian Brachiopoda 9780813720135 lrich 10.1130/SPE13 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 13 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Correlation of the South American Silurian Rocks 9780813721330 10.1130/SPE133 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 133 Berry P 1926-1985 Clay Water Diagenesis During Burial: How Mud Becomes Gneiss 9780813721347 Weaver 10.1130/SPE134 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1971 1971 134 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geology of the Eastern Rift System of Africa 9780813721361 Baker 10.1130/SPE136 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 136 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Biostratigraphy and Lower Permian Fusulinidae of the Upper Delta River Area, East-Central Alaska Range 9780813721309 Petocz 10.1130/SPE130 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 130 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geologic Reconnaissance in the Eastern Cordillera of Mexico 9780813721316 Baker 10.1130/SPE131 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1971 1971 131 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Correlation of the Southeast Asian and Near Eastern Silurian Rocks 9780813721378 Berry 10.1130/SPE137 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 137 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Taconide Zone and the Taconic Orogeny in the Western Part of the Northern Appalachian Orogen 9780813721354 Zen 10.1130/SPE135 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 135 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geology of the Arisaig Area, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia 9780813721392 Boucot 10.1130/SPE139 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 139 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Devonian Ammonoids of America 9780813720142 Miller 10.1130/SPE14 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 14 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics 9780813721422 Kasbeer 10.1130/SPE142 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1934 1934 142 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Nature, Origin, and Significance of the Tully Limestone 9780813721385 Heckel 10.1130/SPE138 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 138 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geochemical Environment in Relation to Health and Disease 9780813721408 10.1130/SPE140 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 140 Cannon P 1926-1985 Correlation of the African Silurian Rocks 9780813721477 Berry 10.1130/SPE147 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 147 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Correlation of the Silurian Rocks of Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea 9780813721507 Talent 10.1130/SPE150 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 150 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Upper Mississippian Ammonoids from Arkansas and Oklahoma 9780813721453 Saunders 10.1130/SPE145 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 145 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Theses in Geology, 1967–1970 9780813721439 Ward 10.1130/SPE143 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 143 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Quantitative Geology 9780813721460 10.1130/SPE146 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 146 Fenner P 1926-1985 Conodont Paleozoology 9780813721415 10.1130/SPE141 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 141 Rhodes P 1926-1985 Carboniferous of the Southeastern United States 9780813721484 10.1130/SPE148 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 148 Briggs P 1926-1985 Lower Triassic Temnospondyli of Tasmania 9780813721491 Cosgriff 10.1130/SPE149 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 149 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Cambrian System (Restricted) of the Southern Appalachians 9780813720159 Resser 10.1130/SPE15 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 15 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Paleohydrology and Sedimentology of Lake Missoula Flooding in Eastern Washington 9780813721446 Baker 10.1130/SPE144 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1973 1973 144 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Late Mississippian and Early Pennsylvanian Conodonts Arkansas and Oklahoma 9780813721521 Lane 10.1130/SPE152 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 152 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Contributions to the Geology of the Bering Sea Basin and Adjacent Regions 9780813721514 10.1130/SPE151 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 151 Forbes P 1926-1985 Correlation of the Silurian Rocks of the British Isles 9780813721545 Berry 10.1130/SPE154 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 154 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Carbonaceous Materials as Indicators of Metamorphism 9780813721538 10.1130/SPE153 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 153 Dutcher P 1926-1985 Trace Element Geochemistry in Health and Disease 9780813721552 10.1130/SPE155 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 155 Freedman P 1926-1985 Review of African Granulites and Related Rocks 9780813721569 Clifford 10.1130/SPE156 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 156 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geology of Romania 9780813721583 Burchfiel 10.1130/SPE158 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 158 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Precambrian Geology of North Snowy Block, Beartooth Mountains, Montana 9780813721576 Reid 10.1130/SPE157 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 157 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Silurian and Lower Devonian Basin and Basin-Slope Limestones Copenhagen Canyon, Nevada 9780813721590 Matti 10.1130/SPE159 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 159 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Lower Cretaceous Deposits in California and Oregon 9780813720166 Anderson 10.1130/SPE16 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 16 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Cenozoic Geology of Southwestern High Plateaus of Utah 9780813721606 Anderson 10.1130/SPE160 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 160 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Transverse Ranges and Adjacent Areas, Southern California 9780813721620 Woodburne 10.1130/SPE162 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 162 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Silurian Conodonts from Wills Mountain Anticline, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland 9780813721613 Helfrich 10.1130/SPE161 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 161 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Age Relationships of the Golconda Thrust Fault, Sonoma Range, North-Central Nevada 9780813721637 Silberling 10.1130/SPE163 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 163 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geochronology of Precambrian Rocks in the St. Francois Mountains, Southeastern Missouri 9780813721651 Bickford 10.1130/SPE165 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 165 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Graptolites from the Lower Ordovician Pogonip Group of Western Utah 9780813721668 Braithwaite 10.1130/SPE166 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 166 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics 9780813721644 Kasbeer 10.1130/SPE164 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 164 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies in the Great Valley and Western Sierra Nevada Metamorphic Belt, California 9780813721682 Cady 10.1130/SPE168 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 168 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Anomalies between Latitudes 37°N and 38°N in the Eastern and Central United States 9780813721675 Lidiak 10.1130/SPE167 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 167 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Caribbean Gravity Field and Plate Tectonics 9780813721699 Bowin 10.1130/SPE169 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 169 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Pennsylvanian Correlations in the Eastern Interior and Appalachian Coal Fields 9780813720173 Wanless 10.1130/SPE17 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 17 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Structure of the Canyon Mountain (Oregon) Ophiolite Complex and Its Implication for Sea-Floor Spreading 9780813721736 Lallemant 10.1130/SPE173 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 173 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Subduction of Aseismic Oceanic Ridges: Effects on Shape, Seismicity, and Other Characteristics of Consuming Plate Boundaries 9780813721729 Vogt 10.1130/SPE172 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 172 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Paleoceanography of the Mesozoic Alpine Tethys 9780813721705 Hsu 10.1130/SPE170 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 170 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Diatom Stratigraphy and Human Settlement in Minnesota 9780813721712 Bradbury 10.1130/SPE171 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 171 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Star Peak Group (Triassic), Northwestern Nevada 9780813721781 Nichols 10.1130/SPE178 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1977 1977 178 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Dunnage Melange and Subduction of the Protacadic Ocean Northeast Newfoundland 9780813721750 Kay 10.1130/SPE175 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 175 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Shallow-Level Plutonic Complexes in the Eastern Sierra Nevada, California, and Their Tectonic Implications 9780813721767 Schweickert 10.1130/SPE176 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 176 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Deformation and Deposition between a Foreland Uplift and an Impinging Thrust Belt: Hoback Basin, Wyoming 9780813721774 Dorr 10.1130/SPE177 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1977 1977 177 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy and Glacial-Marine Sediments of the Amerasian Basin, Central Arctic Ocean 9780813721811 Clark 10.1130/SPE181 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1980 1980 181 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Cambrian Stratigraphy and Trilobites of Northwestern Montana 9780813720180 Deiss 10.1130/SPE18 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 18 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Role of Volcanism in Climate and Evolution 9780813721859 Axelrod 10.1130/SPE185 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1981 1981 185 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Urban Geomorphology 9780813721743 10.1130/SPE174 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 174 Coates P 1926-1985 Sedimentary Structures in Dunes of the Namib Desert, South West Africa 9780813721880 McKee 10.1130/SPE188 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 188 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Coal Resources of the Americas Selected Papers 9780813721798 10.1130/SPE179 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1978 1978 179 Kottlowski P 1926-1985 Late Eocene and Oligocene Paleosols from Badlands National Park, South Dakota 9780813721934 Retallack 10.1130/SPE193 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 193 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Cimmeride Orogenic System and the Tectonics of Eurasia 9780813721958 Sengör 10.1130/SPE195 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 195 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Cambrian Merostomata 9780813720197 Raasch 10.1130/SPE19 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 19 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Interpretation of Windflow Characteristics from Eolian Landforms 9780813721927 10.1130/SPE192 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 192 Marrs P 1926-1985 Pacific Northwest Cenozoic Biostratigraphy 9780813721842 10.1130/SPE184 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1981 1981 184 Armentrout P 1926-1985 The Scientific Ideas of G. K. Gilbert 9780813721835 10.1130/SPE183 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1980 1980 183 Yochelson P 1926-1985 Selected Studies of Archean Gneisses and Lower Proterozoic Rocks, Southern Canadian Shield 9780813721828 10.1130/SPE182 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1980 1980 182 Morey P 1926-1985 Characterization and Interpretation of Rock Mass Joint Patterns 9780813721996 La Pointe 10.1130/SPE199 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 199 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Ash-Flow Tuffs 9780813721804 10.1130/SPE180 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1979 1979 180 Chapin P 1926-1985 Fossil Crustacea of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 9780813720029 Rathbun 10.1130/SPE2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1935 1935 2 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Tectonic Studies in the Talladega and Carolina Slate Belts, Southern Appalachian Orogen 9780813721910 10.1130/SPE191 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 191 Bearce P 1926-1985 Tectonic Evolution of a Forearc Terrane, Southern Scotia Ridge, Antarctica 9780813722009 Dalziel 10.1130/SPE200 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 200 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Paleontology in China, 1979 9780813721873 10.1130/SPE187 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1981 1981 187 Teichert P 1926-1985 Geology Along the Southern Margin of the Absaroka Range, Wyoming 9780813720203 Love 10.1130/SPE20 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 20 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Desert Dust: Origin, Characteristics, and Effect on Man 9780813721866 10.1130/SPE186 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1981 1981 186 Péwé P 1926-1985 Melanges: Their Nature, Origin, and Significance 9780813721989 10.1130/SPE198 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 198 Raymond P 1926-1985 Correlation of the Silurian Rocks of China 9780813722023 Boucot 10.1130/SPE202 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 202 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Late Pleistocene History of Northeastern New England and Adjacent Quebec 9780813721972 10.1130/SPE197 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 197 Boms P 1926-1985 The Grenville Event in the Appalachians and Related Topics 9780813721941 10.1130/SPE194 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 194 Bartholomew P 1926-1985 Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates in the Pacific Basin 9780813722061 Engebretson 10.1130/SPE206 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 206 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Motion of Allochthonous Terranes Across the North Pacific Basin 9780813722078 Debiche 10.1130/SPE207 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 207 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Mastodon-Bearing Springs and Late Quaternary Geochronology of the Lower Pomme de Terre Valley, Missouri 9780813722047 Haynes 10.1130/SPE204 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 204 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Geology and Geochemistry of Cenozoic Topaz Rhyolites from the Western United States 9780813722054 Christiansen 10.1130/SPE205 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 205 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Conodont Biofacies and Provincialism 9780813721965 10.1130/SPE196 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 196 Clark P 1926-1985 Recent Trends in Hydrogeology 9780813721897 10.1130/SPE189 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 189 Narasimhan P 1926-1985 Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Silurian Rocks of the Port Daniel-Black Cape Region, Gaspé 9780813720210 Northrop 10.1130/SPE21 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 21 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Extensional Tectonics of the Southwestern United States: A Perspective on Processes and Kinematics 9780813722085 10.1130/SPE208 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 208 Mayer P 1986-1999 Community Paleoecology as a Geologic Tool:The Chinese Ashgillian-Eifelian (latest Ordovician through early Middle Devonian) as an example 9780813722115 Yu 10.1130/SPE211 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 211 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Soils and Quaternary Geology of the Southwestern United States 9780813722030 10.1130/SPE203 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 203 Weide P 1926-1985 A Survey of Cenozoic Volcanism on Mainland Asia 9780813722139 Whitford-Stark 10.1130/SPE213 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 213 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 The Catskill Delta 9780813722016 10.1130/SPE201 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 201 Woodrow P 1926-1985 The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in the San Juan and Raton Basins, New Mexico and Colorado 9780813722092 10.1130/SPE209 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 209 Fassett P 1986-1999 Early Permian Fusulinids from the Owens Valley Group, east-central California 9780813722177 Magginetti 10.1130/SPE217 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 217 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Laccoliths; Mechanics of emplacement and growth 9780813722207 Corry 10.1130/SPE220 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 220 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 The Geology of Iztaccíhuatl Volcano and Adjacent Areas of The Sierra Nevada and Valley of Mexico 9780813722191 Nixon 10.1130/SPE219 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 219 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Paleoenvironmental and Tectonic Controls in Coal-Forming Basins in the United States 9780813722108 10.1130/SPE210 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 210 Lyons P 1986-1999 Lower Mississippian Rocks of the East-Central Interior 9780813720227 Stockdale 10.1130/SPE22 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 22 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Structure across a Mesozoic ocean-continent suture zone in the northern Sierra Nevada, California 9780813722245 Edelman 10.1130/SPE224 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 224 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 The Emplacement of Silicic Domes and Lava Flows 9780813722122 10.1130/SPE212 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 212 Fink P 1986-1999 Geological Implications of Impacts of Large Asteroids and Comets on the Earth 9780813721903 10.1130/SPE190 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 190 Silver P 1926-1985 The Late Cretaceous San Juan thrust system, San Juan Islands, Washington 9780813722214 Brandon 10.1130/SPE221 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 221 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Evolution of the conjugate East African - Madagascan margins and the western Somali Basin 9780813722269 Coffin 10.1130/SPE226 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 226 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Late Quaternary Climate, Tectonism, and Sedimentation in Clear Lake, Northern California Coast Ranges 9780813722146 10.1130/SPE214 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 214 Sims P 1986-1999 Paleosols and Weathering Through Geologic Time: Principles and Applications 9780813722160 10.1130/SPE216 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 216 Reinhardt P 1986-1999 Dating Quaternary Sediments 9780813722276 10.1130/SPE227 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 227 Easterbrook P 1986-1999 Processes in Continental Lithospheric Deformation 9780813722184 10.1130/SPE218 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 218 Clark P 1986-1999 The Jurassic Ammonite Zones of the Soviet Union 9780813722238 10.1130/SPE223 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 223 Ya.Krymholts P 1986-1999 The Art of Geology 9780813722252 10.1130/SPE225 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 225 Moores P 1986-1999 Geometries and Mechanisms of Thrusting, with special reference to the Appalachians 9780813722221 10.1130/SPE222 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 222 Mitra P 1986-1999 Sedimentologic Consequences of Convulsive Geologic Events 9780813722290 10.1130/SPE229 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 229 Clifton P 1986-1999 Mélanges Olistostromes of the U.S. Appalachians 9780813722283 10.1130/SPE228 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 228 Horton P 1986-1999 Bibliographic Index of North American Devonian Cephalopoda 9780813720234 Kindle 10.1130/SPE23 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 23 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Mantle Metasomatism and Alkaline Magmatism 9780813722153 10.1130/SPE215 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 215 Morris P 1986-1999 Ultramafic Rocks of the Appalachian Piedmont 9780813722313 10.1130/SPE231 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 231 Mittwede P 1986-1999 Terranes in the Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic Orogens 9780813722306 10.1130/SPE230 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 230 Dallmeyer P 1986-1999 Synextensional magmatism in the Basin and Range Province; A case study from the eastern Great Basin 9780813722337 Gans 10.1130/SPE233 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 233 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Late Cenozoic Paleohydrogeology of the Western San Joaquin Valley California, as Related to Structural Movements in the Central Coast Ranges 9780813722344 Davis 10.1130/SPE234 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 234 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Mesozoic volcanism and volcanogenic iron-ore deposits in eastern China 9780813722375 Zhigang 10.1130/SPE237 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 237 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Proterozoic Geology of the Southern Rocky Mountains 9780813722351 10.1130/SPE235 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 235 Grambling P 1986-1999 Landslide processes of the eastern United States and Puerto Rico 9780813722368 10.1130/SPE236 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 236 Schultz P 1986-1999 Tectonics of the western Himalayas 9780813722320 10.1130/SPE232 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 232 Malinconico P 1986-1999 Contributions to a Knowledge of the Lead and Zinc Deposits of the Mississippi Valley Region 9780813720241 10.1130/SPE24 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1939 1939 24 Bastin P 1926-1985 Paleobiology of the Dinosaurs 9780813722382 10.1130/SPE238 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 238 Farlow P 1986-1999 Style and mechanics of liquefaction-related deformation lower Absaroka Volcanic Supergroup (Eocene), Wyoming 9780813722405 Decker 10.1130/SPE240 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 240 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Volcanism and Tectonism in the Columbia River Flood-Basalt Province 9780813722399 10.1130/SPE239 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 239 Reidel P 1986-1999 Establishment of a Geologic Framework for Paleoanthropology 9780813722429 10.1130/SPE242 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 242 Laporte P 1986-1999 Volcanism and Fossil Biotas 9780813722443 10.1130/SPE244 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 244 Lockley P 1986-1999 Dawn of the Age of Mammals in the northern part of the Rocky Mountain Interior, North America 9780813722436 10.1130/SPE243 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 243 Bown P 1986-1999 Plutonism from Antarctica to Alaska 9780813722412 10.1130/SPE241 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 241 Kay P 1986-1999 Geology of the Composite Avalon Terrane of Southern New England 9780813722450 10.1130/SPE245 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 245 Socci P 1986-1999 Recent Advances in Coal Geochemistry 9780813722481 10.1130/SPE248 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 248 Chyi P 1986-1999 Devonian Stratigraphy and Paleontology of The Roberts Mountains Region, Nevada 9780813720258 Merriam 10.1130/SPE25 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1940 1940 25 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval, Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, and its content of shock-metamorphosed minerals; Evidence relevant to the K/T boundary impact-extinction theory 9780813722498 Izett 10.1130/SPE249 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 249 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Ore-bearing Granite Systems; Petrogenesis and Mineralizing Processes 9780813722467 10.1130/SPE246 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 246 Stein P 1986-1999 Geology of the Solitario,Trans-Pecos Texas 9780813722504 Corry 10.1130/SPE250 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 250 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Late Quaternary History of the Lake Michigan Basin 9780813722511 10.1130/SPE251 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 251 Schneider P 1986-1999 Groundwater Geomorphology; The Role of Subsurface Water in Earth-Surface Processes and Landforms 9780813722528 10.1130/SPE252 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 252 Higgins P 1986-1999 Global Catastrophes in Earth History; An Interdisciplinary Conference on Impacts, Volcanism, and Mass Mortality 9780813722474 10.1130/SPE247 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 247 Sharpton P 1986-1999 Studies of Sonoran Geology 9780813722542 10.1130/SPE254 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 254 Pérez-Segura P 1986-1999 Tectonic History of the Bering Sea and the Evolution of Tertiary Strike-Slip Basins of the Bering Shelf 9780813722573 Worrall 10.1130/SPE257 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 257 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Centennial Articles 9780813722535 10.1130/SPE253 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 253 Hatcher P 1986-1999 Geology and hydrogeology of the Teays-Mahomet Bedrock Valley System 9780813722580 10.1130/SPE258 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 258 Melhorn P 1986-1999 Early Sedimentary Evolution of the Michigan Basin 9780813722566 10.1130/SPE256 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 256 Catacosinos P 1986-1999 Geology of Titanium-Mineral Deposits 9780813722597 Force 10.1130/SPE259 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 259 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Paleogeographic Relations; Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains, and Related Terranes 9780813722559 10.1130/SPE255 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 255 Harwood P 1986-1999 Permian Ammonoids of the Guadalupe Mountain Region and Adjacent Areas 9780813720265 Miller 10.1130/SPE26 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1940 1940 26 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The mechanisms of recent vertical crustal movements in Campi Flegrei caldera, southern Italy 9780813722634 Dvorak 10.1130/SPE263 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 263 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Stratigraphy, depositional environments; and sedimentary tectonics of the western margin, Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway 9780813722603 10.1130/SPE260 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 260 Nations P 1986-1999 Tectonic setting of faulted Tertiary strata associated with the Catalina core complex in southern Arizona 9780813722641 Dickinson 10.1130/SPE264 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 264 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Glacial marine sedimentation; Paleoclimatic significance 9780813722610 10.1130/SPE261 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 261 Anderson P 1986-1999 Geology of the Point Sur-Lopez Point region, Coast Ranges, California: A part of the Southern California allochthon 9780813722665 Hall 10.1130/SPE266 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 266 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 The South Tibetan Detachment System, Himalayan Orogen: Extension Contemporaneous With and Parallel to Shortening in a Collisional Mountain Belt 9780813722696 Burchfiel 10.1130/SPE269 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 269 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola 9780813722627 10.1130/SPE262 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 262 Mann P 1986-1999 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1928–1933 9780813720272 Camp 10.1130/SPE27 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1940 1940 27 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Andean Magmatism and Its Tectonic Setting 9780813722658 10.1130/SPE265 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 265 Harmon P 1986-1999 Controls on the Distribution and Quality of Cretaceous Coals 9780813722672 10.1130/SPE267 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 267 McCabe P 1986-1999 Eastern North American Mesozoic Magmatism 9780813722689 10.1130/SPE268 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 268 Puffer P 1986-1999 Geologic Controls on Radon 9780813722719 10.1130/SPE271 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 271 Gates P 1986-1999 The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in North America 9780813722702 10.1130/SPE270 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 270 Clark P 1986-1999 Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Geomorphology of the Bonneville Flood 9780813722740 O'Connor 10.1130/SPE274 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 274 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Thermal Evolution of the Tertiary Shimanto Belt, Southwest Japan: An Example of Ridge-Trench Interaction 9780813722733 10.1130/SPE273 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 273 underwood P 1986-1999 The Acadian Orogeny: Recent Studies in New England, Maritime Canada, and the Autochthonous Foreland 9780813722757 10.1130/SPE275 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 275 Roy P 1986-1999 Southern Lesser Antilles Arc Platform: Pre-Late Miocene Stratigraphy, Structure, and Tectonic Evolution 9780813722771 Speed 10.1130/SPE277 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 277 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 The Second Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks 9780813722726 10.1130/SPE272 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 272 Brown P 1986-1999 Tectonostratigraphic Terranes and Tectonic Evolution of Mexico 9780813722788 Sedlock 10.1130/SPE278 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 278 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for Rapid Climate Change in the North-Central United States 9780813722764 10.1130/SPE276 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 276 Bradbury P 1986-1999 Review of the Pelycosauria 9780813720289 Romer 10.1130/SPE28 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1940 1940 28 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geological and Geophysical Evidence for Deep Subduction of Continental Crust Beneath the Pamir 9780813722818 Burtman 10.1130/SPE281 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 281 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Entrenchment and Widening of the Upper San Pedro River, Arizona 9780813722825 Hereford 10.1130/SPE282 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 282 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 The Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of Peninsular California 9780813722795 10.1130/SPE279 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 279 Gastil P 1986-1999 Effects of Scale on Archaeological and Geoscientific Perspectives 9780813722832 10.1130/SPE283 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 283 Stein P 1986-1999 Laramide Basement Deformation in the Rocky Mountain Foreland of the Western United States 9780813722801 10.1130/SPE280 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 280 Schmidt P 1986-1999 Tonsteins: Altered Volcanic-Ash Layers in Coal-Bearing Sequences 9780813722856 Bohor 10.1130/SPE285 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 285 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Processes Controlling the Composition of Clastic Sediments 9780813722849 10.1130/SPE284 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 284 Johnsson P 1986-1999 Modern and Ancient Coal-Forming Environments 9780813722863 10.1130/SPE286 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 286 Cobb P 1986-1999 The Ordovician Deicke and Millbrig K-Bentonite Beds of the Cincinnati Arch and the Southern Valley and Ridge Province 9780813722900 Haynes 10.1130/SPE290 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 290 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Phacopid Trilobites of North America 9780813720296 Delo 10.1130/SPE29 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1940 1940 29 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Paleoclimate and Basin Evolution of Playa Systems 9780813722894 10.1130/SPE289 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 289 Rosen P 1986-1999 Perspectives on the Eastern Margin of the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin 9780813722870 10.1130/SPE287 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 287 Shurr P 1986-1999 Pangea: Paleoclimate, Tectonics, and Sedimentation During Accretion, Zenith, and Breakup of a Supercontinent 9780813722887 10.1130/SPE288 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 288 Klein P 1986-1999 Reevaluation of the Bedford-Berea Sequence in Ohio and Adjacent States: Forced Regression in a Foreland Basin 9780813722986 Pashin 10.1130/SPE298 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 298 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Elements of Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy, Central Appalachian Basin 9780813722948 10.1130/SPE294 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 294 Rice P 1986-1999 Low-Grade Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks 9780813722962 10.1130/SPE296 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 296 Schiffman P 1986-1999 Seismotectonics of the Central California Coast Ranges 9780813722924 10.1130/SPE292 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 292 Alterman P 1986-1999 Fossil Non-Marine Mollusca of North America 9780813720036 Henderson 10.1130/SPE3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1935 1935 3 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Archaeological Geology of the Archaic Period in North America 9780813722979 10.1130/SPE297 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 297 Bettis P 1986-1999 Basins of the Rio Grande Rift: Structure, Stratigraphy, and Tectonic Setting 9780813722917 10.1130/SPE291 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 291 Keller P 1986-1999 Preliminary Report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary Larger Foraminifera of Trinidad British West Indies 9780813720302 Vaughan 10.1130/SPE30 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1941 1941 30 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Jurassic Magmatism and Tectonics of the North American Cordillera 9780813722993 10.1130/SPE299 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 299 Miller P 1986-1999 Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution 9780813722931 10.1130/SPE293 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 293 Dressier P 1986-1999 Geologic and Tectonic Development of the Caribbean Plate Boundary in Southern Central America 9780813722955 10.1130/SPE295 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 295 Mann P 1986-1999 4-D Framework of Continental Crust 9780813712000 10.1130/MEM200 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 200 Hatcher P 2006-2010 Terrestrial and shallow marine geology of the Bahamas and Bermuda 9780813723006 10.1130/SPE300 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 300 Curran P 1986-1999 Late Holocene alluvial geomorphology of the Virgin River in the Zion National Park area, Southwest Utah 9780813723105 Hereford 10.1130/SPE310 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 310 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Submarine Topography off the California Coast: Canyons and Tectonic Interpretation 9780813720319 Shepard 10.1130/SPE31 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1941 1941 31 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Kinematics of Transrotational Tectonism in the California Transverse Ranges and Its Contribution to Cumulative Slip Along the San Andreas Transform Fault System 9780813723051 Dickinson 10.1130/SPE305 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 305 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Reconstructing the History of Basin and Range Extension Using Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 9780813723037 10.1130/SPE303 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 303 Beratan P 1986-1999 Studies on the Mesozoic of Sonora and adjacent areas 9780813723013 10.1130/SPE301 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 301 Jacques-Ayala P 1986-1999 The Manson impact structure, Iowa; anatomy of an impact crater 9780813723020 10.1130/SPE302 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 302 Koeberl P 1986-1999 Avalonian and related peri-Gondwanan terranes of the Circum-North Atlantic 9780813723044 10.1130/SPE304 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 304 Nance P 1986-1999 Ordovician K-bentonites of eastern North America 9780813723136 Kolata 10.1130/SPE313 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 313 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Subsurface geologic investigations of New York Finger Lakes: implications for late Quaternary deglaciation and environmental change 9780813723112 10.1130/SPE311 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 311 Mullins P 1986-1999 Middle Proterozoic to Cambrian rifting, central North America 9780813723129 10.1130/SPE312 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 312 Ojakangas P 1986-1999 The Late Quaternary Construction of Cape Cod, Massachusetts: A Reconsideration of the W. M. Davis Model 9780813723099 Uchupi 10.1130/SPE309 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 309 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Permian stratigraphy and Fusulinida of Afghanistan with their paleogeographic and paleotectonic implications 9780813723167 Stevens 10.1130/SPE316 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 316 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Paleozoic sequence stratigraphy; views from the North American Craton 9780813723068 10.1130/SPE306 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 306 Witzke P 1986-1999 Central and Southern Appalachian sutures: results of the EDGE Project and related studies 9780813723143 10.1130/SPE314 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 314 Glover P 1986-1999 The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History 9780813723075 10.1130/SPE307 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 307 Ryder P 1986-1999 Basement and basins of eastern North America 9780813723082 10.1130/SPE308 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 308 van der Pluijm P 1986-1999 Eva interglaciation forest bed, unglaciated East-Central Alaska: global warming 125,000 years ago 9780813723198 Péwé 10.1130/SPE319 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 319 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Pliocene carbonates and related facies flanking the Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico 9780813723181 10.1130/SPE318 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 318 Johnson P 1986-1999 The Surface Rupture of the 1957 Gobi-Altay, Mongolia, Earthquake 9780813723204 Kurushin 10.1130/SPE320 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 320 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Tectonics and Geochemistry of the Northeastern Caribbean 9780813723228 10.1130/SPE322 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 322 Lidiak P 1986-1999 An 800,000-year paleoclimatic record from core OL-92, Owens Lake, Southeast California 9780813723174 10.1130/SPE317 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 317 Smith P 1986-1999 Accommodation zones and transfer zones; the regional segmentation of the Basin and Range Province 9780813723235 10.1130/SPE323 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 323 Faulds P 1986-1999 Paleozoic Sequence Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, and Biogeography: Studies in Honor of J. Granville ("Jess") Johnson 9780813723211 10.1130/SPE321 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 321 Klapper P 1986-1999 Active Strike-Slip and Collisional Tectonics of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone 9780813723266 10.1130/SPE326 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 326 Dolan P 1986-1999 Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups (Late Eocene to Early Miocene, North America) 9780813723259 10.1130/SPE325 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 325 Terry P 1986-1999 Architecture of the Central Brooks Range Fold and Thrust Belt, Arctic Alaska 9780813723242 10.1130/SPE324 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 324 Oldow P 1986-1999 Paleozoic Gastropod Genotypes 9780813720326 Knight 10.1130/SPE32 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1941 1941 32 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Third Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks 9780813723150 10.1130/SPE315 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1996 1996 315 Brown P 1986-1999 Late Cenozoic Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang, Red River, and Dali Fault Systems of Southwestern Sichuan and Central Yunnan, China 9780813723273 Wang 10.1130/SPE327 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 327 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Numerical Structure Factor Tables 9780813720333 Buerger 10.1130/SPE33 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1941 1941 33 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Mid-Atlantic Piedmont: Tectonic Missing Link of the Appalachians 9780813723303 10.1130/SPE330 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 330 Valentino P 1986-1999 Norumbega Fault System of the Northern Appalachians 9780813723310 10.1130/SPE331 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 331 Ludman P 1986-1999 Tectonosomes and Olistostromes in the Argille Scagliose of the Northern Apennines, Italy 9780813723358 Pini 10.1130/SPE335 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 335 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Evolution of the Cretaceous Ocean-Climate System 9780813723327 10.1130/SPE332 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 332 Barrera P 1986-1999 Himalaya and Tibet: Mountain Roots to Mountain Tops 9780813723280 10.1130/SPE328 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 328 Macfarlane P 1986-1999 Cenozoic basins of the Death Valley region 9780813723334 10.1130/SPE333 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 333 Wright P 1986-1999 Laurentia-Gondwana connections before Pangea 9780813723365 10.1130/SPE336 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 336 Ramos P 1986-1999 Cenozoic tectonics and volcanism of Mexico 9780813723341 10.1130/SPE334 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 334 Delgado-Granados P 2000-2005 Argentine Precordillera: sedimentary and plate tectonic history of a Laurentian crustal fragment in South America 9780813723419 Keller 10.1130/SPE341 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 341 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Seismicity of the Earth 9780813720340 Gutenberg 10.1130/SPE34 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1941 1941 34 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Structural Geology of the Colorado Plateau Region of Southern Utah, with Special Emphasis on Deformation Bands 9780813723426 Davis 10.1130/SPE342 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 342 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Geologic Evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa 9780813723297 10.1130/SPE329 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 329 Lowe P 1986-1999 Eocene and Oligocene Paleosols of Central Oregon 9780813723440 Retallack 10.1130/SPE344 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 344 GSA Special Papers P 1986-1999 Glacial Processes Past and Present 9780813723372 10.1130/SPE337 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 337 Mickelson P 1986-1999 Large meteorite impacts and planetary evolution; II 9780813723396 10.1130/SPE339 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 339 Dressler P 1986-1999 Classic Cordilleran Concepts: A View from California 9780813723389 10.1130/SPE338 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 338 Moores P 1986-1999 Paleozoic and Triassic paleogeography and tectonics of western Nevada and Northern California 9780813723471 10.1130/SPE347 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 347 Soreghan P 2000-2005 Volcanic Hazards and Disasters in Human Antiquity 9780813723457 10.1130/SPE345 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 345 McCoy P 2000-2005 Mesozoic sedimentary and tectonic history of north-central Mexico 9780813723402 10.1130/SPE340 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 340 Bartolini P 1986-1999 Tectonics of the Coast Mountains, Southeastern Alaska and British Columbia 9780813723433 10.1130/SPE343 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 343 Stowell P 2000-2005 Geology of the “Martic Overthrust” and the Glenarm Series in Pennsylvania and Maryland 9780813720357 Cloos 10.1130/SPE35 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1941 1941 35 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Ancient Lake Creede: its volcano-tectonic setting, history of sedimentation, and relation to mineralization in the Creede mining district 9780813723464 10.1130/SPE346 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 346 Bethke P 2000-2005 Is the present the key to the past or is the past the key to the present? James Hutton and Adam Smith versus Abraham Gottlob Werner and Karl Marx in interpreting history 9780813723556 Şengör 10.1130/SPE355 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 355 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Petrologic and structural history of Tobago, West Indies: a fragment of the accreted Mesozoic oceanic arc of the southern Caribbean 9780813723549 Snoke 10.1130/SPE354 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 354 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Theory, modeling, and field investigation in hydrogeology: a special volume in honor of Shlomo P. Neumans 60th birthday 9780813723488 10.1130/SPE348 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 348 Zhang P 2000-2005 Nearshore marine paleoclimatic regions, increasing zoogeographic provinciality, molluscan extinctions, and paleoshorelines, California: late Oligocene (27 Ma) to late Pliocene (2.5 Ma) 9780813723570 Hall 10.1130/SPE357 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 357 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Ophiolites and oceanic crust: new insights from field studies and the Ocean Drilling Program 9780813723495 10.1130/SPE349 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 349 Dilek P 2000-2005 Ancient seismites 9780813723594 10.1130/SPE359 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 359 Ettensohn P 2000-2005 Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada 9780813723518 10.1130/SPE351 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 351 Weddle P 2000-2005 The Fourth Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks 9780813723501 10.1130/SPE350 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 350 Barbarin P 2000-2005 Handbook of Physical Constants 9780813720364 10.1130/SPE36 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1942 1942 36 Chairman P 1926-1985 Evolution of Ridge Basin, Southern California: an interplay of sedimentation and tectonics 9780813723679 10.1130/SPE367 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 367 Crowell P 2000-2005 Geology and geophysics of an arc-continent collision, Taiwan 9780813723587 10.1130/SPE358 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 358 Byrne P 2000-2005 Geology, hydrogeology, and environmental remediation: Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, eastern Snake River plain, Idaho 9780813723532 10.1130/SPE353 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 353 Link P 2000-2005 Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts 9780813723686 10.1130/SPE368 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 368 Enzel P 2000-2005 Late Cenozoic Evaporite Tectonism and Volcanism in West-Central Colorado 9780813723662 10.1130/SPE366 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 366 Kirkham P 2000-2005 Contributions to Crustal Evolution of the Southwestern United States 9780813723655 10.1130/SPE365 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 365 Barth P 2000-2005 Catastrophic events and mass extinctions: impacts and beyond 9780813723563 10.1130/SPE356 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 356 Koeberl P 2000-2005 Tectonic Evolution of the Bering Shelf-Chukchi Sea-Artic Margin and Adjacent Landmasses 9780813723600 10.1130/SPE360 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 360 Miller P 2000-2005 The Hell Creek Formation and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the northern Great Plains: An Integrated continental record of the end of the Cretaceous 9780813723617 10.1130/SPE361 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 361 Hartman P 2000-2005 Volcanic Rifted Margins 9780813723624 10.1130/SPE362 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 362 Menzies P 2000-2005 Ozarkian and Canadian Cephalopods: Part I: Nautilicones 9780813720371 Ulrich 10.1130/SPE37 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1942 1942 37 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: The building of the late Paleozoic basement 9780813723648 10.1130/SPE364 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 364 Catalán P 2000-2005 Mantle plumes: their identification through time 9780813723525 10.1130/SPE352 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 352 Ernst P 2000-2005 Extreme depositional environments: mega end members in geologic time 9780813723709 10.1130/SPE370 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 370 Chan P 2000-2005 Geology of a transpressional orogen developed during ridge-trench interaction along the North Pacific margin 9780813723716 10.1130/SPE371 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 371 Sisson P 2000-2005 Tectonic evolution of northwestern Mexico and the Southwestern USA 9780813723747 10.1130/SPE374 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 374 Johnson P 2000-2005 Ophiolite concept and the evolution of geological thought 9780813723730 10.1130/SPE373 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 373 Dilek P 2000-2005 Sulfur Biogeochemistry - Past and Present 9780813723792 10.1130/SPE379 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 379 Amend P 2000-2005 Causes and consequences of globally warm climates in the early Paleogene 9780813723693 10.1130/SPE369 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 369 Wing P 2000-2005 Posture, locomotion, and paleoecology of pterosaurs 9780813723761 Chatterjee 10.1130/SPE376 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 376 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Terebratuloid Brachiopoda of the Silurian and Devonian 9780813720388 Cloud 10.1130/SPE38 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1942 1942 38 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Detrital thermochronology - Provenance analysis, exhumation, and landscape evolution of mountain belts 9780813723785 10.1130/SPE378 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 378 Bernet P 2000-2005 Precambrian Geology of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana 9780813723778 10.1130/SPE377 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 377 Brady P 2000-2005 Hydraulic Tests of Miocene Volcanic Rocks at Yucca Mountain and Pahute Mesa and Implications for Groundwater Flow in the Southwest Nevada Volcanic Field, Nevada and California 9780813723815 Geldon 10.1130/SPE381 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 381 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Reconstruction of Pleistocene Ice-Dammed Lake Outburst Floods in the Altai Mountains, Siberia 9780813723860 Herget 10.1130/SPE386 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 386 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Gneiss Domes in Orogeny 9780813723808 10.1130/SPE380 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 380 Whitney P 2000-2005 Cenozoic Climatic and Environmental Changes in Russia 9780813723822 10.1130/SPE382 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 382 Velichko P 2000-2005 Coal Systems Analysis 9780813723877 10.1130/SPE387 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 387 Warwick P 2000-2005 Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Offshore Areas 9780813723853 10.1130/SPE385 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 385 Mann P 2000-2005 Net Dextral Slip, Neogene San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault Zone, Coastal California: Geologic Evidence and Tectonic Implications 9780813723914 Dickinson 10.1130/SPE391 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 391 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Orogenic curvature: Integrating paleomagnetic and structural analyses 9780813723839 10.1130/SPE383 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 383 Sussman P 2000-2005 A typology of sculpted forms in open bedrock channels 9780813723921 Richardson 10.1130/SPE392 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 392 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Stone Decay in the Architectural Environment 9780813723907 10.1130/SPE390 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 390 Turkington P 2000-2005 Natural Hazards in El Salvador 9780813723754 10.1130/SPE375 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 375 Rose P 2000-2005 Evolution and Dynamics of the Australian Plate 9780813723723 10.1130/SPE372 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 372 Hillis P 2000-2005 Eocene Radiolarian Faunas from the Mt. Diablo Area, California 9780813720395 Clark 10.1130/SPE39 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1942 1942 39 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Large Meteorite Impacts III 9780813723846 10.1130/SPE384 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 384 Kenkmann P 2000-2005 Isotopic and elemental tracers of Cenozoic climate change 9780813723952 10.1130/SPE395 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 395 Mora P 2000-2005 Caribbean-South American plate interactions, Venezuela 9780813723945 10.1130/SPE394 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 394 Lallemant P 2000-2005 The Mojave-Sonora Megashear Hypothesis: Development, Assessment, and Alternatives 9780813723938 10.1130/SPE393 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 393 Anderson P 2000-2005 Kinematics and dynamics of lava flows 9780813723969 10.1130/SPE396 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 396 Manga P 2000-2005 Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs of North America 9780813720401 Lull 10.1130/SPE40 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1942 1942 40 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Collisional Delamination in New Guinea: The Geotectonics of Subducting Slab Breakoff 9780813724003 Cloos 10.1130/SPE400 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 400 GSA Special Papers P 2000-2005 Nuculid Bivalves of the Genus Acila 9780813720043 Schenck 10.1130/SPE4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1936 1936 4 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Fifth Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks 9780813723891 10.1130/SPE389 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 389 Ishihara P 2000-2005 Plates, plumes and paradigms 9780813723884 10.1130/SPE388 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 388 Foulger P 2000-2005 Tertiary Prairie Grasses and Other Herbs from the High Plains 9780813720418 Elias 10.1130/SPE41 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1942 1942 41 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Temper Sands in Prehistoric Oceanian Pottery: Geotectonics, Sedimentology, Petrography, Provenance 9780813724065 Dickinson 10.1130/SPE406 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 406 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 Geoinformatics: Data to Knowledge 9780813723976 10.1130/SPE397 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 397 Sinha P 2006-2010 Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: Deep continental subduction 9780813724034 10.1130/SPE403 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 403 Hacker P 2006-2010 Tuffs - Their Properties, Uses, Hydrology, and Resources 9780813724089 10.1130/SPE408 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 408 Heiken P 2006-2010 Wetlands through Time 9780813723990 10.1130/SPE399 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 399 Greb P 2006-2010 New Frontiers in Dead Sea Paleoenvironmental Research 9780813724010 10.1130/SPE401 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 401 Enzel P 2006-2010 Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth 9780813724133 10.1130/SPE413 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 413 Manduca P 2006-2010 The Origins of Geology in Italy 9780813724119 10.1130/SPE411 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 411 Vai P 2006-2010 Styles of Continental Contraction 9780813724140 10.1130/SPE414 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 414 Mazzoli P 2006-2010 Neogene-Quaternary Continental Margin Volcanism: A perspective from México 9780813724027 10.1130/SPE402 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 402 Siebe P 2006-2010 Processes on the Early Earth 9780813724058 10.1130/SPE405 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 405 Reimold P 2006-2010 Evolution of an Andean Margin: A Tectonic and Magmatic View from the Andes to the Neuquén Basin (35°-39°S lat) 9780813724072 10.1130/SPE407 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 407 Kay P 2006-2010 Volcanic Hazards in Central America 9780813724126 10.1130/SPE412 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 412 Rose P 2006-2010 Paleoenvironmental Record and Applications of Calcretes and Palustrine Carbonates 9780813724164 10.1130/SPE416 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 416 Alonso-Zarza P 2006-2010 Triassic Evolution of the Yangtze Platform in Guizhou Province, People's Republic of China 9780813724171 10.1130/SPE417 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 417 Enos P 2006-2010 Perspectives on Karst Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Geochemistry - A Tribute Volume to Derek C. Ford and William B. White 9780813724041 10.1130/SPE404 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 404 Harmon P 2006-2010 Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution 9780813723983 10.1130/SPE398 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 398 Willett P 2006-2010 In Situ-Produced Cosmogenic Nuclides and Quantification of Geological Processes 9780813724157 10.1130/SPE415 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 415 Alonso-Zarza P 2006-2010 Cenozoic Volcanism in the Mediterranean Area 9780813724188 10.1130/SPE418 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 418 Beccaluva P 2006-2010 Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1934–1938 9780813720425 Camp 10.1130/SPE42 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1942 1942 42 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Large Ecosystem Perturbations: Causes and Consequences 9780813724249 10.1130/SPE424 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 424 Monechi P 2006-2010 Geological Studies in the Klamath Mountains Province, California and Oregon: A volume in honor of William P. Irwin 9780813724102 10.1130/SPE410 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 410 Snoke P 2006-2010 Miocene Fishes of Southern California 9780813720432 David 10.1130/SPE43 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 43 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Pennsylvanian-Early Permian Bird Spring Carbonate Shelf, Southeastern California: Fusulinid Biostratigraphy, Paleogeographic Evolution, and Tectonic Implications 9780813724294 10.1130/SPE429 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 429 Stevens P 2006-2010 Convergent Margin Terranes and Associated Regions: A Tribute to W.G. Ernst 9780813724195 10.1130/SPE419 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 419 Cloos P 2006-2010 Geologic and Tectonic Development of the Caribbean Plate Boundary in Northern Central America 9780813724287 10.1130/SPE428 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 428 Mann P 2006-2010 The Geology and Paleontology of the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas 9780813724270 10.1130/SPE427 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 427 Martin P 2006-2010 Coastline Changes: Interrelation of Climate and Geological Processes 9780813724263 10.1130/SPE426 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 426 Harff P 2006-2010 Geology of México: Celebrating the Centenary of the Geological Society of México 9780813724225 10.1130/SPE422 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 422 Alaniz-Álvarez P 2006-2010 Advances in High-Pressure Mineralogy 9780813724218 10.1130/SPE421 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 421 Ohtani P 2006-2010 Postcollisional Tectonics and Magmatism in the Mediterranean Region and Asia 9780813724096 10.1130/SPE409 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 409 Dilek P 2006-2010 Sedimentary Provenance and Petrogenesis: Perspectives from Petrography and Geochemistry 9780813724201 10.1130/SPE420 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 420 Arribas P 2006-2010 Continental Intraplate Earthquakes: Science, Hazard, and Policy Issues 9780813724256 10.1130/SPE425 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 425 Stein P 2006-2010 Stratigraphic Analyses Using GPR 9780813724324 10.1130/SPE432 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 432 Baker P 2006-2010 Paleontology of the Upper Eocene Florissant Formation, Colorado 9780813724355 10.1130/SPE435 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 435 Meyer P 2006-2010 Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batholiths: A Tribute to Cliff Hopson 9780813724386 10.1130/SPE438 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 438 Wright P 2006-2010 Exhumation Associated with Continental Strike-Slip Fault Systems 9780813724348 10.1130/SPE434 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 434 Roeske P 2006-2010 Whence the Mountains? Inquiries into the Evolution of Orogenic Systems: A Volume in Honor of Raymond A. Price 9780813724331 10.1130/SPE433 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 433 Sears P 2006-2010 The Evolution of the Rheic Ocean: From Avalonian-Cadomian Active Margin to Alleghenian-Variscan Collision 9780813724232 10.1130/SPE423 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 423 Linnemann P 2006-2010 The Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts 9780813724379 10.1130/SPE437 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 437 Evans P 2006-2010 Revision of the Suborders Families, and Genera of the Scleractinia 9780813720449 Vaughan 10.1130/SPE44 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 44 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 When Did Plate Tectonics Begin on Planet Earth? 9780813724409 10.1130/SPE440 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 440 Condie P 2006-2010 Formation and Applications of the Sedimentary Record in Arc Collision Zones 9780813724362 10.1130/SPE436 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 436 Draut P 2006-2010 Resolving the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in Time and Space 9780813724416 10.1130/SPE441 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 441 Fielding P 2006-2010 Investigations into the Tectonics of the Tibetan Plateau 9780813724447 10.1130/SPE444 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 444 Burchfiel P 2006-2010 Response of Upper Gulf Coast Estuaries to Holocene Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise 9780813724430 10.1130/SPE443 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 443 Anderson P 2006-2010 Deformation and Exhumation at Convergent Margins: The Franciscan Subduction Complex 9780813724454 Ring 10.1130/SPE445 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 445 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 The Permian Extinction and the Tethys: An Exercise in Global Geology 9780813724485 Şengör 10.1130/SPE448 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 448 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 The Geology of Early Humans in the Horn of Africa 9780813724461 10.1130/SPE446 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 446 Quade P 2006-2010 Late Cenozoic Structure and Evolution of the Great Basin-Sierra Nevada Transition 9780813724478 10.1130/SPE447 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 447 Oldow P 2006-2010 The World in a Crucible: Laboratory Practice and Geological Theory at the Beginning of Geology 9780813724492 Newcomb 10.1130/SPE449 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 449 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 Bibliographic and Faunal Index of Paleozoic Pelmatozoan Echinoderms 9780813720456 Bassler 10.1130/SPE45 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 45 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Preservation of random megascale events on Mars and Earth: Influence on geologic history 9780813724539 10.1130/SPE453 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 453 Chapman P 2006-2010 Management and Restoration of Fluvial Systems with Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts 9780813724515 10.1130/SPE451 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 451 James P 2006-2010 The Late Eocene Earth—Hothouse, Icehouse, and Impacts 9780813724522 10.1130/SPE452 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 452 Koeberl P 2006-2010 Paleoenvironments of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, and its catchment 9780813724508 10.1130/SPE450 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 450 Rosenbaum P 2006-2010 Late Cenozoic Drainage History of the Southwestern Great Basin and Lower Colorado River Region: Geologic and Biotic Perspectives 9780813724393 10.1130/SPE439 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 439 Reheis P 2006-2010 Adventures Through Deep Time: The Central Mississippi River Valley and Its Earthquakes 9780813724553 Van Arsdale 10.1130/SPE455 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 455 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 Did Westward Subduction Cause Cretaceous-Tertiary Orogeny in the North American Cordillera? 9780813724577 Hildebrand 10.1130/SPE457 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 457 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 Crustal Cross Sections from the Western North American Cordillera and Elsewhere: Implications for Tectonic and Petrologic Processes 9780813724560 10.1130/SPE456 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 456 Miller P 2006-2010 Hydrothermal Processes above the Yellowstone Magma Chamber: Large Hydrothermal Systems and Large Hydrothermal Explosions 9780813724591 Morgan 10.1130/SPE459 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 459 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 Evolution and Classification of Paleozoic Crinoids 9780813720463 Moore 10.1130/SPE46 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 46 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 America's Most Vulnerable Coastal Communities 9780813724607 10.1130/SPE460 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 460 Kelley P 2006-2010 Earth Science in the Urban Ocean: The Southern California Continental Borderland 9780813724546 10.1130/SPE454 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 454 Lee F 2006-2010 Field Geology Education: Historical Perspectives and Modern Approaches 9780813724614 10.1130/SPE461 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 461 Whitmeyer P 2006-2010 Plates, Plumes and Planetary Processes 9780813724300 10.1130/SPE430 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 430 Foulger P 2006-2010 Bering Glacier: Interdisciplinary Studies of Earth's Largest Temperate Surging Glacier 9780813724621 10.1130/SPE462 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 462 Shuchman P 2006-2010 Mining and Metallurgy in Ancient Perú 9780813724676 Georg 10.1130/SPE467 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 467 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Central-Southern Apennines, Italy 9780813724690 Vezzani 10.1130/SPE469 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 469 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 Late Paleozoic Glacial Events and Postglacial Transgressions in Gondwana 9780813724683 10.1130/SPE468 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 468 López-Gamundí P 2006-2010 Mesozoic and Cenozoic Arcidae From the Pacific Slope of North America 9780813720470 Reinhart 10.1130/SPE47 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 47 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 What Is a Volcano? 9780813724706 10.1130/978-0-8137-2470-6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 470 Cañón-Tapia P 2006-2010 Stratigraphy and Geology of Volcanic Areas 9780813724645 10.1130/SPE464 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 464 Groppelli P 2006-2010 Ancient Earthquakes 9780813724713 10.1130/978-0-8137-2471-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 471 Sintubin P 2006-2010 High Geologic Slip Rates since Early Pleistocene Initiation of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault Zones in the San Andreas Fault System: Southern California, USA 9780813724751 Janecke 10.1130/SPE475 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 475 GSA Special Papers P 2006-2010 The Ordovician Earth System 9780813724669 10.1130/SPE466 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 466 Finney P 2006-2010 Sixth Hutton Symposium on The Origin of Granites and Related Rocks: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2- 6 July 2007 9780813724720 10.1130/9780813724720 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 472 Clemens P 2006-2010 Qualitative Inquiry in Geoscience Education Research 9780813724744 10.1130/9780813724744 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 474 Feig P 2011-2014 Geology and Geoarchaeology of the Black Sea Region: Beyond the Flood Hypothesis 9780813724737 10.1130/9780813724737 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 473 Buynevich P 2011-2014 Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV 9780813724652 10.1130/978-0-8137-2465-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 465 Gibson P 2006-2010 North American Pleospongia 9780813720487 Okulitch 10.1130/SPE48 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 48 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geological Criteria for Evaluating Seismicity Revisited: Forty Years of Paleoseismic Investigations and the Natural Record of Past Earthquakes 9780813724799 10.1130/9780813724799 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 479 M. P 2011-2014 Geoarchaeology, Climate Change, and Sustainability 9780813724768 10.1130/9780813724768 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 476 Brown P 2011-2014 The Terrane Puzzle: New Perspectives on Paleontology and Stratigraphy from the North American Cordillera 9780813724423 10.1130/SPE442 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 442 Blodgett P 2006-2010 A new geological map of the Island of Syros (Aegean Sea, Greece): Implications for lithostratigraphy and structural history of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit 9780813724812 Keiter 10.1130/SPE481 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 481 GSA Special Papers P 2011-2014 Recent Advances and Current Research Issues in Lunar Stratigraphy 9780813724775 10.1130/9780813724775 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 477 Ambrose P 2011-2014 The 2 ka Eruption of Misti Volcano, Southern Peru—The Most Recent Plinian Eruption of Arequipa's Iconic Volcano 9780813724843 Harpel 10.1130/SPE484 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 484 GSA Special Papers P 2011-2014 On the Strata of the Earth 9780813724850 Lomonosov 10.1130/SPE485 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 485 GSA Special Papers P 2011-2014 Societal Challenges and Geoinformatics 9780813724829 10.1130/9780813724829 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 482 Sinha P 2011-2014 Mélanges: Processes of Formation and Societal Significance 9780813724805 10.1130/9780813724805 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 480 Wakabayashi P 2011-2014 Earth and Mind II: A Synthesis of Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences 9780813724867 10.1130/9780813724867 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 486 Kastens P 2011-2014 Impossible Journey: The Story of the Victoria Land Traverse 1959–1960, Antarctica 9780813724881 Weihaupt 10.1130/SPE488 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 488 GSA Special Papers P 2011-2014 Analogs for Planetary Exploration 9780813724836 10.1130/9780813724836 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 483 Garry P 2011-2014 Ozarkian and Canadian Cephalopods: Part II: Brevicones 9780813720494 Ulrich 10.1130/SPE49 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 49 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Grand Canyon Geology: Two Billion Years of Earth's History 9780813724898 10.1130/9780813724898 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 489 Timmons F 2011-2014 Geology and Geomorphology of Barbados: A Companion Text to Maps with Accompanying Cross Sections, Scale 1:10,000 9780813724911 Speed 10.1130/SPE491 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 491 GSA Special Papers P 2011-2014 The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes 9780813724584 10.1130/SPE458 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 458 Gohn P 2006-2010 Tectonic Growth of a Collisional Continental Margin: Crustal Evolution of Southern Alaska 9780813724317 10.1130/SPE431 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 431 Ridgway P 2006-2010 Mineralogical and Geochemical Approaches to Provenance 9780813724874 10.1130/9780813724874 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 487 Rasbury P 2011-2014 Mima Mounds: The Case for Polygenesis and Bioturbation 9780813724904 10.1130/9780813724904 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 490 Horwath F 2011-2014 Volcanism and Evolution of the African Lithosphere 9780813724782 10.1130/9780813724782 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 478 Beccaluva P 2011-2014 Recent Advances in North American Paleoseismology and Neotectonics East of the Rockies 9780813724935 10.1130/9780813724935 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 493 Cox P 2011-2014 Mesozoic Assembly of the North American Cordillera 9780813724959 Hildebrand 10.1130/SPE495 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 495 GSA Special Papers P 2011-2014 Miocene Tectonics of the Lake Mead Region, Central Basin and Range 9780813724638 10.1130/SPE463 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 463 Umhoefer P 2006-2010 The Volcanic Geology of the Mid-Arc Island of Dominica, Lesser Antilles—The Surface Expression of an Island-Arc Batholith 9780813724966 Smith 10.1130/SPE496 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 496 GSA Special Papers P 2011-2014 Google Earth and Virtual Visualizations in Geoscience Education and Research 9780813724928 10.1130/9780813724928 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 492 Whitmeyer P 2011-2014 Neogene Deformation between Central Utah and the Mojave Desert 9780813724997 10.1130/9780813724997 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 499 Anderson P 2011-2014 New Perspectives on Rio Grande Rift Basins: From Tectonics to Groundwater 9780813724942 10.1130/9780813724942 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 494 Hudson P 2011-2014 The Columbia River Flood Basalt Province 9780813724973 10.1130/9780813724973 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 497 Reidel P 2011-2014 Understanding Open-Vent Volcanism and Related Hazards 9780813724980 10.1130/9780813724980 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 498 Rose P 2011-2014 Geology of Saint John, New Brunswick 9780813720050 Hayes 10.1130/SPE5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1937 1937 5 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Economic Geology of South America 9780813720500 Wald 10.1130/SPE50 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1943 1943 50 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Earth's Early Atmosphere and Surface Environment 9780813725048 10.1130/9780813725048 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 504 Shaw P 2011-2014 The Impact of the Geological Sciences on Society 9780813725017 10.1130/9780813725017 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 501 Bickford P 2011-2014 Rethinking the Fabric of Geology 9780813725024 10.1130/9780813725024 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 502 Baker P 2011-2014 Through the End of the Cretaceous in the Type Locality of the Hell Creek Formation in Montana and Adjacent Areas 9780813725031 10.1130/9780813725031 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 503 Wilson P 2011-2014 Toward an Improved Understanding of Uplift Mechanisms and the Elevation History of the Tibetan Plateau 9780813725079 10.1130/9780813725079 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 507 Nie P 2011-2014 Reconstruction of a Late Proterozoic to Devonian Continental Margin Sequence, Northern Alaska, Its Paleogeographic Significance, and Contained Base-Metal Sulfide Deposits 9780813725062 10.1130/9780813725062 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 506 Dumoulin P 2011-2014 The Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions 9780813725000 10.1130/9780813725000 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 500 Bickford P 2011-2014 Miocene Radiolarian Faunas from Southern California 9780813720517 Campbell 10.1130/SPE51 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 51 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Coastline and Dune Evolution along the Great Lakes 9780813725086 10.1130/9780813725086 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 508 Fisher P 2011-2014 Volcanism, Impacts, and Mass Extinctions: Causes and Effects 9780813725055 10.1130/9780813725055 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 505 Keller P 2011-2014 Paying Attention to Mudrocks: Priceless! 9780813725154 10.1130/9780813725154 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 515 Larsen P 2015 East European Craton: Early Precambrian History and 3D Models of Deep Crustal Structure 9780813725109 Mints 10.1130/SPE510 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 510 GSA Special Papers P 2015 Recollections of a Petrologist 9780813725123 10.1130/9780813725123 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 512 Iddings F 2015 The Origin, Evolution, and Environmental Impact of Oceanic Large Igneous Provinces 9780813725116 10.1130/9780813725116 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 511 Neal P 2015 Unusual Central Nevada Geologic Terranes Produced by Late Devonian Antler Orogeny and Alamo Impact 9780813725178 Poole 10.1130/SPE517 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 517 GSA Special Papers P 2015 Late Jurassic Margin of Laurasia–A Record of Faulting Accommodating Plate Rotation 9780813725130 10.1130/9780813725130 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 513 Anderson P 2015 Geology and Paleontology of The Permian Area Northwest of Las Delicias, Southwestern Coahuila, Mexico 9780813720524 King 10.1130/SPE52 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 52 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake, and Its Significance for Seismic Hazards in Eastern North America 9780813725093 10.1130/9780813725093 fulltext The Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 509 Horton P 2015 Caves and Karst Across Time 9780813725161 10.1130/9780813725161 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 516 Feinberg F 2016 Geothermal Energy: An Important Resource 9780813725192 10.1130/9780813725192 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 519 Osinski P 2016 Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V 9780813725185 10.1130/9780813725185 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 518 Osinski P 2015 The Interdisciplinary Earth: A Volume in Honor of Don L. Anderson 9780813725147 10.1130/9780813725147 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 514 Foulger P 2015 Tracks, Trails, and Thieves: The Adventures, Discoveries, and Historical Significance of Ferdinand V. Hayden's 1868 Geological Survey of Wyoming and Adjacent Territories 9780813725215 Deibert 10.1130/SPE521 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 521 GSA Special Papers P 2016 Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future 9780813725208 10.1130/9780813725208 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 520 Wessel P 2016 Belt Basin: Window to Mesoproterozoic Earth 9780813725222 10.1130/9780813725222 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 522 MacLean P 2016 Check List of California Tertiary Marine Mollusca 9780813720562 Keen 10.1130/SPE56 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 56 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Origin of Mammals Based Upon Cranial Morphology of the Therapsid Suborders 9780813720555 Olson 10.1130/SPE55 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 55 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Study and Revision of Archimedes (Hall) 9780813720531 Condra 10.1130/SPE53 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 53 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Early Upper Cambrian Faunas of Central Montana 9780813720548 Lochman 10.1130/SPE54 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 54 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Radiolaria from Upper Cretaceous of Middle California 9780813720579 Campbell 10.1130/SPE57 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 57 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Glacial Map of North America; Part 2 Bibliography and Explanatory Notes 9780813720609 Flint 10.1130/SPE60 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 60 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 History of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone 9780813720067 Howard 10.1130/SPE6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1937 1937 6 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Stratigraphic Record of Gubbio: Integrated Stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous–Paleogene Umbria-Marche Pelagic Basin 9780813725246 10.1130/9780813725246 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 524 Menichetti P 2016 Upper Devonian Corals of the Mackenzie River Region Canada 9780813720593 Smith 10.1130/SPE59 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 59 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Ozarkian and Canadian Cephalopods: Part III: Longicones and Summary 9780813720586 Ulrich 10.1130/SPE58 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1944 1944 58 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Geological Map of South America; Part 2 Foreword and Explanation of Legend (In English, Portuguese, and Spanish) 9780813720616 Levorsen 10.1130/SPE61 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1945 1945 61 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Floors of the Oceans: I. The North Atlantic 9780813720654 Heezen 10.1130/SPE65 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1959 1959 65 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Structural Conversions in Crystalline Systems and their Importance for Geological Problems 9780813720661 Eitel 10.1130/SPE66 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 66 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Marysvale, Utah, Uranium Area: Geology, Volcanic Relations, and Hydrothermal Alteration 9780813720647 Kerr 10.1130/SPE64 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 64 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 De Natura Fossilium: Textbook of Mineralogy 9780813720630 Agricola 10.1130/SPE63 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1955 1955 63 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Displacement Along the San Andreas Fault, California 9780813720715 Crowell 10.1130/SPE71 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 71 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Mechanics of Thermal Contraction Cracks and Ice-Wedge Polygons in Permafrost 9780813720708 Lachenbruch 10.1130/SPE70 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 70 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Determination of Volcanic and Plutonic Plagioclases Using a Three- or Four-Axis Universal Stage 9780813720692 Slemmons 10.1130/SPE69 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 69 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Bibliography and Index of Literature on Uranium and Thorium and Radioactive Occurrences in the United States 9780813720678 Cooper 10.1130/SPE67 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 67 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Abstracts of papers submitted for six meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813720685 10.1130/SPE68 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 68 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Pre-Tertiary Stratigraphy and Structure of Northwestern Nevada 9780813720722 Silberling 10.1130/SPE72 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 72 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Crust of the Earth: A Symposium 9780813720623 10.1130/SPE62 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1955 1955 62 Poldervaart P 1926-1985 Atlantic Submarine Valleys of the United States and the Congo Submarine Valley 9780813720074 Veatch 10.1130/SPE7 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 7 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Interpretation of Planar Structure in Drill-Hole Core 9780813720784 Lyons 10.1130/SPE78 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 78 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Glacial Geology Across the Crest of the Sierra Nevada, California 9780813720753 Birman 10.1130/SPE75 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 75 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Boundary Mountain Anticlinorium in the Errol Quadrangle, New Hampshire–Maine 9780813720777 Green 10.1130/SPE77 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 77 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Abstracts for 1963: Abstracts of papers submitted for six meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813720760 10.1130/SPE76 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 76 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Abstracts for 1962: Abstracts of papers submitted for six meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813720739 10.1130/SPE73 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1963 1963 73 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Volcanism, Tectonism, and Plutonism in the Western United States 9780813720807 Gilluly 10.1130/SPE80 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 80 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Mineralogy and Geological Significance of the Mowry Bentonites, Wyoming 9780813720838 Slaughter 10.1130/SPE83 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 83 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Early Investigations of the Devonian System in New York, 1656–1836 9780813720746 Wells 10.1130/SPE74 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1963 1963 74 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Ecology and Oceanography of the Coral-Reef Tract, Abaco Island, Bahamas 9780813720791 Storr 10.1130/SPE79 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 79 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The American Upper Ordovician Standard. VII. Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Cynthiana and Eden Formations of the Ohio Valley 9780813720814 Weiss 10.1130/SPE81 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 81 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Middle Devonian Corals of Ohio 9780813720081 Stewart 10.1130/SPE8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 8 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Abstracts of papers submitted for six meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813720821 10.1130/SPE82 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 82 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Zeolites and Zeolitic Reactions in Sedimentary Rocks 9780813720852 Hay 10.1130/SPE85 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1966 1966 85 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Uniformity and Simplicity: A Symposium on the Principle of the Uniformity of Nature 9780813720890 10.1130/SPE89 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 89 Albritton P 1926-1985 Scapolite in the Belt Series in the St. Joe-Clearwater Region, Idaho 9780813720869 Hietanen 10.1130/SPE86 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 86 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Fossil Snakes of North America 9780813720098 Gilmore 10.1130/SPE9 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1938 1938 9 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Relation of Geology and Trace Elements to Nutrition: Abstracts and Papers Based on Presentations at a Symposium Held at the Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America New York, New York, 1963 9780813720906 10.1130/SPE90 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 90 Cannon P 1926-1985 Abstracts for 1965: Abstracts of papers submitted for six meetings with which the Society was associated 9780813720876 10.1130/SPE87 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1966 1966 87 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 International Studies on the Quaternary: Papers Prepared on the Occasion of the VII Congress of the International Association for Quaternary Research Boulder, Colorado, 1965 9780813720845 10.1130/SPE84 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1965 1965 84 Wright P 1926-1985 Petrology of Cornucopia Tonalite Unit, Cornucopia Stock, Wallowa Mountains, Northeastern Oregon 9780813720913 Taubeneck 10.1130/SPE91 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 91 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 The Damaran Episode in the Upper Proterozoic—Lower Paleozoic Structural History of Southern Africa 9780813720920 Clifford 10.1130/SPE92 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 92 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Time and Space Relationships of the Taconic Allochthon and Autochthon 9780813720975 Zen 10.1130/SPE97 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 97 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Hydrology of Limestone Terranes in the Coastal Plain of the Southeastern United States 9780813720937 Stringfield 10.1130/SPE93 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1966 1966 93 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Saluda Formation (Cincinnatian) in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky 9780813720951 Hatfield 10.1130/SPE95 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 95 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 A Catalog of Analyzed Calciferous and Subcalciferous Amphiboles Together with Their Nomenclature and Associated Minerals 9780813720982 Leake 10.1130/SPE98 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 98 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Loess Deposits of Mississippi 9780813720944 Krinitzsky 10.1130/SPE94 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1967 1967 94 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Lower Pennsylvanian Ammonoids from the Bloyd Formation of Arkansas and Oklahoma 9780813720968 McCaleb 10.1130/SPE96 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 96 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Tectonic, Plutonic, and Metamorphic History of the Central Kootenay Arc, British Columbia, Canada 9780813720999 Crosby 10.1130/SPE99 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 99 GSA Special Papers P 1926-1985 Saline Deposits: A Symposium based on Papers from the International Conference on Saline Deposits, Houston, Texas, 1962 9780813720883 10.1130/SPE88 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 88 Mattox P 1926-1985 Basin and Range Extensional Tectonics Near the Latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada 9780813711768 10.1130/MEM176 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 176 Wernicke P 1986-1999 Appalachian Geomorphology; An Annotated Bibliography 813760194 9780813759197 Mills 10.1130/micro19 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 19 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 A-2 Kodiak to Kuskokwim, Alaska 9780813754246 Huene 10.1130/DNAG-COT-A-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 6 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 Acapulco Trench to the Gulf of Mexico across southern Mexico 9780813754420 Ortega-Gutiérrez 10.1130/DNAG-COT-H-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 13 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 813760259 9780813759258 Webster 10.1130/micro25 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 25 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids and Coronate Echinoderms 1981—1985 813760186 9780813759180 Webster 10.1130/micro18 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 18 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids, 1974–1980 081376016X 9780813759166 Webster 10.1130/micro16 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 16 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 1969–1973 813760089 9780813759081 Webster 10.1130/micro8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1977 1977 8 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Application of Geology to Engineering Practice 081374301X 9780813759418 Paige 10.1130/Berkey.1950 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1950 1950 P 1926-1985 A Paradox of Power: Voices of Warning and Reason in the Geosciences 9780813741123 9780813758121 10.1130/REG12 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 12 Welby GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1986-1999 Archaeological Geology of North America 081375304X 9780813754161 10.1130/DNAG-CENT-v4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 4 Lasca DNAG, Centennial Special Volumes P 1986-1999 B-1 Intermontane Belt (Skeena Mountains) to Insular Belt (Queen Charlotte Islands) 9780813754260 Yorath 10.1130/DNAG-COT-B-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 8 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 B-2 Juan de Fuca Plate to Alberta Plains 9780813754277 Monger 10.1130/DNAG-COT-B-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 7 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 B-3 Juan de Fuca Spreading Ridge to Montana Thrust Belt 9780813754284 Cowan 10.1130/DNAG-COT-B-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 9 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 C-2 Central California Offshore to Colorado Plateau 9780813754307 Saleeby 10.1130/DNAG-COT-C-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 C-2 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 C-3 Pacific abyssal plain to the Rio Grande rift 9780813754314 Howell 10.1130/DNAG-COT-C-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 5 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 Bibliography of American-Published Geology 1669 to 1850 813760046 9780813759043 Hazen 10.1130/micro4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 4 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Bibliography of Circum-Pacific Plutonism 813760127 9780813759128 10.1130/micro12 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1981 1981 12 Pitcher GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 D-2 Transform margin south of Grand Banks 9780813754338 Keen 10.1130/DNAG-COT-D-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 2 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 D-4 Rifted continental margin off Labrador 9780813754352 Keen 10.1130/DNAG-COT-D-4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 4 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 Decade of North American Geology Geologic Map of North America—Perspectives and explanation 9780813754178 Reed 10.1130/DNAG-CSMS-v1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 1 DNAG, Continent-Scale Map Series P 2000-2005 D-3 Rifted continental margin off Nova Scotia 9780813754345 Keen 10.1130/DNAG-COT-D-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 3 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 D-1 Northern Appalachians 9780813754321 Haworth 10.1130/DNAG-COT-D-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 1 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1926-1985 Decay and Preservation of Stone 813740118 9780813759364 Winkler 10.1130/Eng-Case-11 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1978 1978 11 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Environmental Geology: A Selected Bibliography 813760011 9780813759012 Hall 10.1130/micro1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 1 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 2 813740029 9780813759272 10.1130/Eng-Case-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1958 1958 2 Trask GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 1 813740010 9780813759265 Trask 10.1130/Eng-Case-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1957 1957 1 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 E-4 Central Kentucky to the Carolina Trough 9780813754383 Rankin 10.1130/DNAG-COT-E-4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 16 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 3: Symposium on Rock Mechanics 813740037 9780813759289 10.1130/Eng-Case-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1959 1959 3 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 5 813740053 9780813759302 Kiersch 10.1130/Eng-Case-5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1964 1964 5 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 E-1 Adirondacks to Georges Bank 9780813754369 Thompson 10.1130/DNAG-COT-E-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 17 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 E-5 Cumberland Plateau to Blake Plateau 9780813754390 Hatcher 10.1130/DNAG-COT-E-5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 18 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 6 813740061 9780813759319 Kiersch 10.1130/Eng-Case-6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1968 1968 6 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Deformation, Fluid Flow, and Mass Transfer in the Forearc of Convergent Margins: Field Guides to the Northern Apennines in Emilia and in the Apuan Alps (Italy) 9780813700281 9780813756288 10.1130/9780813700281 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 28 Vannucchi GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 4 813740045 9780813759296 Trask 10.1130/Eng-Case-4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1963 1963 4 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Colorado and Adjacent Areas 9780813700014 9780813756011 10.1130/0-8137-0001-9 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1999 1999 1 Lageson GSA Field Guide P 1986-1999 Clay and Shale Slope Instability 9780813741109 9780813758107 10.1130/REG10 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 10 Haneberg Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1986-1999 First Principles of the Science of Mining and Salt Mining 813760100 9780813759104 Cancrinus 10.1130/micro10 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1980 1980 10 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Field Guide to Samos and the Menderes Massif 9780813700236 9780813756233 Gessner 10.1130/9780813700236 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 23 GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Engineering Seismology 813740088 9780813759333 Adams 10.1130/Eng-Case-8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1970 1970 8 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 E-3 Southwestern Pennsylvania to Baltimore Canyon Trough 9780813754376 10.1130/DNAG-COT-E-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 19 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Geology, 1888-1938 9780813759401 10.1130/1888Geology fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1941 1941 P 1926-1985 Fault Slip Transfer in the Eastern California Shear Zone-Walker Lane Belt 9780813759456 Lee 10.1130/2006.FSTITE.PFG fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 GSA Penrose Field Guides P 2006-2010 Economic Geology, Mexico 813752132 9780813754703 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-P3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 P-3 Salas DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America 9780813754079 10.1130/0-8137-5401-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 1 Hill DNAG, Centennial Field Guides P 1986-1999 Gravity Anomaly Map of North America 9780813754185 10.1130/DNAG-CSMS-v2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 2 DNAG, Continent-Scale Map Series P 1986-1999 Geological Bibliography of Mid-Continent Basement U.S.A. 813760151 9780813759159 Sheahan 10.1130/micro15 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 15 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Economic Geology, U.S. 813752140 9780813754697 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-P2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 P-2 Gluskoter DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Debris Flows/Avalanches: Process, Recognition, and Mitigation 813741076 9780813758077 10.1130/REG7 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 7 Costa GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1986-1999 Geological Factors in Rapid Excavation 813740096 9780813759340 Pincus 10.1130/Eng-Case-9 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1972 1972 9 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Geologic Mapping for Environmental Purposes 081374010X 9780813759357 Ferguson 10.1130/Eng-Case-10 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1974 1974 10 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Geologists and Ideas: A History of North American Geology 813753015 9780813754130 10.1130/DNAG-CENT-v1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1985 1985 1 Drake DNAG, Centennial Special Volumes P 1926-1985 Geology in the Siting of Nuclear Power Plants 813741041 9780813758046 10.1130/REG4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1979 1979 4 Hatheway GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1926-1985 Catastrophic Landslides: Effects, Occurrence, and Mechanisms 9780813741154 9780813758152 10.1130/REG15 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 15 Evans GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2000-2005 Formation of the Sierra Nevada Batholith: Magmatic and Tectonic Processes and Their Tempos 9780813700342 9780813756349 10.1130/9780813700342 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 34 Memeti GSA Field Guide P 2015 Floods, Faults, and Fire: Geological Field Trips in Washington State and Southwest British Columbia 9780813700090 9780813756097 10.1130/9780813700090 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 9 Stelling GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 Geologic Excursions from Fresno, California, and the Central Valley: A Tour of California’s Iconic Geology 9780813700328 9780813756325 10.1130/9780813700328 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 32 Putirka GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Geological Monitoring 9780813760322 9780813759432 Young 10.1130/9780813760322 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 P 2006-2010 Gulf of Alaska to Arctic Ocean 9780813754253 Grantz 10.1130/DNAG-COT-A-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 A-3 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Geothermal Map of North America 9780813754222 10.1130/DNAG-CSMS-v6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 6 DNAG, Continent-Scale Map Series P 1986-1999 From the Shield to the Sea: Geological Field Trips from the 2011 Joint Meeting of the GSA Northeastern and North-Central Sections 9780813700205 9780813756202 10.1130/9780813700205 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 20 Ruffolo GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Geology of the Grand Canyon: An Annotated Bibliography, 1857–1982 with an Annotated Catalogue of Grand Canyon Type Fossils 813760135 9780813759135 Spamer 10.1130/micro13 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1983 1983 13 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Geology of the Grand Canyon 813760143 9780813759142 Spamer 10.1130/micro14 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 14 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Geology of the Grand Canyon: An Annotated Bibliography with an Annotated Catalogue of Grand Canyon Type Fossils 813760208 9780813759203 Spamer 10.1130/micro20 fulltext Geological Society of America, monograph 1990 1990 20 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 Geology of the Grand Canyon 813760232 9780813759234 Spamer 10.1130/micro23 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 5 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 Geology of the Grand Canyon: Annotated Bibliography with Annotated Catalogue of Grand Canyon Type Fossils 813760178 9780813759173 10.1130/micro17 fulltext Geological Society of America, Inc. monograph 1988 1988 17 Spamer GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 Geology of the Grand Canyon: A Guide and Index to Published Graphic and Tabular Data (Excluding Paleontology) 813760224 9780813759227 Spamer 10.1130/micro22 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 22 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 Geology of the Grand Canyon 813760216 9780813759210 Spamer 10.1130/micro21 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 21 GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 G. Somerset Island to Canada Basin 9780813754406 Sweeney 10.1130/DNAG-COT-G fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1986 1986 11 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 History in the Making; The Evolution of the Decade of North American Geology Project 9780813754727 10.1130/DNAG-SPEC-v2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 2 DNAG, Special Publications P 1986-1999 Geology of the Continental Margin of Eastern Canada 660131307 9780813754574 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-I1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 2 Keen DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Geology of the Precambrian Superior and Grenville Provinces and Precambrian Fossils in North America 660131358 9780813754468 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-C1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 7 Lucas DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 H-1 La Paz to Saltillo, Northwestern and Northern Mexico 9780813754413 Mitre-Salazar 10.1130/DNAG-COT-H-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 14 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Review and Index through 1975 of Genus Candona (Ostracoda) in North America (Exclusive of Pre-Quaternary Species) 813760062 9780813759067 10.1130/micro6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 6 Stout GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Hydrogeology 081375206X 9780813754673 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-O2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 O-2 Back DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 International Stratigraphic Guide 9780813774022 9780813759388 Salvador 10.1130/9780813774022 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 P 2011-2014 Insights into the Michigan Basin: Salt Deposits, Impact Structure, Youngest Basin Bedrock, Glacial Geomorphology, Dune Complexes, and Coastal Bluff Stability 9780813700311 9780813756318 10.1130/9780813700311 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 31 Gillespie GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Interdisciplinary Studies of Peat and Coal Origins 813760070 9780813759074 Given 10.1130/micro7 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1977 1977 7 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Geology Under Cities 081374105X 9780813758053 10.1130/REG5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 5 Legget GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1926-1985 Incremental assembly and emplacement of Mesozoic plutons in the Sierra Nevada and White and Inyo ranges, California 9780813760315 9780813759371 Coleman 10.1130/2005.IAAEOM.FFG fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 GSA Field Forum Field Trip Guides P 2000-2005 Legal Aspects of Geology in Engineering Practice 081374007X 9780813759326 Kiersch 10.1130/Eng-Case-7 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 7 GSA Engineering Geology Case Histories P 1926-1985 Geological Society of America Field Guide 14 2008 Joint Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, 5–9 October 2008 9780813700144 9780813756141 10.1130/9780813700144 fulltext The Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 14 Moore GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 Geology of Canadian Mineral Deposit Types 660131366 9780813754680 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-P1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 8 Eckstrand DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Magnetic Anomaly Map of North America 9780813754192 10.1130/DNAG-CSMS-v3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 3 DNAG, Continent-Scale Map Series P 1986-1999 Landslides and Engineering Geology of the Seattle, Washington, Area 9780813741208 9780813758206 10.1130/REG20 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 20 Baum GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2006-2010 Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen in Canada and Greenland 066013134X 9780813754512 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-F1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1995 1995 6 Williams DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Life and Letters of R. A. F. Penrose, Jr. 9780813770024 9780813759395 Fairbanks 10.1130/PenroseLetters fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1952 1952 P 1926-1985 Landslides/Landslide Mitigation 813741092 9780813758091 10.1130/REG9 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 9 Slosson GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1986-1999 Man-Induced Land Subsidence 813741068 9780813758060 10.1130/REG6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1984 1984 6 Holzer GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1926-1985 Mid-Atlantic Ridge 813760054 9780813759050 Rona 10.1130/micro5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1976 1976 5 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Mineral Resources of China 081376002X 9780813759029 Ikonnikov 10.1130/micro2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 2 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Neotectonics in Earthquake Evaluation 813741084 9780813758084 10.1130/REG8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 8 Krinitzsky GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1986-1999 Geology of the Cordilleran Orogen in Canada 660131323 9780813754543 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-G2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 G2 Gabrielse DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Neoproterozoic Glacial and Associated Facies in the Tanafjord-Varangerfjord Area, Finnmark, North Norway 9780813700267 9780813756264 Rice 10.1130/9780813700267 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 26 GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America 813754054 9780813754116 10.1130/0-8137-5405-4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 5 Roy DNAG, Centennial Field Guides P 1986-1999 Neotectonics of North America 813753066 9780813754239 Slemmons 10.1130/DNAG-CSMS-NEO fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 Decade Map 1 DNAG, Continent-Scale Map Series P 1986-1999 Excursions in Geology and History: Field Trips in the Middle Atlantic States 9780813700083 9780813756080 10.1130/978-0-8137-0008-3 fulltext The Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 8 Pazzaglia P 2006-2010 North America and Adjacent Oceans During the Last Deglaciation 813752035 9780813754628 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-K3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 K-3 Ruddiman DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Pennsylvanian Conodont Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Northwestern Illinois 813760038 9780813759036 Merrill 10.1130/micro3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1975 1975 3 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Precambrian Geochronology of North America: An Annotated Bibliography 1951–1977 813760119 9780813759111 Vugrinovich 10.1130/micro11 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1980 1980 11 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012 9780813700274 9780813756271 10.1130/9780813700274 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 27 Sandy GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Perspectives in Regional Geological Synthesis: Planning for The Geology of North America 813752019 9780813754710 10.1130/DNAG-SPEC-v1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1982 1982 1 Palmer DNAG, Special Publications P 1926-1985 Precambrian: Conterminous U.S. 813752183 9780813754475 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-C2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 C-2 Reed DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Petrologic Studies 813770165 9780813759425 Engel 10.1130/Petrologic.1962 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 P 1926-1985 North-Central Section of the Geological Society of America 813754038 9780813754093 10.1130/0-8137-5403-8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 3 Biggs DNAG, Centennial Field Guides P 1986-1999 Phanerozoic Evolution of North American Continent-Ocean Transitions 813753058 9780813754437 10.1130/DNAG-COT-PEN fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 Speed DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Quaternary Nonglacial Geology: Conterminous U.S. 813752159 9780813754611 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-K2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 K-2 Morrison DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Reviews in Engineering Geology 813741017 9780813758015 10.1130/REG1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1962 1962 1 Fluhr GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1926-1985 Questions on Geologic Principles 813760097 9780813759098 Reyer 10.1130/micro9 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1979 1979 9 GSA Microform Publications P 1926-1985 Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland 660131145 9780813754604 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-K1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 K1 Fulton DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Reviews in Engineering Geology 813741025 9780813758022 10.1130/REG2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1969 1969 2 Varnes GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1926-1985 Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America 081375402X 9780813754086 10.1130/0-8137-5402-X fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 2 Beus DNAG, Centennial Field Guides P 1986-1999 Structural Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Sognefjord Transect, Caledonian Orogen, Southern Norway—A Field Trip Guide 9780813700199 9780813756196 Milnes 10.1130/9780813700199 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 19 GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Storm-Induced Geologic Hazards: Case Histories from the 1992–1993 Winter in Southern California and Arizona 9780813741116 9780813758114 10.1130/REG11 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1997 1997 11 Larson GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1986-1999 Seismicity Map of North America 9780813754208 10.1130/DNAG-CSMS-v4 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 4 DNAG, Continent-Scale Map Series P 1986-1999 Stress Map of North America 9780813754215 Zoback 10.1130/DNAG-CSMS-v5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 5 DNAG, Continent-Scale Map Series P 1986-1999 Sedimentary Cover—North American Craton: U.S. 813752051 9780813754499 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-D2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 D-2 Sloss DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Surface Water Hydrology 813752108 9780813754666 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-O1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 O-1 Wolman DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 The Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen in the United States 813752094 9780813754529 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-F2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 F-2 Hatcher DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Sedimentary Cover of the Craton in Canada 660131331 9780813754482 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-D1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1993 1993 5 Stott DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 The Cordilleran Orogen: Conterminous U.S. 813752175 9780813754550 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-G3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 Burchfiel DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 The Atlantic Continental Margin: U.S. 813752043 9780813754581 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-I2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 I-2 Sheridan DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 The Arctic Ocean Region 813752116 9780813754635 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-L fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1990 1990 L Grantz DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 The Challenges of Dam Removal and River Restoration 9780813741215 9780813758213 10.1130/REG21 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 21 Graff GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2011-2014 The Caribbean Region 813752124 9780813754567 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-H fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 H Dengo DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America 813754062 9780813754123 10.1130/0-8137-5406-2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 6 Neathery DNAG, Centennial Field Guides P 1986-1999 South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America 813754046 9780813754109 10.1130/0-8137-5404-6 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1988 1988 4 Hayward DNAG, Centennial Field Guides P 1986-1999 The Grand Canyon Fossil Record: A Source Book in Paleontology of the Grand Canyon and Vicinity, Northwestern Arizona and Southeastern Nevada 813760240 9780813759241 10.1130/micro24 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1992 1992 24 Spamer GSA Microform Publications P 1986-1999 The Eastern Pacific Ocean and Hawaii 813752086 9780813754659 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-N fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 N Winterer DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 The Geology of Central and Southeastern Utah 9780813759463 Draut 10.1130/2005.TGOCAS.PFG fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 GSA Penrose Field Guides P 2000-2005 The Geological Society of America, 1888-1930 813770017 9780813759449 Fairchild 10.1130/Fairchild.1932 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1932 1932 P 1926-1985 The Geology of Alaska 813752191 9780813754536 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-G1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1994 1994 G-1 Plafker DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 The Mid-Atlantic Shore to the Appalachian Highlands: Field Trip Guidebook for the 2010 Joint Meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern GSA Sections 9780813700168 9780813756165 10.1130/978-0-8137-0016-8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 16 Fleeger GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 The Southern Cordillera and Beyond 9780813700250 9780813756257 10.1130/9780813700250 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 25 Aranda-Gómez GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 The Heritage of Engineering Geology; The First Hundred Years 813753031 9780813754154 10.1130/DNAG-CENT-v3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 3 Kiersch DNAG, Centennial Special Volumes P 1986-1999 Tectonic Section Display 9780813754444 Speed 10.1130/DNAG-COT-TSD fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 The Geology of North America—An Overview 813752078 9780813754451 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-A fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 A Bally DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Through the Generations: Geologic and Anthropogenic Field Excursions in the Rocky Mountains from Modern to Ancient 9780813700182 9780813756189 10.1130/9780813700182 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 18 Morgan GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 Volcanic hazards in the Mexico City metropolitan area from eruptions at Popocatépetl, Nevado de Toluca, and Jocotitlán stratovolcanoes and monogenetic scoria cones in the Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field 9780813759470 Siebe 10.1130/2004.VHITMC.PFG fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 GSA Penrose Field Guides P 2000-2005 The Western North Atlantic Region 813752027 9780813754642 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-M fulltext Geology of North America monograph 1986 1986 M Vogt DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Western Cordillera and Adjacent Areas 9780813700045 9780813756042 10.1130/0-8137-0004-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2003 2003 4 Swanson Field Guide P 2000-2005 Volcanoes to Vineyards: Geologic Field Trips through the Dynamic Landscape of the Pacific Northwest 9780813700151 9780813756158 10.1130/978-0-8137-0015-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2009 2009 15 O’Connor GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 Gold, Structures, and Landforms in Central South Carolina—Field Guides for the 2016 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Columbia, South Carolina 9780813700427 9780813756424 10.1130/9780813700427 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 42 Doar GSA Field Guide P 2016 Geology of the Baraboo, Wisconsin, Area 9780813700434 9780813756431 10.1130/9780813700434 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 43 Davis GSA Field Guide P 2016 Geological Field Trips in Central Western Europe: Fragile Earth International Conference, Munich, September 2011 9780813700229 9780813756226 10.1130/978081370022 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 22 Carena GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Geologic Field Trips along the Boundary between the Central Lowlands and Great Plains: 2014 Meeting of the GSA North – Central Section 9780813700366 9780813756363 10.1130/9780813700366 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 36 Korus GSA Field Guide P 2015 The Environmental Legacy of Military Operations 9780813741147 9780813758145 10.1130/REG14 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2001 2001 14 Ehlen GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2000-2005 Diverse Excursions in the Southeast: Paleozoic to Present 9780813700397 9780813756394 10.1130/9780813700397 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 39 Holmes GSA Field Guide P 2016 C-1 Mendocino Triple Junction to North American Craton 9780813754291 Blake 10.1130/DNAG-COT-C-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1989 1989 12 DNAG, Continent-Ocean Transect Series P 1986-1999 Deep Geologic Repositories 9780813741192 9780813758190 10.1130/REG19 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 19 Rempe GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2006-2010 Archean to Anthropocene: Field Guides to the Geology of the Mid-Continent of North America 9780813700243 9780813756240 10.1130/9780813700243 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 24 Miller GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Classic Concepts and New Directions: Exploring 125 Years of GSA Discoveries in the Rocky Mountain Region 9780813700335 9780813756332 10.1130/9780813700359 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 33 Abbott GSA Field Guide P 2015 Elevating Geoscience in the Southeastern United States: New Ideas about Old Terranes—Field Guides for the GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2014 9780813700359 9780813756356 10.1130/9780813700359 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 35 Bailey GSA Field Guide P 2015 From Precambrian Rift Volcanoes to the Mississippian Shelf Margins: Geological Field Excursions in the Ozark Mountains 9780813700175 9780813756172 10.1130/978-0-8137-0017-5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2010 2010 17 Evans GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 From the Cincinnati Arch to the Illinois Basin: Geological Field Excursions along the Ohio River Valley 9780813700120 9780813756127 10.1130/978-0-8137-0012-0 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 12 Maria GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 Field Trips in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA 9780813700052 9780813756059 10.1130/0-8137-0005-1 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2004 2004 5 Nelson GSA Field Guide P 2000-2005 Field Trip Guides to the Backbone of the Americas in the Southern and Central Andes: Ridge Collision, Shallow Subduction, and Plateau Uplift 9780813700137 9780813756134 10.1130/978-0-8137-0013-7 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 13 Kay GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 From the Blue Ridge to the Coastal Plain: Field Excursions in the Southeastern United States 9780813700298 9780813756295 10.1130/9780813700298 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2012 2012 29 Eppes GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Geologic Field Trips to the Basin and Range, Rocky Mountains, Snake River Plain, and Terranes of the U.S. Cordillera 9780813700212 9780813756219 10.1130/9780813700212 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2011 2011 21 Lee GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Geology of Coal Fires: Case Studies from Around the World 9780813741185 9780813758183 10.1130/REG18 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 18 Stracher GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2006-2010 Geomorphic Systems of North America 813753023 9780813754147 10.1130/DNAG-CENT-v2 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1987 1987 2 Graf DNAG, Centennial Special Volumes P 1986-1999 Late Cretaceous to Quaternary Strata and Fossils of Texas: Field Excursions Celebrating 125 Years of GSA and Texas Geology, GSA South-Central Section Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 2013 9780813700304 9780813756301 10.1130/9780813700304 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2013 2013 30 Hunt GSA Field Guide P 2011-2014 Military Geosciences in the Twenty-First Century 9780813741222 9780813758220 10.1130/9780813758220 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 22 Harmon GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2015 Military Geology in War and Peace 9780813741130 9780813758138 10.1130/REG13 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1998 1998 13 Underwood GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology P 1986-1999 Interior Western United States 9780813700069 9780813756066 10.1130/0-8137-0006-X fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 6 Pederson GSA Field Guide P 2000-2005 Science at the Highest Level 9780813700038 9780813756035 10.1130/0-8137-0003-5 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2002 2002 3 Lageson GSA Field Guide P 2000-2005 1906 San Francisco Earthquake centennial Field Guides: Field trips associated with the 100th Anniversary Conference, 18–23 April 2006, San Francisco, California 9780813700076 9780813756073 10.1130/0-8137-0007-8 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2006 2006 7 Prentice GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 Trials and Tribulations of Life on an Active Subduction Zone: Field Trips in and around Vancouver, Canada 9780813700380 9780813756387 10.1130/9780813700380 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 38 Dashtgard GSA Field Guide P 2015 The Gulf of Mexico Basin 813752167 9780813754598 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-J fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 1991 1991 J Salvador DNAG, Geology of North America P 1986-1999 Understanding and Responding to Hazardous Substances at Mine Sites in the Western United States 9780813741178 9780813758176 10.1130/REG17 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2007 2007 17 DeGraff Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2006-2010 Forts, Floods, and Periglacial Features: Exploring the Pittsburgh Low Plateau and Upper Youghiogheny Basin 9780813700465 9780813756462 10.1130/9780813700465 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 46 Hannibal GSA Field Guide P 2017 From the Blue Ridge to the Beach: Geological Field Excursions across Virginia 9780813700472 9780813756479 10.1130/9780813700472 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 47 Bailey GSA Field Guide P 2017 Exploring the Northern Rocky Mountains 9780813700373 9780813756370 10.1130/9780813700373 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2014 2014 37 Shaw GSA Field Guide P 2015 Field Guide to Plutons, Volcanoes, Faults, Reefs, Dinosaurs, and Possible Glaciation in Selected Areas of Arizona, California, and Nevada 9780813700113 9780813756110 10.1130/978-0-8137-0011-3 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2008 2008 11 Duebendorfer GSA Field Guide P 2006-2010 Great Basin and Sierra Nevada 9780813700021 9780813756028 10.1130/0-8137-0002-7 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2000 2000 2 Lageson GSA Field Guide P 2000-2005 Humans as Geologic Agents 9780813741161 9780813758169 10.1130/REG16 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2005 2005 16 Ehlen Reviews in Engineering Geology P 2000-2005 Exploring the Geology of the Inland Northwest 9780813700410 9780813756417 10.1130/9780813700410 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 41 Lewis GSA Field Guide P 2016 Tripping from the Fall Line: Field Excursions for the GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 2015 9780813700403 9780813756400 10.1130/9780813700403 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2015 2015 40 Brezinski GSA Field Guide P 2016 Geologic Field Trips of the Canadian Rockies: 2017 Meeting of the GSA Rocky Mountain Section 9780813756486 10.1130/FLD048 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 48 GSA Field Guides P 2018 The Crust-Mantle and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundaries: Insights from Xenoliths, Orogenic Deep Sections, and Geophysical Studies 9780813725260 10.1130/9780813725260 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 526 GSA Special Papers P 2017 Unconventional: The Development of Natural Gas from the Marcellus Shale 9780813725277 10.1130/9780813725277 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 527 P 2017 Geoecology of the Marias River Canyon, Montana, USA: Landscape Influence on Human Use and Preservation of Late Holocene Archaeological and Vertebrate Remains 9780813725284 10.1130/9780813725284 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 528 GSA Special Papers P 2017 Autogenic Dynamics and Self-Organization in Sedimentary Systems 9781565763425 9781565763432 10.2110/sepmsp.106 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2016 2016 106 Budd SEPM Special Publication P 2016 Cretaceous and Eocene Decapod Crustaceans from Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada 9780660190921 9780660190938 Schweitzer 10.1139/9780660190921 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2003 2003 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 A New Horned Dinosaur from an Upper Cretaceous Bone Bed in Alberta 9780660198194 9780660198200 Currie 10.1139/9780660198194 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2008 2008 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Phillipsastreid Corals from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of Western Canada: Taxonomy and Biostratigraphic Significance 9780660193649 9780660193656 McLean 10.1139/9780660193649 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2005 2005 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Taxonomy, Evolution, and Biostratigraphy of Conodonts from the Kechika Formation, Skoki Formation, and Road River Group (Upper Cambrian to Lower Silurian), Northeastern British Columbia 9780660185217 9780660189895 Pyle 10.1139/9780660185217 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2002 2002 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Silurian (Late Llandovery–Ludlow) Atrypid Brachiopods from Gotland, Sweden, and the Welsh Borderlands, Great Britain 9780660190112 9780660192666 Copper 10.1139/9780660190112 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2004 2004 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Late Ordovician orthide and billingsellide brachiopods from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada: Diversity change through a mass extinction 9780660197890 9780660198163 Jin 10.1139/9780660197890 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2008 2008 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Ludlow and Pridoli (Upper Silurian) Graptolites from the Arctic Islands, Canada 9780660193267 9780660193274 Lenz 10.1139/9780660193267 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2004 2004 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Photographic Atlas of Fish Otoliths of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean 9780660191089 9780660192673 Campana 10.1139/9780660191089 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2004 2004 133 Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences P 2015 Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and their X-Ray Identification 9780903056083 9780903056373 10.1180/mono-5 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 1980 1980 5 Brindley Mineralogical Society Monograph P 1926-1985 Environmental Mineralogy: Microbial Interactions, Anthropogenic Influences, Contaminated Land and Waste Management 9780903056205 9780903056410 10.1180/MSS.9 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2000 2000 9 Cotter-Howells The Mineralogical Society Series P 2000-2005 Advances in the characterization of industrial minerals 9780903056281 9780903056359 10.1180/EMU-notes.9 fulltext European Mineralogical Union monograph 2010 2010 9 Christidis European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2006-2010 Environmental Mineralogy 9789634631330 9780903056427 10.1180/EMU-notes.2 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2000 2000 2 Vaughan European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2000-2005 Minerals at the Nanoscale 9780903056342 9780903056380 10.1180/EMU-notes.14 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2013 2013 Nieto European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy 14 P 2011-2014 Modular Aspects of Minerals 9789634631323 9780903056472 10.1180/EMU-notes.1 fulltext European Mineralogical Union monograph 1997 1997 1 Merlino European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 1986-1999 Ion Partitioning in Ambient-Temperature Aqueous Systems 9780903056267 9780903056441 10.1180/EMU-notes.10 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2011 2011 10 Prieto European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2011-2014 Energy Modelling in Minerals 9789634635666 9780903056397 10.1180/EMU-notes.4 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2002 2002 4 Gramaccioli European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2000-2005 Mineral behaviour at extreme conditions 9789634638377 9780903056465 10.1180/EMU-notes.7 fulltext European Mineralogical Union monograph 2005 2005 7 Miletich European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2000-2005 Raman spectroscopy applied to Earth sciences and cultural heritage 9780903056311 9780903056366 10.1180/EMU-notes.12 fulltext European Mineralogical Union monograph 2012 2012 12 Dubessy European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2011-2014 Nanoscopic Approaches in Earth and Planetary Sciences 9780903056250 9780903056489 10.1180/EMU-notes.8 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2010 2010 8 Brenker European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2006-2010 Solid Solutions in Silicate and Oxide Systems 9789634631347 9780903056502 10.1180/EMU-notes.3 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2001 2001 3 Geiger European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2000-2005 Spectroscopic methods in mineralogy 9789634636625 9780903056519 10.1180/EMU-notes.6 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2004 2004 6 Beran European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2000-2005 An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 9780903056274 9780903056434 Deer 10.1180/DHZ fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2013 2013 P 2011-2014 The Electron-Optical Investigation of Clays 9780903056014 9780903056526 10.1180/mono-3 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 1971 1971 3 Gard Mineralogical Society Monograph P 1926-1985 Planetary Mineralogy 9780903056557 9780903056564 10.1180/EMU-notes.15 fulltext European Mineralogical Union monograph 2015 2015 15 Lee European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2015 Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphism 9789634636465 9780903056540 10.1180/EMU-notes.5 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2003 2003 5 Carswell European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2000-2005 Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data for a One-Dimensional Conductivity 9781560800583 9780931830563 Whittall 10.1190/1.9781560802419 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1992 1992 5 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 1986-1999 Taphonomy and Population Dynamics of an Early Pliocene Vertebrate Fauna, Knox County, Nebraska 9780989762601 Voorhies 10.2113/gsrocky.8.special_paper_1.1 fulltext University of Wyoming monograph 1969 1969 1 Contributions to Geology P 1926-1985 Late Pliocene and Pleistocene History of the Donnelly Ranch Vertebrate Site, Southeastern Colorado 9780989762618 Hager 10.2113/gsrocky.13.special_paper_2.1 fulltext University of Wyoming monograph 1974 1974 2 Contributions to Geology P 1926-1985 Skull Morphology of Lambdopsalis bulla (Mammalia, Multituberculata) and its Implications to Mammalian Evolution 941570096 9780989762632 Desui 10.2113/gsrocky.26.special_paper_4.1 fulltext University of Wyoming monograph 1988 1988 4 Contributions to Geology P 1986-1999 The Misadventures of Interpreter Sam 9781560801566 9781560801603 Herron 10.1190/1.9781560801603 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2009 2009 15 Geophysical Monograph Series P 2006-2010 Vertebrates, Phylogeny, and Philosophy 941570029 9780989762625 Flanagan 10.2113/gsrocky.24.special_paper_3.1 fulltext University of Wyoming monograph 1986 1986 Contributions to Geology Special Paper 3 P 1986-1999 Petroleum Geoengineering: Integration of Static and Dynamic Models 9781560801535 9781560801597 Corbett 10.1190/1.9781560801597 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2009 2009 12 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2006-2010 Mineral reaction kinetics: Microstructures, textures, chemical and isotopic signatures 9780903056632 9780903056649 10.1180/EMU-notes.16 fulltext European Mineralogical Union and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2016 2016 16 Heinrich European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2016 Reservoir Geophysics: Applications 9781560801467 9781560801634 Abriel 10.1190/1.9781560801634 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2008 2008 11 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2006-2010 Edge and Tip Diffractions: Theory and Applications in Seismic Prospecting 9781560801498 9781560801627 Klem-Musatov 10.1190/1.9781560801627 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2008 2008 14 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2006-2010 A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations 9781560801443 9781560801641 Bancroft 10.1190/1.9781560801641 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2007 2007 13 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 2006-2010 Concepts and Applications in 3D Seismic Imaging 9781560801399 9781560801665 Biondi 10.1190/1.9781560801665 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2007 2007 10 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2006-2010 Fundamentals of Geophysical Interpretation 9781560801252 9781560801726 Lines 10.1190/1.9781560801726 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2004 2004 13 Geophysical Monograph Series P 2000-2005 The Microtremor Survey Method 9781560801207 9781560801740 Okada 10.1190/1.9781560801740 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2003 2003 12 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2000-2005 A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations: Volume 2 (Prestack) 9781560801450 9781560801658 Bancroft 10.1190/1.9781560801658 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2007 2007 14 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 2006-2010 Reflection Coefficients and Azimuthal Avo Analysis in Anisotropic Media 9781560801078 9781560801764 Rüger 10.1190/1.9781560801764 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2002 2002 10 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2000-2005 Geophysics in the Affairs of Mankind: A Personalized History of Exploration Geophysics 9781560800873 9781560801788 Lawyer 10.1190/1.9781560801788 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2001 2001 10 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2000-2005 Advances in Anisotropy: Selected Theory, Modeling, and Case Studies 9781560800392 9781560801795 10.1190/1.9781560801795 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2001 2001 5 Hood Society of Exploration Geophysicists Open File P 2000-2005 Static corrections for seismic reflection surveys 9781560800804 9781560801818 Cox 10.1190/1.9781560801818 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1999 1999 9 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 Problems in Exploration Seismology and their Solutions 9781560801153 9781560801733 Geldart 10.1190/1.9781560801733 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2004 2004 14 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2000-2005 Tensors of Geophysics, Volume 2: Generalized Functions and Curvilinear Coordinates 9781560800750 9781560801825 Hadsell 10.1190/1.9781560801825 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1999 1999 7 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 Theory and Application of Spectral Induced Polarization 9781560800484 9781560801856 Luo 10.1190/1.9781560801856 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1998 1998 8 Geophysical Monograph Series P 1986-1999 Seismic Modeling and Imaging with the Complete Wave Equation 9781560800477 9781560801870 Bording 10.1190/1.9781560801870 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1997 1997 8 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 A Handbook for Seismic Data Acquisition in Exploration 9781560800415 9781560801863 Evans 10.1190/1.9781560801863 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1997 1997 7 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 1986-1999 Geologic Applications of Gravity and Magnetics: Case Histories 9781560800781 9781560801832 10.1190/1.9781560801832 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1998 1998 8 Gibson Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 VSP Interpretive Processing: Theory and Practice 9781560800422 9781560801894 Hinds 10.1190/1.9781560801894 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1996 1996 3 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Open File P 1986-1999 Time-Lapse Seismic in Reservoir Management 9781560800835 9781560801887 Jack 10.1190/1.9781560801887 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1997 1997 1 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 1986-1999 Seismic Data Processing with Seismic Un*x: A 2D Seismic Data Processing Primer 9781560801344 9781560801948 Forel 10.1190/1.9781560801948 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2005 2005 12 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 2000-2005 Seismic Amplitude Interpretation 9781560801092 9781560801993 Hilterman 10.1190/1.9781560801993 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2001 2001 4 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2000-2005 Processing Near-Surface Seismic Reflection Data: A Primer 9781560800903 9781560802020 Baker 10.1190/1.9781560802020 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1999 1999 9 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 Model-Based Depth Imaging 9781560800859 9781560802013 Fagin 10.1190/1.9781560802013 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1999 1999 10 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 Petroleum Systems of Deepwater Settings 9781560801245 9781560801955 Weimer 10.1190/1.9781560801955 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2004 2004 7 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2000-2005 Geostatistics for Seismic Data Integration in Earth Models 9781560801214 9781560801962 Dubrule 10.1190/1.9781560801962 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2003 2003 6 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2000-2005 Dip Moveout Processing 9781560800538 9781560802204 Hale 10.1190/1.9781560802204 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1991 1991 4 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 Comparison of Seismic Inversion Methods on a Single Real Data Set 9781560800491 9781560802082 10.1190/1.9781560802082 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1998 1998 4 Keys Society of Exploration Geophysicists Open File P 1986-1999 Introduction to Seismic Inversion Methods 9780931830655 9781560802303 Russell 10.1190/1.9781560802303 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1988 1988 2 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 Geophysics Under Stress: Geomechanical Applications of Seismic and Borehole Acoustic Waves 9781560802105 9781560802129 Sayers 10.1190/1.9781560802129 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2010 2010 13 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2006-2010 Pitfalls Revisited 9781560802342 9781560802341 Tucker 10.1190/1.9781560802341 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1982 1982 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 1926-1985 Fundamentals of Seismic Tomography 9781560800286 9781560802334 Lo 10.1190/1.9781560802334 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1995 1995 6 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 1986-1999 Digital Processing of Geophysical Data - A Review 9780931830501 9781560802310 Lindseth 10.1190/1.9781560802310 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1968 1968 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1926-1985 The Boundary Element Method in Geophysics 9781560801054 9781560802112 Xu 10.1190/1.9781560802112 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2001 2001 9 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2000-2005 Pitfalls in Seismic Interpretation 9780931830112 9781560802365 Tucker 10.1190/1.9781560802365 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1973 1973 2 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 1926-1985 50 Years of Geophysical Ideas 9780931830730 9781560802389 Mayne 10.1190/1.9781560802389 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1989 1989 P 1986-1999 Exploration Seismic Tomography: Fundamentals 9781560800521 9781560802372 Stewart 10.1190/1.9781560802372 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1991 1991 3 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 The Generalized Reciprocal Method of Seismic Refraction Interpretation 9780931830143 9781560802426 Burke 10.1190/1.9781560802426 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1980 1980 P 1926-1985 Elementary Gravity and Magnetics for Geologists and Seismologists 9780931830075 9781560802433 Nettleton 10.1190/1.9781560802433 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1971 1971 1 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 1926-1985 Shear Waves from Acquisition to Interpretation 9781560800934 9781560802402 Garotta 10.1190/1.9781560802402 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1999 1999 3 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 1986-1999 Seismic Wavefield Sampling: A Wave Number Approach to Acquisition Fundamentals 9781560800101 9781560802440 Cooper 10.1190/1.9781560802440 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1990 1990 4 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 Reflections of a Seismic Interpreter 1560800127 9781560802457 Tucker 10.1190/1.9781560802457 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1990 1990 P 1986-1999 Geophysical Signal Analysis 9781560801047 9781560802327 Robinson 10.1190/1.9781560802327 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2000 2000 P 2000-2005 Tensors of Geophysics for Mavericks and Mongrels 9781560800293 9781560802464 Hadsell 10.1190/1.9781560802464 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1995 1995 6 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 An Analysis of Least-Squares Velocity Inversion 9780931830785 9781560802488 Brown 10.1190/1.9781560802488 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1989 1989 4 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 1986-1999 Seismic Filtering 9780931830044 9781560802525 10.1190/1.9781560802525 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1971 1971 Rothenburg P 1926-1985 Seismic Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Traps: Louisiana Onshore and Offshore 9781560800255 9781560802549 Lowrie 10.1190/1.9781560802549 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1994 1994 5 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 Lessons in Seismic Computing 9781560802563 9781560802563 10.1190/1.9781560802563 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1959 1959 Slotnick P 1926-1985 Geophysical Data Analysis: Understanding Inverse Problem Theory and Practice 9781560800279 9781560802570 Meju 10.1190/1.9781560802570 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1995 1995 6 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Course Notes P 1986-1999 A Practical Introduction to Borehole Geophysics: An Overview of Wireline Well Logging Principles for Geophysicists 9780931830396 9781560802587 Labo 10.1190/1.9781560802587 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1987 1987 2 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 Theory of Seismic Diffractions 9781560800743 9781560802617 Klem-Musatov 10.1190/1.9781560802617 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1994 1994 1 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Open File P 1986-1999 Modern Spectral Analysis with Geophysical Applications 9781560800316 9781560802648 Båth 10.1190/1.9781560802648 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1995 1995 2 Cooper Society of Exploration Geophysicists Open File P 1986-1999 International Gravity Measurements 9781560802655 9781560802655 Woollard 10.1190/1.9781560802655 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1963 1963 P 1926-1985 Seismic Wave Propagation: Collected Works of J. E. White 9781560800965 9781560802471 10.1190/1.9781560802471 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2000 2000 21 White Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2000-2005 An Overview of Exploration Geophysics in China — 1988 9780931830808 9781560802662 10.1190/1.9781560802662 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1989 1989 3 Jingxiang Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 Seismic Refraction Prospecting 9781560802679 10.1190/1.9781560802679 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1967 1967 Musgrave P 1926-1985 Seismic Anisotropy 9781560800446 9781560802693 10.1190/1.9781560802693 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1996 1996 Fjær P 1986-1999 Mining Geophysics Volume 1, Case Histories 9781560802709 9781560802709 10.1190/1.9781560802709 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1966 1966 Hansen P 1926-1985 The Utility of Regional Gravity and Magnetic Anomaly Maps 9781560802723 9781560802723 10.1190/1.0931830346 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1985 1985 Hinze P 1926-1985 Mining Geophysics Volume II, Theory 9781560802716 9781560802716 10.1190/1.9781560802716 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1967 1967 Hansen P 1926-1985 Designing Seismic Surveys in Two and Three Dimensions 9781560800736 9781560802730 Stone 10.1190/1.9781560802730 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1994 1994 5 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 1986-1999 Concepts and Techniques in Oil and Gas Exploration 9780931830228 9781560802778 10.1190/1.9781560802778 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1982 1982 Jain P 1926-1985 Glossary of Terms Used in Well Logging 9781560802860 9781560802860 Sheriff 10.1190/1.9781560802860 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1971 1971 35 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 1926-1985 Seismic Acquisition from Yesterday to Tomorrow 9781560802815 9781560802853 Meunier 10.1190/1.9781560802853 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2011 2011 14 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2011-2014 Multicomponent Seismic Technology 9781560802822 9781560802891 Hardage 10.1190/1.9781560802891 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2011 2011 18 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2011-2014 Seismology of Azimuthally Anisotropic Media and Seismic Fracture Characterization 9781560802280 9781560802839 Tsvankin 10.1190/1.9781560802839 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2011 2011 17 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2011-2014 First Steps in Seismic Interpretation 9781560802808 9781560802938 Herron 10.1190/1.9781560802938 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2011 2011 16 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2011-2014 Elements of Seismic Dispersion: A Somewhat Practical Guide to Frequency-dependent Phenomena 9781560802914 9781560802952 Liner 10.1190/1.9781560802952 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2012 2012 15 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2011-2014 Numerical Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation: Gridded Two-way Wave-equation Methods 9781560802907 9781560803089 10.1190/1.9781560803089 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2012 2012 28 Robertsson Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2011-2014 3-D Seismic Survey Design 9781560803034 9781560803041 Vermeer 10.1190/1.9781560803041 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2012 2012 12 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2011-2014 Remote Sensing in Action: The Curious Case of Sherlock Holmes and Albert Einstein 9781560803133 9781560803140 Robinson 10.1190/1.9781560803140 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2014 2014 18 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2015 Fundamentals of Gravity Exploration 9781560802983 9781560803058 LaFehr 10.1190/1.9781560803058 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2012 2012 17 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2011-2014 Seismic Signatures and Analysis of Reflection Data in Anisotropic Media, Third Edition 9781560802990 9781560803003 Tsvankin 10.1190/1.9781560803003 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2012 2012 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2011-2014 Sea-Level Changes: An Integrated Approach 918985749 9781565760899 10.2110/pec.88.01 fulltext Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists monograph 1989 1989 42 Wilgus SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Incised-Valley Systems: Origin and Sedimentary Sequences 1565760158 9781565760905 10.2110/pec.94.12 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 51 Dalrymple SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Geochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation 1565760247 9781565760912 10.2110/pec.95.04 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 54 Berggren SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Understanding Seismic Anisotropy in Exploration and Exploitation 9781560803263 9781560803270 Thomsen 10.1190/1.9781560803270 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2015 2015 5 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2015 Handbook of Poststack Seismic Attributes 9781560803317 9781560803324 Barnes 10.1190/1.9781560803324 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2016 2016 21 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2016 Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins 1565760433 9781565760936 10.2110/pec.98.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 60 Graciansky SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Sea-Level Fluctuation and Coastal Evolution 918985714 9781565760950 10.2110/pec.87.41 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1988 1988 41 Nummedal SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Recent Developments in Fluvial Sedimentology 918985676 9781565760967 10.2110/pec.87.39 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1987 1987 39 Ethridge SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Systematics of Fluid Inclusions in Diagenetic Minerals 1565760085 9781565760981 Goldstein 10.2110/scn.94.31 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 31 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Applications of Ichnology to Petroleum Exploration: A Core Workshop 918985978 9781565760974 10.2110/cor.92.17 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1992 1992 17 Pemberton SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Origin and Migration of Subsurface Sedimentary Brines 918985757 9781565760998 Hanor 10.2110/scn.87.21 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1988 1988 21 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Introduction to Environmental Hydrogeology 1565760107 9781565761025 10.2110/scn.94.32 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 32 Eslinger SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Siltstones, Mudstones and Shales: Depositional Processes and Characteristics 9781565760943 10.2110/sepmmisc.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2003 2003 1 Scott SEPM Miscellaneous Publication P 2000-2005 Cross-Bedding, Bedforms, and Paleocurrents 918985684 9781565761018 Rubin 10.2110/csp.87.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1987 1987 1 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 1986-1999 Roles of Organic Matter in Sediment Diagenesis 918985595 9781565761049 10.2110/pec.86.38 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1986 1986 38 Gautier SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Giant Oil and Gas Fields: A Core Workshop 9781565763289 9781565761001 10.2110/cor.88.12 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1988 1988 12 Lomando SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Controls on Carbonate Platforms and Basin Development 091898579X 9781565761056 10.2110/pec.89.44 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1989 1989 44 Crevello SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Luminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy: Qualitative and Quantitative Applications 918985889 9781565761063 10.2110/scn.91.25 fulltext SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) monograph 1991 1991 25 Barker SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Hydrocarbon Reservoir Characterization: Geologic Framework and Flow Unit Modeling 1565760190 9781565761032 10.2110/scn.95.34 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 34 Stoudt SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Geological Log Interpretation 1565760093 9781565761094 Doveton 10.2110/scn.94.29 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 29 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Sequence Stratigraphy and Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs 1565760409 9781565761148 Kerans 10.2110/scn.97.40 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1997 1997 40 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 3-D Seismic Interpretation: A Primer for Geologists 1565760735 9781565761155 Hart 10.2110/scn.00.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2000 2000 48 SEPM Short Course Notes P 2000-2005 Palynology in Oil Exploration 9781565761414 10.2110/pec.64.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1964 1964 11 Cross SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Dolomitization and Limestone Diagenesis 9781565761438 10.2110/pec.65.07 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1965 1965 13 Pray SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Primary Sedimentary Structures and Their Hydrodynamic Interpretation 9781565761421 10.2110/pec.65.08 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1965 1965 12 Middleton SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Depositional Processes and Reservoir Characteristics of Siltstones, Mudstones and Shales 9781565761124 10.2110/sepmmisc.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2004 2004 2 Scott SEPM Miscellaneous Publication P 2000-2005 Developing Models and Analogs for Isolated Carbonate Platforms—Holocene and Pleistocene Carbonates of Caicos Platform, British West Indies 9781565761346 9781565761384 10.2110/pec.08.22 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2008 2008 22 Morgan SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 2006-2010 Depositional Environments in Carbonate Rocks 9781565761445 10.2110/pec.69.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1969 1969 14 Friedman SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Recognition of Ancient Sedimentary Environments 9781565761469 10.2110/pec.72.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1972 1972 16 Rigby SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Carbonate Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy 1565761162 9781565761322 Schlager 10.2110/csp.05.08 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2005 2005 8 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 2000-2005 Deltaic Sedimentation, Modern and Ancient 9781565761452 10.2110/pec.70.11 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1970 1970 15 Morgan SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Sedimentation in the World Ocean: With Emphasis On the Nature, Distribution and Behavior of Marine Suspensions 9781565761476 Lisitzin 10.2110/pec.72.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1972 1972 17 SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Reefs in Time and Space: Selected Examples from the Recent and Ancient 9781565761483 10.2110/pec.74.18 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1974 1974 18 Laporte SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation 9781565761490 10.2110/pec.74.19 fulltext Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists monograph 1974 1974 19 Dott SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Studies in Paleo-Oceanography 9781565761506 10.2110/pec.74.20 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1974 1974 20 Hay SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Paleogeographic Provinces and Provinciality 9781565761513 10.2110/pec.74.21 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1974 1974 21 Ross SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Glaciofluvial and Glaciolacustrine Sedimentation 9781565761537 10.2110/pec.75.23 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1975 1975 23 Jopling SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Tectonics and Sedimentation 9781565761520 10.2110/pec.74.22 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1974 1974 22 Dickinson SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation 918985048 9781565761544 10.2110/pec.76.24 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1977 1977 24 Davis SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Deep-Water Carbonate Environments 918985056 9781565761551 10.2110/pec.77.25 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1977 1977 25 Cook SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Aspects of Diagenesis 918985064 9781565761568 10.2110/pec.79.26 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1979 1979 26 Scholle SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Facies Models Revisited 9781565763302 9781565761216 10.2110/pec.06.84 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2006 2006 84 Posamentier SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Geology of Continental Slopes 918985072 9781565761575 10.2110/pec.79.27 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1979 1979 27 Doyle SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Marine Phosphorites—Geochemistry, Occurrence, Genesis 918985099 9781565761599 10.2110/pec.80.29 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1980 1980 29 Bentor SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Concepts and Models of Dolomitization 918985080 9781565761582 10.2110/pec.80.28 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1980 1980 28 Zenger SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Applied Ichnology 9781565761391 9781565761407 10.2110/pec.07.52 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2008 2008 52 MacEachern SEPM Short Course Notes P 2006-2010 The Deep Sea Drilling Project: A Decade of Progress 918985129 9781565761629 10.2110/pec.81.32 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1981 1981 32 Warme SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Recent and Ancient Nonmarine Depositional Environments: Models for Exploration 918985110 9781565761612 10.2110/pec.81.31 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1981 1981 31 Ethridge SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 European Fossil Reef Models 918985102 9781565761605 Toomey 10.2110/pec.81.30 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1981 1981 30 SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 The Shelfbreak: Critical Interface on Continental Margins 918985137 9781565761636 10.2110/pec.83.06 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1983 1983 33 Stanley SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Siliciclastic Shelf Sediments 918985145 9781565761643 10.2110/pec.84.34 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 34 Tillman SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Biogenic Structures: Their Use in Interpreting Depositional Environments 918985153 9781565761650 10.2110/pec.85.35 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 35 Curran SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Strike-Slip Deformation, Basin Formation, and Sedimentation 918985587 9781565761674 10.2110/pec.85.37 fulltext Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists monograph 1986 1986 37 Biddle SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Carbonate Cements: Based on a Symposium Sponsored by the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists 918985374 9781565761667 10.2110/pec.85.36 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 36 Schneidermann SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Reservoir Sedimentology 918985692 9781565761681 10.2110/pec.87.40 fulltext Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists monograph 1987 1987 40 Tillman SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Sedimentation in Volcanic Settings 918985897 9781565761704 10.2110/pec.91.45 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1991 1991 45 Fisher SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Dolostones 918985773 9781565761698 10.2110/pec.88.43 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1989 1989 43 Shukla SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 From Shoreline to Abyss: Contributions in Marine Geology in Honor of Francis Parker Shepard 918985927 9781565761711 10.2110/pec.91.09 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1991 1991 46 Osborne SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Applications of Paleomagnetism to Sedimentary Geology 1565760026 9781565761742 10.2110/pec.93.49 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1993 1993 49 Aïssaoui SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Origin, Diagenesis, and Petrophysics of Clay Minerals in Sandstones 918985951 9781565761728 10.2110/pec.92.47 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1992 1992 47 Houseknecht SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Modern and Ancient Saline Lakes Models 156576014X 9781565761759 10.2110/pec.94.50 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 50 Renaut SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Quaternary Coasts of the United States: Marine and Lacustrine Systems 918985986 9781565761735 10.2110/pec.92.48 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1993 1993 48 Fletcher SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Stratigraphic Evolution of Foreland Basins 1565760166 9781565761766 10.2110/pec.95.52 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 52 Dorobek SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Graphic Correlation 1565760239 9781565761773 10.2110/pec.95.53 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 53 Mann SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Siliciclastic Diagenesis and Fluid Flow: Concepts and Applications 1565760328 9781565761780 10.2110/pec.96.55 fulltext SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) monograph 1996 1996 55 Crossey SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Paleogeographic Evolution and Non-Glacial Eustasy, Northern South America 1565760417 9781565761810 10.2110/pec.98.58 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1998 1998 58 Pindell SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Cool-Water Carbonates 1565760344 9781565761797 10.2110/pec.97.56 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1997 1997 56 James SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Basin-Wide Diagenetic Patterns: Integrated Petrologic, Geochemical, and Hydrologic Considerations 1565760352 9781565761803 10.2110/pec.97.57 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1997 1997 57 Montanez SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Relative Role of Eustacy, Climate, and Tectonism in Continental Rocks 1565760425 9781565761827 10.2110/pec.98.59 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1998 1998 59 Kocurek SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Tidalites: Processes & Products 156576059X 9781565761834 10.2110/pec.98.61 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 61 Alexander SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Numerical Experiments in Stratigraphy: Recent Advances in Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Computer Simulations 1565760611 9781565761841 Harbaugh 10.2110/pec.99.62 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 62 SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Geologic Framework of the Capitan Reef 1565760638 9781565761872 10.2110/pec.99.65 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 65 Saller SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Advances in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Application to Reservoirs, Outcrops and Models 1565760603 9781565761858 10.2110/pec.99.11 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 63 Harris SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Isolated Shallow Marine Sand Bodies: Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis and Sedimentologic Interpretation 1565760573 9781565761865 10.2110/pec.99.64 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 64 Bergman SEPM Special Publication P 1986-1999 Subsurface Geology of a Prograding Carbonate Platform Margin, Great Bahama Bank: Results of the Bahamas Drilling Project 1565760778 9781565761926 10.2110/pec.01.70 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2001 2001 70 Ginsburg SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Bibliography of Otoliths 9781565762022 Campbell 10.2110/pec.29.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1929 1929 1 SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Polar Wandering and Continental Drift 9781565761964 10.2110/pec.63.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1963 1963 10 Munyan SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Turbidity Currents and the Transportaton of Coarse Sediments to Deep Water 9781565762039 10.2110/pec.51.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1951 1951 2 Hough SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Finding Ancient Shorelines 9781565762046 10.2110/pec.55.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1955 1955 3 Hough SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Modern and Ancient Carbonate Eolianites: Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Diagenesis 1565760794 9781565761933 10.2110/pec.01.71 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2001 2001 71 Abegg SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Index Journal of Paleontology 9781565762091 Chappars 10.2110/pec.61.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1960 1960 8 SEPM Special Publication F 1926-1985 Regional Aspects of Carbonate Deposition 9781565762060 10.2110/pec.57.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1957 1957 5 Blanc SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Recent Marine Sediments 9781565762053 10.2110/pec.55.04 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1955 1955 4 Trask SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Taxonomic Notes 9781565762107 Barker 10.2110/pec.60.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1960 1960 9 SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Phanerozoic Reef Patterns 1565760816 9781565761940 10.2110/pec.02.72 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2002 2002 72 Kiessling SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Evolution of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Margin 1565760883 9781565762152 10.2110/pec.04.79 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2004 2004 79 Anderson SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 External Controls on Deep-Water Depositional Systems 9781565761360 9781565762008 10.2110/sepmsp.092 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2009 2009 92 Kneller SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Aquifer Characterization 1565761073 9781565762169 10.2110/pec.04.80 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2004 2004 80 Bridge SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Tropical Deltas of Southeast Asia—Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology 1565760867 9781565762138 10.2110/pec.03.76 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2003 2003 76 Sidi SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Sedimentation in Continental Rifts 1565760824 9781565761957 10.2110/pec.02.73 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2002 2002 73 Renaut SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 The Deposition of Organic-Carbon-Rich Sediments: Models, Mechanisms, and Consequences 1565761103 9781565762183 10.2110/pec.05.82 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2005 2005 82 Harris SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Climate Controls on Stratigraphy 1565760859 9781565762145 10.2110/pec.03.77 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2003 2003 77 Cecil SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Models and Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Reef Communities, Gulf of Mexico 918985838 9781565762251 Scott 10.2110/csp.90.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1990 1990 2 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 1986-1999 Cyclostratigraphy: Approaches and Case Histories 1565761081 9781565762176 10.2110/pec.04.81 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2004 2004 81 D’Argenio SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on Sedimentary Cycles 1565760174 9781565762275 Dennison 10.2110/csp.94.04 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 4 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 1986-1999 Controls on Carbonate Platform and Reef Development 9781565761308 9781565762244 10.2110/pec.08.89 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2008 2008 89 Lukasik SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Incised Valleys in Time and Space 1565761227 9781565762206 10.2110/pec.06.85 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2006 2006 85 Dalrymple SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA 1565760441 9781565762299 10.2110/csp.98.06 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1998 1998 6 Dean SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 1986-1999 Models for Carbonate Stratigraphy from Miocene Reef Complexes of Mediterranean Regions 1565760336 9781565762282 10.2110/csp.96.05 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1996 1996 5 Franseen SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 1986-1999 Depositional Environments as Interpreted from Primary Sedimentary Structures and Stratification Sequences 9781565763336 9781565762312 Harms 10.2110/scn.75.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1975 1975 2 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Hydrogeologic Models of Sedimentary Aquifers 1565760522 9781565762305 10.2110/sepmcheg.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1998 1998 1 Fraser SEPM Concepts in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology P 1986-1999 The Three-Dimensional Facies Architecture of Terrigenous Clastic Sediments and its Implications for Hydrocarbon Discovery and Recovery 918985943 9781565762268 10.2110/csp.91.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1992 1992 3 Miall SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 1986-1999 Mechanics of Sediment Movement 091898548X 9781565762329 10.2110/scn.84.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 3 Middleton SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Marine Evaporites 9781565762336 10.2110/scn.78.04 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1987 1987 4 Dean SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Trace Fossil Concepts 918985188 9781565762343 10.2110/scn.77.05 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1978 1978 5 Basan SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Foraminiferal Ecology and Paleoecology 918985382 9781565762350 10.2110/scn.79.06 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1979 1979 6 Lipps SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 How to Assess Maturation and Paleotemperatures 918985390 9781565762367 10.2110/scn.82.07 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1987 1987 7 Staplin SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Principles and Applications Of Coal Petrology 918985404 9781565762374 10.2110/scn.80.08 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1980 1980 8 Crelling SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Stable Isotopes in Sedimentary Geology 091898520X 9781565762398 Arthur 10.2110/scn.83.10 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1983 1983 10 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Patterns of Sedimentation, Diagenesis, and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Cretaceous Rocks of the Rocky Mountains 918985218 9781565762404 Rice 10.2110/scn.83.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1983 1983 11 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Ichnology: The Use of Trace Fossils in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 918985420 9781565762442 Ekdale 10.2110/scn.84.15 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 15 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Platform Margin and Deep Water Carbonates 918985226 9781565762411 Cook 10.2110/scn.83.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1983 1983 12 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Shelf Sands and Sandstone Reservoirs 918985579 9781565762428 10.2110/scn.85.13 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1986 1986 13 Tillman SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Modern and Ancient Deep-Sea Fan Sedimentation 918985412 9781565762435 10.2110/scn.84.14 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 14 Nelson SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Glacial Sedimentary Environments 918985501 9781565762459 10.2110/scn.85.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 16 Ashley SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Paleoclimates and Economic Geology 918985609 9781565762473 Parrish 10.2110/scn.86.18 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1986 1986 18 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Relationship of Organic Matter and Mineral Diagenesis 091898551X 9781565762466 10.2110/scn.85.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 17 Gautier SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Recognition of Fluvial Depositional Systems and their Resource Potential 918985536 9781565762480 10.2110/scn.85.19 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 19 Flores SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Geochemistry of Organic Matter in Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks 156576000X 9781565762503 10.2110/scn.92.27 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1992 1992 27 Pratt SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Clay Minerals for Peteroleum Geologists and Engineers 918985730 9781565762497 Eslinger 10.2110/scn.88.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1988 1988 22 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Devonian-Early Mississippian Carbonates of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework 091898596X 9781565762510 10.2110/scn.92.28 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1992 1992 28 Wendte SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Climate Model Application in Paleoenvironmental Analysis 1565760123 9781565762534 Barron 10.2110/scn.94.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 33 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Milankovitch Sea-Level Changes, Cycles and Reservoirs on Carbonate Platforms in Greenhouse and Ice-House Worlds 1565760204 9781565762541 10.2110/scn.95.35 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 35 Read SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Nonlinear Dynamics and Fractals: New Numerical Techniques for Sedimentary Data 1565760212 9781565762558 Middleton 10.2110/scn.95.36 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 36 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Carbonate Reservoir Rocks 918985234 9781565762565 10.2110/cor.80.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1980 1980 1 Halley SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1926-1985 Carbonate Buildups-A Core Workshop 918985269 9781565762596 10.2110/cor.83.04 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1983 1983 4 Harris SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1926-1985 Carbonate Sands-A Core Workshop 918985277 9781565762602 10.2110/cor.84.05 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 5 Harris SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1926-1985 Depositional and Diagenetic Spectra of Evaporites - A Core Workshop 918985250 9781565762589 10.2110/cor.82.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1982 1982 3 Handford SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1926-1985 Modern and Ancient Shelf Clastics: A Core Workshop 918985617 9781565762640 10.2110/cor.86.09 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1987 1987 9 Moslow SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Depositional Modeling of Detrital Rocks: With Emphasis on Cored Sequences of Petroleum Reservoirs 918985471 9781565762633 Weimer 10.2110/cor.85.08 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1986 1986 8 SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Deep-Water Carbonates: Buildups, Turbidites, Debris Flows and Chalks—A Core Workshop 918985528 9781565762619 10.2110/cor.85.06 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 6 Crevello SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1926-1985 Subsurface and Outcrop Examination of the Capitan Shelf Margin, Northern Delaware Basin 918985803 9781565762671 10.2110/cor.89.13 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1989 1989 13 Harris SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Miocene and Oligocene Petroleum Reservoirs of the Santa Maria and Santa Barbara-Ventura Basins, California 918985846 9781565762688 10.2110/cor.90.14 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1990 1990 14 Keller SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Rocky Mountain Carbonate Reservoirs: A Core Workshop 918985552 9781565762626 10.2110/cor.85.07 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 7 Longman SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1926-1985 Deep-Water Clastic Sediments: A Core Workshop 918985242 9781565762572 10.2110/cor.81.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1981 1981 2 Siemers SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1926-1985 Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequences 918985870 9781565762695 10.2110/cor.91.15 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1991 1991 15 Lomando SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Paleokarst Related Hydrocarbon Reservoirs 1565760042 9781565762701 10.2110/cor.93.18 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 18 Fritz SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Lacustrine Reservoirs and Depositional Systems 1565760115 9781565762718 10.2110/cor.94.19 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 19 Lomando SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Turbidites and Associated Deep-Water Facies 1565760182 9781565762725 10.2110/cor.95.20 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 20 Winn SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 1986-1999 Sedimentary Structures and Early Diagenetic Features of Shallow Marine Carbonate Deposits 9781565760134 9781565762756 Demicco 10.2110/sepmatl.01. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 1 SEPM Atlas Series P 1986-1999 Petroleum Plays and Systems in the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska 1565760808 9781565762732 Houseknecht 10.2110/cor.01.21 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2001 2001 21 SEPM Core Workshop Notes P 2000-2005 1984 Midyear Meeting San Jose, California 918985455 9781565762787 10.2110/sepmfg.03 fulltext Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists monograph 1984 1984 3 Hunter SEPM Field Trip Guidebook P 1926-1985 Fine-Grained Deposits and Biofacies of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Evidence of Cyclic Sedimentary Processes 918985560 9781565762794 10.2110/sepmfg.04 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 4 Pratt SEPM Field Trip Guidebook P 1926-1985 Southeastern United States: Third Annual Midyear Meeting, 1986, Raleigh, North Carolina 9780918985644 9781565762800 10.2110/sepmfg.05 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1986 1986 5 Textoris SEPM Field Trip Guide P 1986-1999 Continental Trace Fossils 1565761243 9781565762848 Hasiotis 10.2110/scn.06.51 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2002 2002 51 SEPM Short Course Notes P 2000-2005 The Permian Rotliegend of the Netherlands 9781565763005 9781565762916 10.2110/pec.11.98 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 98 Grötsch SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Stratigraphic Evolution of Deep-Water Architecture: Examples of controls and depositional styles from the Magallanes Basin, southern Chile 9781565761971 9781565762923 Covault 10.2110/sepmfg.10 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2009 2009 10 Fildani SEPM Field Trip Guide P 2006-2010 Applied Sandstone Diagenesis-Practical Petrographic Solutions for a Variety of Common Exploration, Development, and Production Problems 1565760743 9781565762855 Stonecipher 10.2110/scn.00.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2000 2000 50 SEPM Short Course Notes P 2000-2005 Application of Modern Stratigraphic Techniques: Theory and Case Histories 9781565761995 9781565762985 10.2110/sepmsp.094. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 94 Ratcliffe SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Geologic Problem Solving with Microfossils: A Volume in Honor of Garry D. Jones 9781565761377 9781565762978 10.2110/sepmsp.093 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2009 2009 93 Demchuk SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Cenozoic Carbonate Systems of Australasia 9781565763029 9781565762992 10.2110/sepmsp.095. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 95 Morgan SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Sediment–Organism Interactions: A Multifaceted Ichnology 9781565761292 9781565762909 10.2110/pec.07.88 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2008 2008 88 Bromley SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Outcrops Revitalized: Tools, Techniques and Applications 9781565762930 9781565763067 10.2110/sepmcsp.10 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 10 Martinsen SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 2011-2014 Mass-Transport Deposits in Deepwater Settings 9781565762862 9781565762879 10.2110/sepmsp.096. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 96 Shipp SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 The Carboniferous Geology of the Sacramento Mountains New Mexico 9781565763296 9781565763104 10.2110/sepmfg.12 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 12 Stanton SEPM Field Trip Guidebook P 2011-2014 From River to Rock Record: The preservation of fluvial sediments and their subsequent interpretation 9781565763050 9781565763074 10.2110/sepmsp.097. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 97 Davidson SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Application of the Principles of Seismic Geomorphology to Continental Slope and Base-of-Slope Systems: Case Studies from SeaFloor and Near-Sea Floor Analogues 9781565763319 9781565763043 10.2110/pec.12.99 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2012 2012 99 Prather SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Depositional Systems Through Time 9781565762831 9781565763142 10.2110/sepmsp.101 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2012 2012 101 Noffke SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 The End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction and the Chicxulub Impact in Texas 9781565763081 9781565763098 10.2110/sepmsp.100 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 100 Keller SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Sedimentary Geology of Mars 9781565763128 9781565763135 10.2110/pec.12.102 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2012 2012 102 Grotzinger SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy—Concepts and Applications 1565760700 9781565763197 Posarnentier 10.2110/csp.99.07 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 7 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 1986-1999 Reservoir Quality Assessment and Prediction in Clastic Rocks 1565760077 9781565763203 10.2110/scn.94.30 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 30 Wilson SEPM Short Course Notes P 1986-1999 Satellite Imagery, Visualization and Geological Interpretation of the Exumas, Great Bahama Bank: An Analog for Carbonate Sand Reservoirs 9781565763258 Harris 10.2110/sepmscn.053. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2009 2009 53 SEPM Short Course Notes P 2006-2010 Field Guide: Permian Platform and Basin Outcrops of the Guadalupe Mountains: Partial Analogs for Chemical Sedimentary Rocks on the Surface of Mars 9781565763111 9781565763289 10.2110/sepmfg.11 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2010 2010 11 Budney SEPM Field Trip Guidebook P 2006-2010 Permian Platforms and Reefs in the Guadalupe and Hueco Mountains 1565760786 9781565763210 10.2110/sepmfg.09 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2000 2000 9 Harris SEPM Field Trip Guidebook P 2000-2005 Analogs for Carbonate Deposition in Early Rift Settings 9781565763272 9781565763371 Harris 10.2110/sepmscn.055 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2013 2013 55 SEPM Short Course Notes P 2011-2014 Delineating and Quantifying Depositional Facies Patterns of Modern Carbonate Sand Deposits on Great Bahama Bank 9781565763265 9781565763364 Harris 10.2110/sepmscn.054 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2010 2010 54 SEPM Short Course Notes P 2006-2010 The Kuroko and Related Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits 9781629490007 10.5382/Mono.05 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1983 1983 5 Ohmoto Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1926-1985 Carbonate-Hosted Sulfide Deposits of the Central Colorado Mineral Belt 9781629490021 10.5382/Mono.07 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1990 1990 7 Beaty Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1986-1999 The Geology of Gold Deposits: The Perspective in 1988 9781629490014 10.5382/Mono.06 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1989 1989 Keays Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1986-1999 Mineral Deposits of Alaska 9781629490045 10.5382/Mono.09 fulltext Economic Geology Publishing Company monograph 1997 1997 9 Goldfarb Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1986-1999 The Giant Kidd Creek Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Western Abitibi Subprovince, Canada 9781629490052 10.5382/Mono.10 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1999 1999 10 Hannington Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1986-1999 Tables for the Determination of Common Opaque Minerals 9781887483025 9781629490076 Spry 10.5382/EGTables fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2007 2007 Reviews in Economic Geology P 2006-2010 Fluid-Mineral Equilibria in Hydrothermal Systems 961307404 9781629490083 Henley 10.5382/Rev.01 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1984 1984 1 Reviews in Economic Geology P 1926-1985 Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems 961307412 9781629490090 10.5382/Rev.02 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1985 1985 2 Berger Reviews in Economic Geology P 1926-1985 Exploration Geochemistry: Design and Interpretation of Soil Surveys 961307420 9781629490106 10.5382/Rev.03 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1986 1986 3 Fletcher Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Ore Deposition Associated with Magmas 961307439 9781629490113 10.5382/Rev.04 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1989 1989 Whitney Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Massive Sulfide Deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, and Northern Maine 2003-115259 9781629490069 10.5382/Mono.11 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2003 2003 11 Goodfellow Economic Geology Monograph Series P 2000-2005 Sedimentary and Diagenetic Mineral Deposits: A Basin Analysis Approach to Exploration 961307447 9781629490120 10.5382/Rev.05 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1991 1991 5 Force Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 The Environmental Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits: Part A: Processes, Techniques, and Health Issues Part B: Case Studies and Research Topics 1887483500 9781629490137 10.5382/Rev.06 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1997 1997 6 Plumlee Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Applications of Microanalytical Techniques to Understanding Mineralizing Processes 1887483519 9781629490144 10.5382/Rev.07 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1997 1997 7 McKibben Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Metamorphic and Metamorphogenic Ore Deposits 1887483551 9781629490182 10.5382/Rev.11 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1998 1998 11 Vokes Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Application of Radiogenic Isotopes to Ore Deposit Research and Exploration 188748356X 9781629490199 10.5382/Rev.12 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1999 1999 12 Lambert Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Gold in 2000 1887483578 9781629490205 10.5382/Rev.13 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2000 2000 13 Hagemann Reviews in Economic Geology P 2000-2005 Banded Iron Formation-Related High-Grade Iron Ore 9781934969076 9781629490229 10.5382/Rev.15 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2008 2008 15 Hagemann Reviews in Economic Geology P 2006-2010 Geology and Metallogeny of Sulfide Deposits Noril’sk Region U.S.S.R. 9781887483056 9781629490250 10.5382/SP.01 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1988 1988 1 Duzhikov Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1986-1999 Giant Ore Deposits 096130748X 9781629490267 10.5382/SP.02 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1993 1993 Whiting Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1986-1999 Structural Controls on Ore Genesis 1887483586 9781629490212 10.5382/Rev.14 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2001 2001 14 Richards Reviews in Economic Geology P 2000-2005 Ore Reserve Estimates in the Real World 1887483926 9781629490274 Stone 10.5382/SP.03 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1995 1995 3 Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1986-1999 Andean Copper Deposits: New Discoveries, Mineralization, Styles and Metallogeny 1887483977 9781629490298 10.5382/SP.05 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1998 1998 5 Camus Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1986-1999 Southwest Pacific Rim Gold-Copper Systems: Structure, Alteration, and Mineralization 1887483985 9781629490304 Corbett 10.5382/SP.06 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1998 1998 6 Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1986-1999 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Central Andes 9781934969014 9781629490311 10.5382/SP.07 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1999 1999 7 Skinner Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1986-1999 Volcanic, Geothermal, and Ore-Forming Fluids: Rulers and Witnesses of Processes within the Earth 188748390X 9781629490342 10.5382/SP.10 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2005 2005 10 Simmons Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2000-2005 Carbonate-Hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits: 75 th Anniversary Volume 1887483950 9781629490281 10.5382/SP.04 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1996 1996 4 Sangster Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1986-1999 New Mines and Discoveries in Mexico and Central America 1887483934 9781629490328 10.5382/SP.08 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2001 2001 8 Albinson Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2000-2005 Andean Metallogeny: New Discoveries, Concepts, and Updates 1887483896 9781629490359 10.5382/SP.11 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2005 2005 11 Sillitoe Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2000-2005 Nickel Deposits of the Yilgarn Craton: Geology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics Applied to Exploration 188748387X 9781629490373 10.5382/SP.13 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2006 2006 13 Barnes Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2006-2010 Basin Modeling: New Horizons in Research and Applications 891819035 9781629810003 10.1306/H41331 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2012 2012 4 Peters AAPG Hedberg Series P 2011-2014 Energy Resources for Human Settlement in the Solar System and Earth’s Future in Space 9780891813828 9781629810027 10.1306/M1011336 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2013 2013 101 Ambrose AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Building Exploration Capability for the 21st Century 9781629491424 9781629499291 10.5382/SP.18 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2014 2014 18 Kelley Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2015 Tectonics, Metallogeny, and Discovery: The North American Cordillera and Similar Accretionary Settings 9781629490434 9781629491639 10.5382/SP.17 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2013 2013 17 Colpron Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2015 Faults, Fluid Flow, and Petroleum Traps 891813667 9781629810065 10.1306/M851033 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2005 2005 85 Sorkhabi AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Tectonics and Sedimentation: Implications for Petroleum Systems 9780891813811 9781629810010 10.1306/M1001335 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2013 2013 100 Gao AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Seismic Imaging of Carbonate Reservoirs and Systems 891813624 9781629810058 Eberli 10.1306/M81928 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 81 AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Shale Tectonics 891813756 9781629810089 10.1306/M931323 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2011 2011 93 Wood AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data 891813743 9781629810034 Brown 10.1306/M4271346 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2011 2011 42 AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Lacustrine Sandstone Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems 891813774 9781629810096 10.1306/M951329 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2012 2012 95 Baganz AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Uncertainty Analysis and Reservoir Modeling: Developing and Managing Assets in an Uncertain World 891813780 9781629810102 10.1306/M961330 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2011 2011 96 Ma AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 An Introduction to the Analysis of Ancient Turbidite Basins from an Outcrop Perspective 891811886 9781629810140 Mutti 10.1306/CE39687 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1999 1999 39 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Deep-Water Sandstones, Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas 891811893 9781629810157 Beaubouef 10.1306/CE40695 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1999 1999 40 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in Well Logs, Cores, and Outcrops: Concepts for High-Resolution Correlation of Time and Facies 891816577 9781629810164 Wagoner 10.1306/Mth7510 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 7 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1986-1999 Anatomy of a Giant Carbonate Reservoir: Fullerton Clear Fork (Lower Permian) Field, Permian Basin, Texas 9780891810698 9781629810133 10.1306/St631334 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Bureau of Economic Geology monograph 2012 2012 63 Ruppel AAPG Studies in Geology P 2011-2014 Satellite Images of Carbonate Depositional Settings 891816615 9781629810171 Harris 10.1306/Mth11587 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 11 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Regional to Wellbore Analog for Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Modeling: The Ferron Sandstone of Utah 891810579 9781629810126 Chidsey 10.1306/St50983 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 50 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Atlas of Coal Geology 891811419 9781629810195 10.1306/St45CD655 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1999 1999 45 Papp AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Atlas of Australian and New Zealand Hydrocarbon Seals: Worldwide Analogs for Cap Rocks and Intraformational Barriers in Clastic Depositional Settings 891810674 9781629810218 Daniel 10.1306/St601324 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2012 2012 60 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2011-2014 Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation 891817512 9781629810232 Yin 10.1306/A21321 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2011 2011 2 AAPG Archie Series P 2011-2014 Sediment Transfer from Shelf to Deep Water—Revisiting the Delivery System 891810681 9781629810225 10.1306/St611327 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2012 2012 61 Slatt AAPG Studies in Geology P 2011-2014 Geologic Assessment of Coal in the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain 1588610126 9781629810256 10.1306/St621328 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Datapages monograph 2011 2011 62 Warwick AAPG Studies in Geology P 2011-2014 Thrust Fault-Related Folding 891813767 9781629810249 10.1306/1325M9450 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2011 2011 94 McClay AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Seismic Expression of Structural Styles: A Picture and Work Atlas. Volume 1–The Layered Earth, Volume 2–Tectonics Of Extensional Provinces, & Volume 3–Tectonics Of Compressional Provinces 891810228 9781629810188 10.1306/St15433431432 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1983 1983 15 Bally AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Dipmeter and Borehole Image Log Technology 089181373X 9781629810263 10.1306/M921318 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2010 2010 92 Pöppelreiter AAPG Memoir P 2006-2010 Natural Gas Hydrates—Energy Resource Potential and Associated Geologic Hazards 891813705 9781629810270 10.1306/M891320 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2009 2009 89 Collett AAPG Memoir P 2006-2010 Oil Field Production Geology 891813721 9781629810294 Shepherd 10.1306/M911316 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2009 2009 91 AAPG Memoir P 2006-2010 The Geology of Cuba 891810650 9781629810300 Pardo 10.1306/St571314 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2009 2009 58 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2006-2010 Great American Carbonate Bank: The Geology and Economic Resources of the Cambrian—Ordovician Sauk Megasequence of Laurentia 891813804 9781629810201 10.1306/M981333 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2012 2012 98 Derby AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Oil and Gas of the Greater Caspian Area 891810625 9781629810348 10.1306/St551205 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2007 2007 55 Yilmaz AAPG Studies in Geology P 2006-2010 Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Geological Media—State of the Science 891810668 9781629810317 10.1306/St591317 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2009 2009 59 Grobe AAPG Studies in Geology P 2006-2010 Petrophysical Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Pore-Thickness in Thinly Bedded Clastic Reservoirs 891817506 9781629810355 Passey 10.1306/A11157 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2006 2006 1 AAPG Archie Series P 2006-2010 Atlas of Deep-Water Outcrops 891810633 9781629810331 10.1306/St561240 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2008 2008 56 Nilsen AAPG Studies in Geology P 2006-2010 The Carpathians and Their Foreland: Geology and Hydrocarbon Resources 891813651 9781629810379 Golonka 10.1306/M84985 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2006 2006 84 AAPG Memoir P 2006-2010 Field Safety in Uncontrolled Environments: A Process-Based Guidebook 891818278 9781629810416 Oliveri 10.1306/SP1119 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2005 2005 AAPG Special Publication P 2000-2005 Discoverers of the 20th Century: Perfecting the Search 891818286 9781629810409 10.1306/SP1034 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2005 2005 1 Sternbach AAPG Special Publication P 2000-2005 Global Resource Estimates from Total Petroleum Systems 891813675 9781629810430 Ahlbrandt 10.1306/M861061 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2005 2005 86 AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Seismic Expressions and Interpretation of Carbonate Sequences: The Maldives Platform, Equatorial Indian Ocean 891810560 9781629810508 Belopolsky 10.1306/St49974 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 49 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Course Manual and Atlas of Structural Styles, Niger Delta 891811907 9781629810577 Ajakaiye 10.1306/CE41915 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2002 2002 41 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 2000-2005 Energy: A Historical Perspective and 21 st Century Forecast 891810617 9781629810454 Salvador 10.1306/St541032 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2005 2005 54 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Deformation, Fluid Flow, and Reservoir Appraisal in Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts 891819002 9781629810461 10.1306/H11025 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 1 Swennen AAPG Hedberg Series P 2000-2005 Sequence Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, and Tectonics of Coal-Bearing Strata 891810587 9781629810515 10.1306/St51982 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 51 Pashin AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Jonah Field: Case Study of a Tight-Gas Fluvial Reservoir 891810595 9781629810522 Robinson 10.1306/St521007 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 52 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Integration of Outcrop and Modern Analogs in Reservoir Modeling 891813616 9781629810478 10.1306/M80924 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 Grammer AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: Hydrocarbon Habitats, Basin Formation and Plate Tectonics 891813608 9781629810546 10.1306/M79877 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2003 2003 79 Bartolini AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade 1990–1999 891813594 9781629810539 10.1306/M78834 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2003 2003 78 Halbouty AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 The Mediterranean Region: Its Geologic History and Oil and Gas Potentials 891811329 9781629810607 Halbouty 10.1306/SP935 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2002 2002 AAPG Special Publication P 2000-2005 Thrust Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Systems 891813632 9781629810485 McClay 10.1306/M82813 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 82 AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Surface Exploration Case Histories: Applications of Geoschemistry, Magnetics, and Remote Sensing 891810552 9781629810591 10.1306/St48794 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2002 2002 48 Schumacher AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Seismic Interpretation of Contractional Fault-Related Folds 891810609 9781629810447 Shaw 10.1306/St531003 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2005 2005 53 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Geology of Petroleum 891818243 9781629810614 Levorsen 10.1306/SP812 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 AAPG Special Publication P 2000-2005 Petroleum Provinces of the Twenty-first Century 891813551 9781629810621 10.1306/M74775 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 74 Downey AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Risk Analysis and Management of Petroleum Exploration Ventures 891816638 9781629810652 Rose 10.1306/Mth12792 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 12 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 2000-2005 Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change 891810544 9781629810669 10.1306/St47737 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 47 Gerhard AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 International Oil and Gas Ventures: A Business Perspective 891818235 9781629810683 Kronman 10.1306/SP708 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2000 2000 P 2000-2005 International Relocation: A Practical Guide to Living and Working Overseas 891818219 9781629810690 Bond 10.1306/SP704 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2000 2000 P 2000-2005 Geostatistics In Petroleum Geology 891811877 9781629810751 Dubrule 10.1306/CE3823 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1998 1998 38 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Geoscience of Rift Systems—Evolution of East Africa 089181051X 9781629810737 10.1306/St44623 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1999 1999 44 Morley AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Abnormal Pressures in Hydrocarbon Environments 891813500 9781629810768 10.1306/M70615 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1998 1998 70 Law AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Petroleum Systems of South Atlantic Margins 891813543 9781629810706 10.1306/M73705 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2000 2000 73 Mello AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Reservoir Characterization—Recent Advances 891813519 9781629810720 10.1306/M711 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1999 1999 71 Schatzinger AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System 891813470 9781629810775 10.1306/M67611 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1997 1997 67 Surdam AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Lake Basins Through Space and Time 891810528 9781629810713 Gierlowski-Kordesch 10.1306/St46706 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2000 2000 46 AAPG Studies in Geology P 2000-2005 Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region 891813489 9781629810782 10.1306/M68612 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1997 1997 Robinson AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Reservoir Quality Prediction in Sandstones and Carbonates 891813497 9781629810799 10.1306/M69613 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1997 1997 69 Kupecz AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Multidisciplinary Teams: How and Why They Make You Money 891811869 9781629810805 Sneider 10.1306/CE37601 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1996 1996 37 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Hydrocarbon Migration and Its Near-Surface Expression 891813454 9781629810812 10.1306/M66606 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1996 1996 66 Schumacher AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Applications of 3-D Seismic Data to Exploration and Production 891810501 9781629810829 10.1306/St42605 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1996 1996 42 Weimer AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Geologic Log Analysis Using Computer Methods 891817018 9781629810898 Doveton 10.1306/CA2580 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 2 AAPG Computer Applications in Geology P 1986-1999 Paleogeography, Paleoclimate, and Source Rocks 089181048X 9781629810874 10.1306/St40595 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1995 1995 40 Huc AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Unconformities and Porosity in Carbonate Strata 089181342X 9781629810843 Budd 10.1306/M63592 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1995 1995 63 AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Sequence Stratigraphy in Offshore South African Divergent Basins: An Atlas on Exploration for Cretaceous Lowstand Traps by Soekor (Pty) Ltd. 891810498 9781629810881 Brown 10.1306/St41600 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1995 1995 41 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Interior Rift Basins 089181339X 9781629810911 10.1306/M59582 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 59 Landon AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Sequence Stratigraphy of Foreland Basin Deposits: Outcrop and Subsurface Examples from the Cretaceous of North America 891813438 9781629810850 10.1306/M64594 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1995 1995 64 Wagoner AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Salt Tectonics: A Global Perspective 891813446 9781629810867 10.1306/M65604 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1995 1995 65 Jackson AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics: Principles, Methods, and Case Studies 891817026 9781629810904 10.1306/CA3590 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 3 Yarus AAPG Computer Applications in Geology P 1986-1999 Basin Compartments and Seals 891813403 9781629810935 10.1306/M61588 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 61 Ortoleva AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 The Petroleum System—From Source to Trap 891813381 9781629810928 10.1306/M60585 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 60 Magoon AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 The Geology of the Mexican Republic 891810471 9781629810942 Morán-Zenteno 10.1306/St39586 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 39 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Creating, Managing, and Evaluating Multidisciplinary Teams 891811842 9781629810959 10.1306/CE35572 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 35 Ching AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms 891813357 9781629810973 10.1306/M56578 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 56 Simo AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy: Recent Developments and Applications 891813378 9781629810997 10.1306/M58581 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 58 Weimer AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Recent Developments and Applications 891813365 9781629810980 10.1306/M57579 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 57 Loucks AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Diagenesis and Basin Development 891810447 9781629811024 10/1306/St36574 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 36 Horbury AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Mississippian Oolites and Modern Analogs 891810439 9781629811017 10.1306/St35571 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 35 Keith AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Source Rocks in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework 891810455 9781629811031 10.1306/St37575 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 37 Katz AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of Reefs and Carbonate Platforms: A Short Course 891811834 9781629811062 10.1306/CE34551 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 34 Schlager AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Computer Modeling of Geologic Surfaces and Volumes 089181700X 9781629811055 10.1306/CA1564 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 1 Hamilton AAPG Computer Applications in Geology P 1986-1999 Hydrocarbons from Coal 891810463 9781629811048 10.1306/St38577 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 38 Law AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Geology and Geophysics of Continental Margins 891813322 9781629811079 10.1306/M53552 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 53 Watkins AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Foreland Basins and Fold Belts 891813349 9781629811093 10.1306/M55563 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 55 Macqueen AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Continental Wrench-Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Habitat: Tectonique Continentale en Cisaillement 891811826 9781629811123 Zolnai 10.1306/CE30534 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 30 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Geological Aspects of Horizontal Drilling 891811818 9781629811116 10.1306/CE33529 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 33 Fritz AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade 1978-1988 891813330 9781629811086 10.1306/M54555 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 54 Halbouty AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Development Geology Reference Manual 891816607 9781629811109 10.1306/Mth10573 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 10 Morton-Thompson AAPG Methods in Exploration F 1986-1999 Active Margin Basins 891813306 9781629811147 10.1306/M52531 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 Biddle AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 The Gulf and Peninsular Province of the Californias 089181325X 9781629811130 10.1306/M47542 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 47 Dauphin AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Sequence Stratigraphy Applications to Shelf Sandstone Reservoirs: Outcrop to Subsurface Examples 891818154 9781629811161 10.1306/SP548 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 Wagoner AAPG Special Publication P 1986-1999 Geology and Hydrocarbon Habitat of the West Siberian Basin 891810404 9781629811178 Peterson 10.1306/St32544 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 32 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Arabian Plate Hydrocarbon Geology and Potential—A Plate Tectonic Approach 891810412 9781629811185 Beydoun 10.1306/St33533 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 33 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Source and migration processes and evaluation techniques 891816003 9781629811208 10.1306/TrHbk543 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 Merrill AAPG Treatise Handbook P 1986-1999 The Integration of Geology, Geophysics, Petrophysics and Petroleum Engineering in Reservoir Delineation, Description and Management 891818146 9781629811192 10.1306/SP535 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1991 1991 Sneider AAPG Special Publication P 1986-1999 Log Evaluation of Shaly Sandstones: A Practical Guide 891811796 9781629811215 Asquith 10.1306/CE31507 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 31 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Quantitative Sedimentary Basin Modeling 089181180X 9781629811222 Angevine 10.1306/CE32509 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 32 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Prediction of Reservoir Quality Through Chemical Modeling 891813276 9781629811239 10.1306/M49520 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 49 Meshri AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Lacustrine Basin Exploration: Case Studies and Modern Analogs 891813284 9781629811246 10.1306/M50523 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 50 Katz AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Fractured Core Analysis: Interpretation, Logging, and Use of Natural and Induced Fractures in Core 891816585 9781629811260 Kulander 10.1306/Mth8516 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 8 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1986-1999 Deposition of Organic Facies 891810382 9781629811277 10.1306/St30517 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 30 Huc AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Interior Cratonic Basins 891813292 9781629811253 10.1306/M51530 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 51 Leighton AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Antarctica as an Exploration Frontier—Hydrocarbon Potential, Geology, and Hazards 891810390 9781629811284 10.1306/St31524 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 31 John AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Divergent/Passive Margin Basins 891813268 9781629811307 10.1306/M48508 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1989 1989 48 Edwards AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Basement Involved Tectonics Foreland Areas 891811753 9781629811321 Brown 10.1306/CE26436 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1988 1988 26 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Evolution of the Arctic-North Atlantic and the Western Tethys 891813209 9781629811338 10.1306/M43478 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1988 1988 43 Ziegler AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Extensional Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the North Atlantic Margins 891813241 9781629811291 10.1306/M46497 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1989 1989 46 Tankard AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 The Pannonian Basin: A Study in Basin Evolution 891813225 9781629811345 Royden 10.1306/M45474 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1988 1988 45 AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Geophysical Determination of Lithology: Using Shear Waves and Amplitudes with Offsets 089181177X 9781629811369 Neidell 10.1306/CE29464 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1987 1987 29 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Quantitative Geometry of Thrust and Fold Belt Structures 891816569 9781629811383 Jones 10.1306/Mth6466 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1987 1987 6 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1986-1999 The MacLeod Evaporite Basin, Western Australia: Holocene Environments, Sediments and Geological Evolution 891813217 9781629811376 Logan 10.1306/M44465 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1987 1987 44 AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 The Trenton Group (Upper Ordovician Series) of Eastern North America: Deposition, Diagenesis, and Petroleum 891810374 9781629811352 10.1306/St29491 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1988 1988 29 Keith AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Late Quaternary Facies and Structure, Northern Gulf of Mexico: Interpretations from Seismic Data 891810293 9781629811390 10.1306/St23467 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1987 1987 23 Berryhill AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Exploration for Heavy Crude Oil and Natural Bitumen 891810315 9781629811406 10/1306/St25468 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1987 1987 25 Meyer AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Oil and Gas Assessment: Methods and Applications 891810277 9781629811468 10.1306/St21460 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1986 1986 21 Rice AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Dolomitization 891811737 9781629811673 Land 10.1306/CE24451 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1982 1982 24 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Petroleum Basins of South America 891813411 9781629810836 10.1306/M62593 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1995 1995 62 Tankard AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Late Ordovician Articulate Brachiopods from the Red River and Stony Mountain Formations, Southern Manitoba 9780660182834 9780660189932 Jin 10.1139/9780660182834 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2001 2001 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 SEAM Phase I: Challenges of Subsalt Imaging in Tertiary Basins, with Emphasis on Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 9781560802877 9781560802945 Fehler 10.1190/1.9781560802945 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2011 2011 P 2011-2014 Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds: Stratigraphy, Composition, Origins, and Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Significance 9781565761353 9781565762961 10.2110/sepmsp.091 fulltext SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) monograph 2009 2009 91 Hu SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Analyzing the Thermal History of Sedimentary Basins: Methods and Case Studies 9781565763159 9781565763173 10.2110/sepmsp.103 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2012 2012 103 Harris SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Paleozoic Carbonates of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Subsurface Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogs 1565760832 9781565762114 10.2110/pec.02.74 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2003 2003 74 Zempolich SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Proterozoic Geology of Western North America and Siberia 9781565761261 9781565762947 10.2110/pec.07.86 fulltext SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) monograph 2007 2007 86 Link SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Middle East Models of Jurassic/Cretaceous Carbonate Systems 1565760751 9781565761919 10.2110/pec.00.69 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2001 2001 69 Alsharhan SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Marine Authigenesis: From Global to Microbial 1565760646 9781565761889 10.2110/pec.00.66 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2000 2000 66 Glenn SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Understanding seismic anisotropy in exploration and exploitation 9781560801122 9781560801986 Leon 10.1190/1.9781560801986 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2002 2002 5 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2000-2005 Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs 9781565760875 9781565763340 10.2110/pec.03.78 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2003 2003 78 Ahr SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 River Deltas–Concepts, Models, and Examples 1565761138 9781565762190 10.2110/pec.05.83 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2005 2005 83 Giosan SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Remote Sensing and Spectral Geology 9781934969137 9781629490236 10.5382/Rev.16 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2009 2009 16 Bedell Reviews in Economic Geology P 2006-2010 Wealth Creation in the Minerals Industry: Integrating Science, Business, and Education 1887483888 9781629490366 10.5382/SP.12 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2005 2005 12 Doggett Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2000-2005 Recent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-Marine Stratigraphy 9781565761315 9781565763180 10.2110/pec.08.90 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2008 2008 90 Hampson SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Micropaleontologic Proxies for Sea-Level Change and Stratigraphic Discontinuities 1565760840 9781565762121 10.2110/pec.03.75 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2003 2003 75 Olson SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Geology and Genesis of Major Copper Deposits and Districts of the World: A Tribute to Richard H. Sillitoe 9781629490410 10.5382/SP.17 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2012 2012 16 Hedenquist Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2011-2014 Geophysics Today: A Survey of the Field as the Journal Celebrates its 75th Anniversary 9781560802266 9781560802273 10.1190/1.9781560802273 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2010 2010 16 Fomel Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2006-2010 Tectonics and Metallogeny of the Tethyan Orogenic Belt 9781629493046 9781629499789 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2016 2016 19 Richards Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2016 Shale Reservoirs—Giant Resources for the 21 st Century 891813798 9781629810119 10.1306/M971332 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2012 2012 97 Breyer AAPG Memoir P 2011-2014 Seismic Interferometry: History and Present Status 9781560801504 9781560801924 10.1190/1.9781560801924 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2008 2008 26 Wapenaar Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2006-2010 Sand Injectites: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production 891813683 9781629810072 10.1306/M871209 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2007 2007 87 Hurst AAPG Memoir P 2006-2010 Geological Applications of Well Logs 089181664x 9781629810584 Lovell 10.1306/Mth13780 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2002 2002 13 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 2000-2005 Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary Basins and Their Prediction 891813578 9781629810645 10.1306/M76870 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 76 Huffman AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Prestack Depth Migration and Velocity Model Building 9781560801474 9781560801917 10.1190/1.9781560801917 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2008 2008 25 Jones Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2006-2010 A Basin Analysis Case Study: The Morrison Formation, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico 891810285 9781629811475 10.1306/St22455 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1986 1986 22 Turner-Peterson AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Future Petroleum Provinces of the World 891813179 9781629811444 10.1306/M40454 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1986 1986 40 Halbouty AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 Geology of Tight Gas Reservoirs 891810307 9781629811482 10.1306/St24459 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1986 1986 24 Spencer AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Seismic Images of Modern Convergent Margin Tectonic Structure 891810323 9781629811499 10.1306/St26461 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1986 1986 26 Huene AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Seismic Stratigraphy II: An Integrated Approach to Hydrocarbon Exploration 891813160 9781629811505 10.1306/M39449 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1985 1985 39 Berg AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Handbook of Log Evaluation Techniques for Carbonate Reservoirs 891816550 9781629811512 Asquith 10.1306/Mth5446 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1985 1985 5 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1926-1985 Economics and the Explorer 891810250 9781629811529 10.1306/St19448 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1985 1985 19 Megill AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Alaska North Slope Oil-Rock Correlation Study: Analysis of North Slope Crude 891810269 9781629811536 10.1306/St20445 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1985 1985 20 Magoon AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Tertiary Continental Margins: Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration 891811745 9781629811543 Jackson 10.1306/CE25434 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 25 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Depositional Models of Shelf and Shoreline Sandstones 891811761 9781629811550 Moslow 10.1306/CE27438 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 27 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Geological Applications of Reservoir Engineering Tools 9781629811567 Farina 10.1306/CE28473 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 28 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Interregional Unconformities and Hydrocarbon Accumulation 891813136 9781629811581 10.1306/M36440 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 36 Schlee AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Petroleum Geochemistry and Basin Evaluation 891813128 9781629811574 10.1306/M35439 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 35 Demaison AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Clastic Diagenesis 891813144 9781629811598 10.1306/M37435 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 37 McDonald AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Elmworth: Case Study of a Deep Basin Gas Field 891813152 9781629811604 10.1306/M38441 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 38 Masters AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 SEM Petrology Atlas 891816534 9781629811611 Welton 10.1306/Mth4442 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 4 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1926-1985 Stratigraphy Quo Vadis? 891810226 9781629811628 Seibold 10.1306/St16444 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 16 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Coalbed Methane Resources of the United States 891810234 9781629811635 Rightmire 10.1306/St17437 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 17 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Petroleum Geochemistry and Source Rock Potential of Carbonate Rocks 891810242 9781629811642 10.1306/St18443 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 18 Palacas AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 The Cocorp Seismic Reflection Traverse Across the Southern Appalachians 891810188 9781629811666 Cook 10.1306/St14428 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1983 1983 14 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 The Deliberate Search for the Subtle Trap 891813098 9781629811697 Halbouty 10.1306/M32427 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1982 1982 32 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Basic Well Log Analysis for Geologists 891816526 9781629811710 Asquith 10.1306/Mth3425 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1982 1982 3 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1926-1985 Analysis of Fluvial Depositional Systems 891811699 9781629811741 Miall 10.1306/CE20422 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 20 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Carbonate Diagenesis as a Control on Stratigraphic Traps (with examples from the Williston Basin) 891811702 9781629811758 Longman 10.1306/CE21426 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 21 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Sandstone Depositional Environments 891813071 9781629811680 Scholle 10.1306/M31424 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1982 1982 31 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Studies in Continental Margin Geology 089181311X 9781629811703 10.1306/M34430 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1982 1982 34 Watkins AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Carbonate Depositional Environments 891813101 9781629811659 10.1306/M33429 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1983 1983 33 Scholle AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data 891811729 9781629811765 Sheriff 10.1306/CE23418 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 23 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Pore Pressure: Fundamentals, General Ramifications, and Implications for Structural Geology (Revised) 891811532 9781629811772 Gretener 10.1306/CE4415 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 4 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Sample Examination Manual 089181650X 9781629811789 Swanson 10.1306/Mth1413 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 1 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1926-1985 Seismic Models of Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps in Rocky Mountain Basins 891816518 9781629811796 Ryder 10.1306/Mth2419 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 AAPG Methods in Exploration P 1926-1985 Deltaic Sand Bodies 891811648 9781629811826 Coleman 10.1306/CE15408 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1980 1980 15 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Seismic Stratigraphy Interpretation and Petroleum Exploration 891811656 9781629811833 Brown 10.1306/CE16409 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1980 1980 16 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Uranium in Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rocks 089181017X 9781629811819 10.1306/St13421 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 13 Goodell AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Energy Resources of the Pacific Region 891810161 9781629811802 10.1306/St12420 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 12 Halbouty AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Organic Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration 9780891811596 9781629811871 Barker 10.1306/CE10400 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 10 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Problems of Petroleum Migration 891810145 9781629811857 10.1306/St10411 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1980 1980 10 Roberts AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade: 1968–1978 891813063 9781629811840 10.1306/M30410 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1980 1980 30 Halbouty AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Geology of Carbonate Porosity 891811605 9781629811888 10.1306/CE11401 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 11 Bebout AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Secondary Reservoir Porosity in the Course of Sandstone Diagenesis 891811613 9781629811895 Schmidt 10.1306/CE12404 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 12 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Stratigraphic Modeling and Interpretation: Geophysical Principles and Techniques 891811621 9781629811901 Neidell 10.1306/CE13403 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 13 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Well Log Formation Evaluation 089181163X 9781629811918 Merkel 10.1306/CE14453 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 14 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 A Color Illustrated Guide To Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities of Sandstones and Associated Rocks 891813047 9781629811925 Scholle 10.1306/M28402 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 28 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Geological and Geophysical Investigations of Continental Margins 891813055 9781629811932 10.1306/M29405 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 29 Watkins AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Currents in Submarine Canyons and Other Seavalleys 891810129 9781629811949 Shepard 10.1306/St8406 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1979 1979 8 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Plate Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation 891811508 9781629811956 Dickinson 10.1306/CE1384 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1978 1978 1 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Exploration for Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps 891811524 9781629811963 Berg 10.1306/CE3395 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1978 1978 3 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Physical and Chemical Constraints on Petroleum Migration 891811575 9781629811970 10.1306/CE8396 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1978 1978 8 Roberts AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Concepts and Methods of Subsurface Facies Analysis 891811583 9781629811987 Selley 10.1306/CE9397 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1978 1978 9 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Contributions to the Geologic Time Scale 891810102 9781629812007 10.1306/St6398 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1978 1978 6 Cohee AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Deep-Water Oil Sand Reservoirs—Ancient Case Histories and Modern Concepts 891811559 9781629812038 Weser 10.1306/CE6388 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1977 1977 6 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Framework, Facies, and Oil-Trapping Characteristics of the Upper Continental Margin 891810110 9781629812014 10.1306/St7399 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1978 1978 7 Bouma AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 A Color Illustrated Guide to Carbonate Rock Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities 891813039 9781629811994 Scholle 10.1306/M27394 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1978 1978 27 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Deposition, Diagenesis, and Hydrocarbon Potential of “Deeper-Water” Limestones 891811567 9781629812045 Scholle 10.1306/CE7389 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1977 1977 7 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Migration of Uranium and Thorium-Exploration Significance 891810072 9781629812069 Gabelman 10.1306/St3392 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1977 1977 3 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Seismic Stratigraphy — Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration 891813020 9781629812052 10.1306/M26490 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1977 1977 26 Payton AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Reefs and Related Carbonates—Ecology and Sedimentology 891800182 9781629812076 10.1306/St4393 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1977 1977 4 Frost AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Reefs and Evaporites—Concepts and Depositional Models 891810099 9781629812083 10.1306/St5390 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1977 1977 5 Fisher AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Deltaic and Shallow Marine Sandstones: Sedimentation, Tectonics and Petroleum Occurrences 891811516 9781629812090 Weimer 10.1306/CE2391 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1976 1976 2 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources 891813012 9781629812113 10.1306/M25386 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1976 1976 25 Halbouty AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Stratigraphic Traps in Sandstones — Exploration Techniques 891812970 9781629812168 Busch 10.1306/M21378 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1974 1974 21 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 International Tectonic Dictionary: English Terminology 891812822 9781629812328 Dennis 10.1306/M7362 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1967 1967 7 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Methods of Estimating the Volume of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources 891810005 9781629812137 10.1306/St1383 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1975 1975 1 Haun AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Plate Tectonics—Assessments and Reassessments 891812997 9781629812182 10.1306/M23380 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1974 1974 23 Kahle AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Trek of the Oil Finders: A History of Exploration for Petroleum 891812814 9781629812120 Owen 10.1306/M6382 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1975 1975 6 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Subsurface Disposal in Geologic Basins—A Study of Reservoir Strata 891812857 9781629812298 10.1306/M10364 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1968 1968 10 Galley AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Carbonate Sedimentation and Environments, Shark Bay, Western Australia 089181289X 9781629812243 10.1306/M13369 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1970 1970 13 Logan AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Evolution and Diagenesis of Quaternary Carbonate Sequences, Shark Bay, Western Australia 891812989 9781629812175 10.1306/M22379 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1974 1974 22 Logan AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Sourcebook for Petroleum Geology 891812806 9781629812281 10.1306/M5365 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1969 1969 5 Dott AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Western North Atlantic Ocean: Topography, Rocks, Structure, Water, Life, and Sediments 891812938 9781629812212 Emery 10.1306/M17372 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1972 1972 17 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Underground Waste Management and Environmental Implications 891812946 9781629812229 10.1306/M18373 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1972 1972 18 Cook AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Belize Shelf—Carbonate Sediments, Clastic Sediments, and Ecology: Petrology and Diagenesis of Carbonate Eolianites of Northeastern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico 891810013 9781629812144 10.1306/St2381 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1975 1975 2 Wantland AAPG Studies in Geology P 1926-1985 Diapirism and Diapirs: a symposium 891812830 9781629812304 10.1306/M8361 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1968 1968 8 Braunstein AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Arctic Geology 891812954 9781629812199 10.1306/M19375 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1973 1973 19 Pitcher AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Fluids in Subsurface Environments 891812792 9781629812335 10.1306/M4360 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1965 1965 4 Young AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Stratigraphic Oil and Gas Fields—Classification, Exploration Methods, and Case Histories 891812911 9781629812205 10.1306/M16371 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1972 1972 16 King AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Marine Geology of the Gulf of California: a symposium 891812784 9781629812342 10.1306/M3359 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1964 1964 3 Andel AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Geology of Giant Petroleum Fields 891812881 9781629812250 Halbouty 10.1306/M14368 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1970 1970 14 AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Classification of Carbonate Rocks—A Symposium 891812768 9781629812366 10.1306/M1357 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1962 1962 1 Ham AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 The Black Sea—Geology, Chemistry, and Biology 891812962 9781629812151 10.1306/M20377 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1974 1974 20 Degens AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Statistics of Exploratory Drilling in the United States, 1945–1960 9781629812380 10.1306/SV24355 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1962 1962 Lahee AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Pennsylvanian System in the United States 9781629812373 10.1306/SV23356 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1962 1962 Branson AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Future Petroleum Provinces of the United States—Their Geology and Potential, Volumes 1 & 2 891812903 9781629812236 10.1306/M15370 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1971 1971 15 Cram AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Geometry of Sandstone Bodies 9781629812397 Peterson 10.1306/SV22354 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1961 1961 AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Recent Sediments, Northwest Gulf of Mexico 9781629812403 10.1306/SV21353 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1960 1960 Shepard AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Lower Tertiary Biostratigraphy of the California Coast Ranges 9781629812410 Mallory 10.1306/SV20351 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1959 1959 AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Petroleum Geology of Southern Oklahoma, Volume 2 9781629812427 10.1306/SV19352 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1959 1959 2 Mayes AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Jurassic and Carboniferous of Western Canada 9781629812441 10.1306/SV17349 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1958 1958 Goodman AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Source Beds of Petroleum 9781629812496 Trask 10.1306/SV12343 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1942 1942 AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Petroleum Geology of Southern Oklahoma 9781629812458 10.1306/SV16348 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1956 1956 1 Hicks AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: A Symposium; Sponsored by the Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists, and the Saskatchewan Society of Petroleum Geologists 9781629812465 10.1306/SV15347 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1954 1954 Clark AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Structure of Typical American Oil Fields: A Symposium of the Relation of Oil Accumulation to Structure 9781629812489 10.1306/SV14344 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1948 1948 3 Howell AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Habitat of Oil 9781629812434 10.1306/SV18350 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1958 1958 Weeks AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Stratigraphic Type Oil Fields 9781629812502 10.1306/SV11342 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1941 1941 Levorsen AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Geology of California 9781629812526 Reed 10.1306/SV5333SP336 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1933 1933 2 AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Geology of the Tampico Region Mexico 9781629812533 Muir 10.1306/SV8338 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1936 1936 AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Recent Marine Sediments 9781629812519 10.1306/SV10340 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1939 1939 Trask P 1926-1985 Geology of Natural Gas 9781629812557 10.1306/SV7335 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1935 1935 Ley AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Gulf Coast Oil Fields: A Symposium on the Gulf Coast Cenozoic 9781629812540 10.1306/SV29337 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1936 1936 Barton AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Problems of Petroleum Geology 9781629812564 10.1306/SV6334 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1934 1934 Wrather AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Theory of Continental Drift: A Symposium on the Origin and Movement of Land Masses Both Inter-Continental and Intra-Continental, as Proposed by Alfred Wegener 9781629812595 10.1306/SV2329 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1928 1928 Gracht AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Structure of Typical American Oil Fields, Volume II 9781629812588 10.1306/SV4330 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1929 1929 2 Powers AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Structure of Typical American Oil Fields, Volume I 9781629812571 10.1306/SV3331 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1929 1929 1 Powers AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Offshore Geologic Hazards: A Short Course Presented at Rice University, May 2-3, 1981 for the Offshore Technology Conference 891811672 9781629812618 10.1306/CE18414 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 18 Bouma AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Geology of Salt Dome Oil Fields 9781629812601 10.1306/SV1328 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1926 1926 DeGolyer AAPG Special Publication P 1926-1985 Fine-Grained Turbidite Systems 891813535 9781629812625 10.1306/M72703 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2000 2000 72 Bouma AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Application of Structural Methods to Rocky Mountain Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development 9780891810711 9781629812632 10.1306/St651338 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists monograph 2013 2013 65 Knight AAPG Studies in Geology P 2015 Geology of the Haynesville Gas Shale in East Texas and West Louisiana 9780891813859 9781629812670 10.1306/M1051344 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2014 2014 105 Hammes AAPG Memoir P 2015 Critical Assessment of Shale Resource Plays 891819045 9781629812694 10.1306/M1031340 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2013 2013 103 Chatellier AAPG Memoir P 2015 Oil and Gas Fields of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska 9780891813842 9781629812687 10.1306/M1041349 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2014 2014 104 Stone AAPG Memoir P 2015 Heavy-oil and Oil-sand Petroleum Systems in Alberta and Beyond 9780891810704 9781629812649 10.1306/St641337 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2013 2013 64 Hein AAPG Studies in Geology P 2015 Petroleum Geology and Potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin 9780891813880 9781629812724 10.1306/M1081307 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2016 2016 108 Bartolini AAPG Memoir P 2016 Petroleum Systems of the Tethyan Region 9780891813866 9781629812663 10.1306/M1061343 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2014 2014 106 Marlow AAPG Memoir P 2015 Imaging Unconventional Reservoir Pore Systems 9780891813927 9781629812755 10.1306/M1121309 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2016 2016 112 Olson AAPG Memoir P 2016 Land Surface Evaluation for Engineering Practice 9781862390843 9781862393806 10.1144/GSL.ENG.2001.018 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 18 Griffiths Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2000-2005 3-D Structural Interpretation: Earth, Mind, and Machine 9780891813910 9781629812779 10.1306/M1111307 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2016 2016 111 Krantz AAPG Memoir P 2016 The Eagle Ford Shale: A Renaissance in U.S. Oil Production 9780891813903 9781629812748 10.1306/M1101306 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2016 2016 110 Breyer AAPG Memoir P 2016 Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism 9781862397293 9781862391345 10.1144/SP420 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 420 Wright Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Geophysics in engineering investigations 9780860175629 9781862393813 McDowell 10.1144/GSL.ENG.2002.019 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 19 Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2000-2005 Coastal Chalk Cliff Instability 9781862391505 9781862393820 10.1144/GSL.ENG.2004.020 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 20 Mortimore Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2000-2005 Aggregates: Sand, gravel and crushed rock aggregates for construction purposes 9781862390799 9781862393790 Smith 10.1144/GSL.ENG.2001.017 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 17 Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2000-2005 Engineering Geology for Tomorrow’s Cities 9781862392908 9781862393844 10.1144/EGSP22 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 22 Culshaw Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2006-2010 Weathering as a Predisposing Factor to Slope Movements 9781862392977 9781862393851 10.1144/EGSP23 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 23 Calcaterra Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2006-2010 Hot Deserts: Engineering, Geology and Geomorphology Engineering Group Working Party Report 9781862393424 9781862393875 10.1144/EGSP25 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 25 Walker Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2011-2014 The Geology of Scotland 9781862391260 9781862393905 10.1144/GOS4P fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 Trewin Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2000-2005 The Geology of England and Wales 9781862392007 9781862393882 10.1144/GOEWP fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 Brenchley Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2006-2010 A Color Guide to the Petrography of Sandstones, Siltstones, Shales and Associated Rocks 9780891813897 9781629812731 Ulmer-Scholle 10.1306/M1091304 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2015 2015 109 AAPG Memoir P 2016 The Geology of Central Europe: Volume 1: Precambrian and Palaeozoic 9781862392465 9781862393929 10.1144/CEV1P fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 McCann Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2006-2010 The Geology of Chile 9781862392205 9781862393936 10.1144/GOCH fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 Moreno Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2006-2010 The Geology of Central Europe Volume 2: Mesozoic and Cenozoic 9781862392656 9781862393899 10.1144/CEV2P fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 2 McCann Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2006-2010 The Geology of Thailand 9781862393196 9781862393943 10.1144/GOTH fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 Ridd Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2011-2014 Earth, Water, Ice and Fire: Two Hundred Years of Geological Research in the English Lake District 9781862391079 9781862394001 Oldroyd 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2002.025 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 25 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 The Eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 1995 to 1999 9781862390980 9781862393967 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2002.021 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 21 Druitt Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 The Lewisian Geology of Gairloch, NW Scotland 9781862391161 9781862394018 Park 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2002.026 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 26 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 Pyroclastic Density Currents and the Sedimentation of Ignimbrites 9781862391246 9781862394025 Branney 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2003.027 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 27 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 An Atlas of Carboniferous Basin Evolution in Northern England 9781862391352 9781862394032 Fraser 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2003.028 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 28 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 The Neoproterozoic Timanide Orogen of Eastern Baltica 9781862391727 9781862394056 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2004.030 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 30 Gee Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 Sumatra: Geology, Resources and Tectonic Evolution 9781862391802 9781862394063 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2005.031 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 31 Barber Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 United Kingdom Oil and Gas Fields Commemorative Millennium Volume 9781862390898 9781862393950 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2003.020 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 20 Gluyas Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 The Gregory Rift Valley and Neogene—Recent Volcanoes of Northern Tanzania 9781862392670 9781862394087 Dawson 10.1144/M33 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 33 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2006-2010 The Life and Work of Professor J. W. Gregory FRS (1864–1932): Geologist, Writer and Explorer 9781862393233 9781862394094 Leake 10.1144/M34 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 34 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2011-2014 3D Seismic Technology: Application to the Exploration of Sedimentary Basins 9781862391512 9781862394049 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2004.029 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 29 Davies Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 European Lithosphere Dynamics 9781862392120 9781862394070 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2006.032 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 32 Gee Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2006-2010 Holocene Land–Ocean Interaction and Environmental Change around the North Sea 9781862390546 9781862394148 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.166 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 166 Shennan Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Forced Folds and Fractures 9781862390607 9781862394179 10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.169 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 1999 1999 169 Cosgrove Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 1986-1999 The Geological Record of Neoproterozoic Glaciations 9781862393349 9781862394117 10.1144/M36 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 36 Arnaud Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2011-2014 Dynamics of the Norwegian Margin 9781862390560 9781862394155 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.167 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 167 Nøttvedt Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Archaeology of Geological Catastrophes 9781862390621 9781862394193 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.171 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 171 McGuire Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Sedimentary Responses to Forced Regressions 9781862390638 9781862394209 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.172 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 172 Hunt Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Tectonics of the Nanga Parbat Syntaxis and the Western Himalaya 9781862390614 9781862394186 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.170 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 170 Khan Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Coastal and Estuarine Environments: Sedimentology, Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology 9781862390706 9781862394230 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.175 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 175 Pye Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Tectonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surrounding Area 9781862390645 9781862394216 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.173 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 173 Bozkurt Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Deformation of Glacial Materials 9781862390720 9781862394247 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.176 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 176 Maltman Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Evolutionary Biology of the Bivalvia 9781862390768 9781862394254 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.177 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 177 Harper Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Arctic Petroleum Geology 9781862393288 9781862394100 10.1144/M35 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 35 Spencer Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2011-2014 Carbonate Platform Systems: Components and Interactions 9781862390744 9781862394261 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.178 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 178 Insalaco Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Petroleum Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives—Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference 9781862391642 9781862394124 10.1144/006 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 6 Doré Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series P 2000-2005 Palaeobiogeography and Biodiversity Change: the Ordovician and Mesozoic–Cenozoic Radiations 9781862391062 9781862394421 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.194 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 194 Crame Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Climates: Past and Present 9781862390751 9781862394292 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.181 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 181 Hart Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Age of the Earth: From 4004 BC to AD 2002 9781862390935 9781862394384 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.190 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 Lewis Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Earth Inside and Out: Some Major Contributions to Geology in the Twentieth Century 9781862390966 9781862394407 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.192 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 192 Oldroyd Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Western North Atlantic Palaeogene and Cretaceous Palaeoceanography 9781862390782 9781862394315 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.183 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 183 Kroon Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Orogenic Processes: Quantification and Modelling in the Variscan Belt 9781862390737 9781862394278 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.179 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 179 Franke Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening 9781862390904 9781862394346 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.186 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 186 Holdsworth Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Drift Exploration in Glaciated Terrain 9781862390829 9781862394339 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.185 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 185 McClenaghan Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Groundwater in the Celtic Regions: Studies in Hard Rock and Quaternary Hydrogeology 9781862390775 9781862394308 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.182 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 182 Robins Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Mine Water Hydrogeology and Geochemistry 9781862391130 9781862394469 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.198 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 198 Younger Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Sediment Flux to Basins: Causes, Controls and Consequences 9781862390959 9781862394391 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.191 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 191 Jones Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Sustainable Groundwater Development 9781862390973 9781862394414 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.193 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 193 Hiscock Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Exhumation of the North Atlantic Margin: Timing, Mechanisms and Implications for Petroleum Exploration 9781862391123 9781862394445 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.196 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 196 Doré Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The North Atlantic Igneous Province: Stratigraphy, Tectonic, Volcanic and Magmatic Processes 9781862391086 9781862394452 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.197 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 197 Jolley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Non-Volcanic Rifting of Continental Margins: A Comparison of Evidence from Land and Sea 9781862390911 9781862394353 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.187 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 187 Wilson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Tectonic and Climatic Evolution of the Arabian Sea Region 9781862391116 9781862394438 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.195 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 195 Clift Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 New Perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone 9781862390713 9781862394285 10.1144/GSL.SP.2000.180 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 180 Friend Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Continental Reactivation and Reworking 9781862390805 9781862394322 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.184 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 184 Miller Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Early Earth: Physical, Chemical and Biological Development 9781862391093 9781862394476 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.199 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 199 Fowler Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Palaeozoic Amalgamation of Central Europe 9781862391185 9781862394490 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.201 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 201 Winchester Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics: Microstructures, Mechanics and Anisotropy 9781862393387 9781862394483 10.1144/SP360 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 360 Prior Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Volcano–Ice Interaction on Earth and Mars 9781862391215 9781862394506 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.202 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 202 Smellie Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Glacier-Influenced Sedimentation on High-Latitude Continental Margins 9781862391208 9781862394513 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.203 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 203 Dowdeswell Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Petroleum Geology of Africa: New Themes and Developing Technologies 9781862391284 9781862394551 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.207 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 207 Arthur Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Timing and Location of Major Ore Deposits in an Evolving Orogen 9781862391222 9781862394520 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.204 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 204 Blundell Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Proterozoic East Gondwana: Supercontinent Assembly and Breakup 9781862391253 9781862394544 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.206 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 206 Yoshida Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Tracing Tectonic Deformation Using the Sedimentary Record 9781862391291 9781862394568 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.208 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 208 McCann Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Natural Stone, Weathering Phenomena, Conservation Strategies and Case Studies 9781862391239 9781862394537 10.1144/GSL.SP.2002.205 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 205 Siegesmund Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Fracture and In-Situ Stress Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs 9781862391307 9781862394575 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.209 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 209 Ameen Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Intraplate Strike-Slip Deformation Belts 9781862391321 9781862394582 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.210 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 210 Storti Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Ground Penetrating Radar in Sediments 9781862391314 9781862394599 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.211 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 211 Bristow Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Hydrocarbons in Crystalline Rocks 9781862391376 9781862394629 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.214 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 214 Petford Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 New Insights into Structural Interpretation and Modelling 9781862391338 9781862394605 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.212 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 212 Nieuwland Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Volcanic Degassing 9781862391369 9781862394612 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.213 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 213 Oppenheimer Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Applications of X-ray Computed Tomography in the Geosciences 9781862391390 9781862394636 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.215 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 215 Mees Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs 9781862391437 9781862394650 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.217 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 217 Buffetaut Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Subsurface Sediment Mobilization 9781862391413 9781862394643 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.216 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 216 Rensbergen Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Intra-Oceanic Subduction Systems: Tectonic and Magmatic Processes 9781862391475 9781862394674 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.219 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 219 Larter Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Ophiolites in Earth History 9781862391451 9781862394667 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.218 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 218 Dilek Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Confined Turbidite Systems 9781862391499 9781862394704 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.222 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 222 Lomas Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Permo-Carboniferous Magmatism and Rifting in Europe 9781862391529 9781862394711 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.223 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 223 Wilson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Aspects of the Tectonic Evolution of China 9781862391567 9781862394742 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.226 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 226 Malpas Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 200 Years of British Hydrogeology 9781862391550 9781862394735 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.225 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 225 Mather Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Flow Processes in Faults and Shear Zones 9781862391536 9781862394728 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.224 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 224 Alsop Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Vertical Coupling and Decoupling in the Lithosphere 9781862391598 9781862394759 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.227 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 227 Grocott Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Origin and Evolution of the Ontong Java Plateau 9781862391574 9781862394773 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.229 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 229 Fitton Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Application of Ichnology to Palaeoenvironmental and Stratigraphic Analysis 9781862391543 9781862394766 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.228 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 228 McIlroy Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Palynology and Micropalaeontology of Boundaries 9781862391604 9781862394780 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.230 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 230 Beaudoin Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide 9781862391635 9781862394810 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.233 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 233 Baines Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Forensic Geoscience: Principles, Techniques and Applications 9781862391611 9781862394803 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.232 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 232 Pye Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Physical Geology of High-Level Magmatic Systems 9781862391697 9781862394827 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.234 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 234 Breitkreuz Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Initiation, Propagation, and Arrest of Joints and Other Fractures 9781862391659 9781862394797 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.231 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 231 Cosgrove Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Geometry and Petrogenesis of Dolomite Hydrocarbon Reservoirs 9781862391666 9781862394834 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.235 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 235 Braithwaite Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Cryospheric Systems: Glaciers and Permafrost 9781862391758 9781862394902 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.242 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 242 Harris Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Petrophysical Properties of Crystalline Rocks 9781862391734 9781862394889 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.240 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 240 Harvey Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 History of Palaeobotany: Selected Essays 9781862391741 9781862394896 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.241 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 241 Bowden Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Submarine Slope Systems: Processes and Products 9781862391772 9781862394926 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.244 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 244 Hodgson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics: from Minerals to the Lithosphere 9781862391765 9781862394919 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.243 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 243 Gapais Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Terrane Processes at the Margins of Gondwana 9781862391796 9781862394940 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.246 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 246 Vaughan Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Magnetic Fabric: Methods and Applications 9781862391703 9781862394865 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.238 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 238 Martín-Hernández Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Energy, Waste and the Environment: a Geochemical Perspective 9781862391673 9781862394841 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.236 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 236 Gieré Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Mineral Deposits and Earth Evolution 9781862391826 9781862394964 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.248 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 248 McDonald Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Early–Middle Pleistocene Transitions: The Land–Ocean Evidence 9781862391819 9781862394957 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.247 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 247 Head Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Understanding the Micro to Macro Behaviour of Rock–Fluid Systems 9781862391864 9781862394971 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.249 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 249 Shaw Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Sustainable Minerals Operations in the Developing World 9781862391888 9781862394988 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.250 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 250 Marker Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Alluvial Fans: Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Dynamics 9781862391895 9781862394995 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.251 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 251 Harvey Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Neuquén Basin, Argentina: A Case Study in Sequence Stratigraphy and Basin Dynamics 9781862391901 9781862395008 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.252 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 252 Veiga Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Cool-Water Carbonates: Depositional Systems and Palaeoenvironmental Controls 9781862391932 9781862395039 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.255 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 255 Pedley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Crustal-Scale Processes 9781862391918 9781862395015 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.253 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 253 Buiter Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Deliberate Search for the Stratigraphic Trap 9781862391925 9781862395022 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.254 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 254 Allen Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Understanding Petroleum Reservoirs: towards an Integrated Reservoir Engineering and Geochemical Approach 9781862391680 9781862394858 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.237 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 237 Cubitt Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Cretaceous–Tertiary High-Latitude Palaeoenvironments: James Ross Basin, Antarctica 9781862391970 9781862395060 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.258 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 258 Francis Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Geomaterials in Cultural Heritage 9781862391956 9781862395053 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.257 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 257 Maggetti Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The History of Meteoritics and Key Meteorite Collections: Fireballs, Falls and Finds 9781862391949 9781862395046 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.256 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 256 McCall Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Fractal Analysis for Natural Hazards 9781862392014 9781862395091 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.261 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 261 Cello Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Tectonics of the Western Mediterranean and North Africa 9781862392021 9781862395107 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.262 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 262 Moratti Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Function of Soils for Human Societies and the Environment 9781862392076 9781862395145 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.266 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 266 Frossard Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Fluid Flow and Solute Movement in Sandstones: The Onshore UK Permo-Triassic Red Bed Sequence 9781862392045 9781862395114 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.263 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 263 Barker Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Compositional Data Analysis in the Geosciences: From Theory to Practice 9781862392052 9781862395121 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.264 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 264 Buccianti Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 New Techniques in Sediment Core Analysis 9781862392106 9781862395152 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.267 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 267 Rothwell Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Mechanisms of Activity and Unrest at Large Calderas 9781862392113 9781862395176 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.269 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 269 Troise Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region 9781862391987 9781862395084 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.260 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 260 Robertson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Coastal and Shelf Sediment Transport 9781862392175 9781862395220 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.274 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 274 Balson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Fractured Reservoirs 9781862392137 9781862395183 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.270 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 270 Lonergan Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Myth and Geology 9781862392168 9781862395213 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.273 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 273 Piccardi Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation 9781862392182 9781862395190 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.271 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 271 Přikryl Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations: Climatic and Evolutionary Controls 9781862392212 9781862395237 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.275 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 275 Álvaro Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Economic and Palaeoceanographic Significance of Contourite Deposits 9781862392267 9781862395244 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.276 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 276 Viana Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Devonian Events and Correlations 9781862392229 9781862395268 10.1144/SP278 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 278 Becker Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards in Karst Areas: Recognition, Analysis and Mitigation 9781862392243 9781862395275 10.1144/SP279 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 279 Parise Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Seismic Geomorphology: Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production 9781862392236 9781862395251 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.277 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 277 Davies Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Deformation of the Continental Crust: The Legacy of Mike Coward 9781862392151 9781862395206 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.272 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 272 Ries Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Mesozoic Sub-Continental Lithospheric Thinning Under Eastern Asia 9781862392250 9781862395282 10.1144/SP280 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 280 Zhai Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Role of Women in the History of Geology 9781862392274 9781862395299 10.1144/SP281 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 281 Burek Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Rock Physics and Geomechanics in the Study of Reservoirs and Repositories 9781862392304 9781862395329 10.1144/SP284 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 284 David Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Imaging, Mapping and Modelling Continental Lithosphere Extension and Breakup 9781862392281 9781862395305 10.1144/SP282 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 282 Karner Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Evaporites Through Space and Time 9781862392328 9781862395336 10.1144/SP285 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 285 Schreiber Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Climate Change and Groundwater 9781862392359 9781862395367 10.1144/SP288 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 288 Dragoni Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Four Centuries of Geological Travel: The Search for Knowledge on Foot, Bicycle, Sledge and Camel 9781862392342 9781862395350 10.1144/SP287 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 287 Jackson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Rise and Fall of the Ediacaran Biota 9781862392335 9781862395343 10.1144/SP286 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 286 Vickers-Rich Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Relationship between Damage and Localization 9781862392366 9781862395374 10.1144/SP289 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 289 Lewis Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Geodynamics of the Aegean and Anatolia 9781862392397 9781862395398 10.1144/SP291 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 291 Taymaz Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining and Releasing Bends 9781862392380 9781862395381 10.1144/290.10 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 290 Cunningham Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Landscape Evolution: Denudation, Climate and Tectonics over Different Time and Space Scales 9781862392502 9781862395442 10.1144/SP296 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 296 Gallagher Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Metasomatism in Oceanic and Continental Lithospheric Mantle 9781862392427 9781862395411 10.1144/SP293 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 293 Coltorti Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 West Gondwana: Pre-Cenozoic Correlations Across the South Atlantic Region 9781862392472 9781862395428 10.1144/SP294 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 294 Pankhurst Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian System 9781862392526 9781862395466 10.1144/SP298 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 298 Siegesmund Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Fishes and the Break-up of Pangaea 9781862392489 9781862395435 10.1144/SP295 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 295 Cavin Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Internal Structure of Fault Zones: Implications for Mechanical and Fluid-Flow Properties 9781862392533 9781862395473 10.1144/SP299 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 299 Wibberley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The History of Geoconservation 9781862392540 9781862395480 10.1144/SP300 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 300 Burek Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Biogeochemical Controls on Palaeoceanographic Environmental Proxies 9781862392571 9781862395510 10.1144/SP303 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 303 Austin Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Structure and Emplacement of High-Level Magmatic Systems 9781862392564 9781862395503 10.1144/SP302 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 302 Thomson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Dynamics of Crustal Magma Transfer, Storage and Differentiation 9781862392588 9781862395527 10.1144/SP304 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 304 Annen Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Nature and Origin of Compression in Passive Margins 9781862392618 9781862395541 10.1144/SP306 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 306 Johnson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Geodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica: A Key to the East–West Gondwana Connection 9781862392687 9781862395565 10.1144/SP308 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 308 Satish-Kumar Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Fluid Motions in Volcanic Conduits: A Source of Seismic and Acoustic Signals 9781862392625 9781862395558 10.1144/SP307 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 307 Lane Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Geology and Religion: A History of Harmony and Hostility 9781862392694 9781862395589 10.1144/SP310 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 310 Kölbl-Ebert Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Future of Geological Modelling in Hydrocarbon Development 9781862392663 9781862395572 10.1144/SP309 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 309 Robinson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Collision and Collapse at the Africa–Arabia–Eurasia Subduction Zone 9781862392700 9781862395596 10.1144/SP311 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 311 Hinsbergen Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Continental Ecosystems in SE Asia 9781862392751 9781862395633 10.1144/SP315 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 315 Buffetaut Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 South Caspian to Central Iran Basins 9781862392717 9781862395602 10.1144/SP312 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 312 Brunet Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Making of the Geological Society of London 9781862392779 9781862395657 10.1144/SP317 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 317 Lewis Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Palaeoseismology: Historical and Prehistorical Records of Earthquake Ground Effects for Seismic Hazard Assessment 9781862392762 9781862395640 10.1144/SP316 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 316 Reicherter Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Earth Accretionary Systems in Space and Time 9781862392786 9781862395664 10.1144/SP318 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 318 Cawood Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Sediment-Hosted Gas Hydrates: New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems 9781862392793 9781862395671 10.1144/SP319 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 319 Long Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Periglacial and Paraglacial Processes and Environments 9781862392816 9781862395688 10.1144/SP320 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 320 Knight Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Extending a Continent: Architecture, Rheology and Heat Budget 9781862392847 9781862395695 10.1144/SP321 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 321 Ring Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Geohazard in Rocky Coastal Areas 9781862392823 9781862395701 10.1144/SP322 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 322 Violante Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Palaeoproterozoic Supercontinents and Global Evolution 9781862392830 9781862395718 10.1144/SP323 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 323 Reddy Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Thermochronological Methods: From Palaeotemperature Constraints to Landscape Evolution Models 9781862392854 9781862395725 10.1144/SP324 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 324 Lisker Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Early Palaeozoic Peri-Gondwana Terranes: New Insights from Tectonics and Biogeography 9781862392861 9781862395732 10.1144/SP325 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 325 Bassett Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Global Neoproterozoic Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential in North Africa 9781862392878 9781862395749 10.1144/SP326 fulltext The Geological Society London monograph 2009 2009 326 Craig Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Ancient Orogens and Modern Analogues 9781862392892 9781862395756 10.1144/SP327 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 327 Murphy Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Origin and Evolution of the Caribbean Plate 9781862392885 9781862395763 10.1144/SP328 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 328 James Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Mesozoic and Cenozoic Carbonate Systems of the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Reference Models 9781862392922 9781862395770 10.1144/SP329 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 329 Buchem Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Tectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Zagros and Makran during the Mesozoic–Cenozoic 9781862392939 9781862395787 10.1144/SP330 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 330 Leturmy Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Natural Stone Resources for Historical Monuments 9781862392915 9781862395817 10.1144/SP333 fulltext The Geological Society London monograph 2010 2010 333 Přikryl Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Advances in Interpretation of Geological Processes: Refinement of Multi-scale Data and Integration in Numerical Modelling 9781862392953 9781862395800 10.1144/SP332 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 332 Spalla Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Limestone in the Built Environment: Present-Day Challenges for the Preservation of the Past 9781862392946 9781862395794 10.1144/SP331 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 331 Smith Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Terrestrialization Process: Modelling Complex Interactions at the Biosphere–Geosphere Interface 9781862393097 9781862395879 10.1144/SP339 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 339 Vecoli Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Triassic Timescale 9781862392960 9781862395824 10.1144/SP334 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 334 Lucas Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Tufas and Speleothems: Unravelling the Microbial and Physical Controls 9781862393010 9781862395848 10.1144/SP336 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 336 Pedley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Monsoon Evolution and Tectonic–Climate Linkage in Asia 9781862393103 9781862395909 10.1144/SP342 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 342 Clift Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Evolution of the Levant Margin and Western Arabia Platform since the Mesozoic 9781862393066 9781862395893 10.1144/SP341 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 341 Homberg Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Elevation Models for Geoscience 9781862393134 9781862395930 10.1144/SP345 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 345 Fleming Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform 9781862393080 9781862395886 10.1144/SP340 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 340 Sosson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Saurians: A Historical Perspective 9781862393110 9781862395916 10.1144/SP343 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 343 Moody Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Australian Landscapes 9781862393141 9781862395947 10.1144/SP346 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 346 Bishop Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Reservoir Compartmentalization 9781862393165 9781862395954 10.1144/SP347 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 347 Jolley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Hydrocarbons in Contractional Belts 9781862393172 9781862395961 10.1144/SP348 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 348 Goffey Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Granite-Related Ore Deposits 9781862393219 9781862395985 10.1144/SP350 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 350 Sial Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Kinematic Evolution and Structural Styles of Fold-and-Thrust Belts 9781862393202 9781862395978 10.1144/SP349 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 349 Poblet Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Human Interactions with the Geosphere: The Geoarchaeological Perspective 9781862393257 9781862396005 10.1144/SP352 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 352 Wilson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Slope Tectonics 9781862393240 9781862395992 10.1144/SP351 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 351 Jaboyedoff Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Growth and Collapse of the Tibetan Plateau 9781862393264 9781862396012 10.1144/SP353 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 353 Gloaguen Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Ice-Marginal and Periglacial Processes and Sediments 9781862393271 9781862396029 10.1144/SP354 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 354 Martini Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Comparing the Geological and Fossil Records: Implications for Biodiversity Studies 9781862393363 9781862396067 10.1144/SP358 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 358 McGowan Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Martian Geomorphology 9781862393301 9781862396043 10.1144/SP356 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 356 Balme Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 The SE Asian Gateway: History and Tectonics of the Australia-Asia Collision 9781862393291 9781862396036 10.1144/SP355 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 Hall Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 The Formation and Evolution of Africa: A Synopsis of 3.8 Ga of Earth History 9781862393356 9781862396050 10.1144/SP357 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 357 Hinsbergen Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Geology of the Earthquake Source: A Volume in Honour of Rick Sibson 9781862393370 9781862396074 10.1144/SP359 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 359 Fagereng Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics: Current Status and Future Perspectives 9781862391178 9781862396081 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.200 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 200 Meer Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Natural Hazards in the Asia–Pacific Region: Recent Advances and Emerging Concepts 9781862393394 9781862396098 10.1144/SP361 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 361 Terry Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Military Aspects of Hydrogeology 9781862393400 9781862396104 10.1144/SP362 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 362 Rose Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Groundwater Resources Modelling: A Case Study from the UK 9781862393448 9781862396128 10.1144/SP364 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 364 Shepley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Palaeoproterozoic of India 9781862393455 9781862396135 10.1144/SP365 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 365 Mazumder Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Glaciogenic Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems 9781862393486 9781862396166 10.1144/SP368 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 368 Huuse Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Recent Developments in Applied Biostratigraphy 9781862391871 9781862396197 10.1144/TMS001 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 1 Powell The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Advances in Carbonate Exploration and Reservoir Analysis 9781862393509 9781862396180 10.1144/SP370 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 370 Garland Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Conjugate Divergent Margins 9781862393493 9781862396173 10.1144/SP369 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 369 Mohriak Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Salt Tectonics, Sediments and Prospectivity 9781862393417 9781862396111 10.1144/SP363 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 363 Alsop Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Ostracods in British Stratigraphy 9781862392748 9781862396210 10.1144/TMS003 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 3 Whittaker The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Statistics in Volcanology 9781862392083 9781862396234 10.1144/IAVCEI001 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 1 Mader Special Publications of IAVCEI P 2006-2010 Studies in Volcanology: The Legacy of George Walker 9781862392809 9781862396241 10.1144/IAVCEl002 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 2 Thordarson Special Publications of IAVCEI P 2006-2010 Earthworks in Europe 9781862393523 9781862396333 10.1144/EGSP26 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 26 Radford Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2015 Remagnetization and Chemical Alteration of Sedimentary Rocks 9781862393516 9781862396340 10.1144/SP371 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 371 Elmore Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 The Colli Albani Volcano 9781862393073 9781862396258 10.1144/IAVCEl003 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 3 Funiciello Special Publications of IAVCEI P 2006-2010 Geological Development of Anatolia and the Easternmost Mediterranean Region 9781862393530 9781862396357 10.1144/SP372 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 372 Robertson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Isotopic Studies in Cretaceous Research 9781862393646 9781862396463 10.1144/SP382 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 382 Bojar Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates 9781862393684 9781862396500 10.1144/TMS5 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 5 Lewis The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications P 2015 Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropalaeontology: History and Development 9781862393714 9781862396517 10.1144/TMS6 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 6 Bowden The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications P 2015 Antarctica and Supercontinent Evolution 9781862393677 9781862396470 10.1144/SP383 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 383 Harley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Advances in 40 Ar/ 39 Ar Dating: From Archaeology to Planetary Sciences 9781862393608 9781862396623 10.1144/SP378 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 378 Jourdan Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Continent Formation Through Time 9781862393752 9781862396654 10.1144/SP389 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 389 Roberts Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Stone in Historic Buildings: Characterization and Performance 9781862393769 9781862396678 10.1144/SP391 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 391 Cassar Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Anatomy, Phylogeny and Palaeobiology of Early Archosaurs and their Kin 9781862393615 9781862396395 10.1144/SP379 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 379 Nesbitt Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Environmental and Criminal Geoforensics 9781862393660 9781862396487 10.1144/SP384 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 384 Pirrie Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Orogenic Andesites and Crustal Growth 9781862393691 9781862396494 10.1144/SP385 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 385 Gómez-Tuena Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Sediment-Body Geometry and Heterogeneity: Analogue Studies for Modelling the Subsurface 9781862393721 9781862396616 10.1144/SP387 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 387 Martinius Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Sediment Provenance Studies in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production 9781862393707 9781862396630 10.1144/SP386 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 386 Scott Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Antarctic Palaeoenvironments and Earth-Surface Processes 9781862393639 9781862396401 10.1144/SP381 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 381 Hambrey Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Remote Sensing of Volcanoes and Volcanic Processes: Integrating Observation and Modelling 9781862393622 9781862396456 10.1144/SP380 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 380 Pyle Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Early Palaeozoic Biogeography and Palaeogeography 9781862393738 9781862396425 10.1144/M38 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 38 Harper Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Palaeozoic Climate Cycles: Their Evolutionary and Sedimentological Impact 9781862393578 9781862396449 10.1144/SP376 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 376 Gąsiewicz Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 New Perspectives on the Caledonides of Scandinavia and Related Areas 9781862393776 9781862396661 10.1144/SP390 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 390 Corfu Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Advances in the Study of Fractured Reservoirs 9781862393554 9781862396609 10.1144/SP374 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 374 Spence Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Sedimentary Coastal Zones from High to Low Latitudes: Similarities and Differences 9781862393745 9781862396647 10.1144/SP388 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 388 Martini Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 A History of Geology and Medicine 9781862393561 9781862396432 10.1144/SP375 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 375 Duffin Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Ore Deposits in an Evolving Earth 9781862396265 9781862396692 10.1144/SP393 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 393 Jenkin Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Tectonic Evolution of the Oman Mountains 9781862393783 9781862396685 10.1144/SP392 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 392 Rollinson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Deformation Structures and Processes within the Continental Crust 9781862396272 9781862396708 10.1144/SP394 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 394 Llana-Fúnez Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 A Stratigraphical Basis for the Anthropocene 9781862396289 9781862396715 10.1144/SP395 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 395 Waters Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 The Use of Palaeomagnetism and Rock Magnetism to Understand Volcanic Processes 9781862396296 9781862396722 10.1144/SP396 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 396 Ort Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Marine Tephrochronology 9781862396418 9781862396746 10.1144/SP398 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 398 Austin Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Hydrocarbon Exploration to Exploitation West of Shetlands 9781862396524 9781862396739 10.1144/SP397 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 397 Cannon Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Geodynamic Processes in the Andes of Central Chile and Argentina 9781862396531 9781862396753 10.1144/SP399 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 399 Sepúlveda Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Gold-Transporting Hydrothermal Fluids in the Earth’s Crust 9781862396579 9781862396784 10.1144/SP402 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 402 Garofalo Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System 9781862396326 9781862396777 10.1144/SP401 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 401 Platz Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Strata and Time: Probing the Gaps in Our Understanding 9781862396555 9781862396807 10.1144/SP404 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 404 Smith Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 The Variscan Orogeny: Extent, Timescale and the Formation of the European Crust 9781862396586 9781862396814 10.1144/SP405 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 405 Schulmann Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement 9781862396548 9781862396760 10.1144/SP400 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 400 Norris Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 A revised correlation of Ordovician Rocks in the British Isles 9781862390690 9781862396920 Fortey 10.1144/SR24 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2000 2000 24 Geological Society, London, Special Reports P 2015 The Eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010 9781862396302 9781862396821 10.1144/M39 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 39 Wadge Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 A Revised Correlation of the Cambrian Rocks in the British Isles 9781862393325 9781862396937 Rushton 10.1144/SR25 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 25 Geological Society, London, Special Reports P 2015 A Revised Correlation of Carboniferous Rocks in the British Isles 9781862393332 9781862396944 10.1144/SR26 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 26 Waters Geological Society, London, Special Reports P 2015 Integrated Environmental Modelling to Solve Real World Problems: Methods, Vision and Challenges 9781862396876 9781862396968 10.1144/SP408 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 408 Riddick Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones 9781862396852 9781862396951 10.1144/SP407 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 407 Pereira Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Fundamental Controls on Fluid Flow in Carbonates: Current Workflows to Emerging Technologies 9781862396593 9781862396838 10.1144/SP406 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 406 Agar Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 The Role of Volatiles in the Genesis, Evolution and Eruption of Arc Magmas 9781862396890 9781862396982 10.1144/SP410 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 410 Zellmer Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 The Cambrian of SW Wales: Towards a United Avalonian Stratigraphy 9781862396906 9781862397026 10.1144/M42 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 42 Rees Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Tectonics of the Himalaya 9781862397033 9781862397040 10.1144/SP412 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 412 Mukherjee Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Rock Coast Geomorphology: A Global Synthesis 9781862396845 9781862397002 10.1144/M40 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 40 Kennedy Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Petroleum Geology of Myanmar 9781862397354 9781862397101 Racey 10.1144/M45 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 45 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Continental Shelves of the World: Their Evolution During the Last Glacio-Eustatic Cycle 9781862396869 9781862397057 10.1144/M41 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2014 2014 41 Chiocci Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Volcanic Geology of São Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago) 9781862397316 9781862397118 10.1144/M44 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 44 Gaspar Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Geoethics: the Role and Responsibility of Geoscientists 9781862397262 9781862397149 10.1144/SP419 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 419 Peppoloni Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Magnetic Susceptibility Application: A Window onto Ancient Environments and Climatic Variations 9781862397217 9781862397156 10.1144/SP414 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 414 Silva Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Gas Generation and Migration in Deep Geological Radioactive Waste Repositories 9781862397224 9781862397132 10.1144/SP415 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 415 Shaw Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Precambrian Basins of India: Stratigraphic and Tectonic Context 9781862397231 9781862397194 10.1144/M43 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 43 Mazumder Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Microbial Carbonates in Space and Time: Implications for Global Exploration and Production 9781862397279 9781862397163 10.1144/SP418 fulltext Geological Society London monograph 2015 2015 418 Bosence Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events 9781862397347 9781862399556 10.1144/SP423 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 423 Becker Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Supercontinent Cycles Through Earth History 9781862397330 9781862399563 10.1144/SP424 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 424 Li Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Palaeomagnetism in Fold and Thrust Belts: New Perspectives 9781862397378 9781862399570 10.1144/SP425 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 425 Pueyo Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Quantitative Mineral Analysis of Clays 9781881208013 9781881208211 10.1346/CMS-WLS-1 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1989 1989 1 Calvert Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Electron–Optical Methods in Clay Science 9781881208020 9781881208228 10.1346/CMS-WLS-2 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1990 1990 2 Mackinnon Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 River-Dominated Shelf Sediments of East Asian Seas 9781862397408 9781862399617 10.1144/SP429 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 429 Clift Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Clay-Water Interface and its Rheological Implications 9781881208044 9781881208242 10.1346/CMS-WLS-4 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1992 1992 4 Low Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Thermal Analysis in Clay Science 9781881208037 9781881208235 10.1346/CMS-WLS-3 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1990 1990 3 Stucki Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Developments in Engineering Geology 9781862399686 9781862399723 10.1144/EGSP27 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 27 Eggers Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2016 Transform Margins: Development, Controls and Petroleum Systems 9781862397446 9781862399631 10.1144/SP431 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 431 Nemčok Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Computer Applications to X-Ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Clay Minerals 9781881208068 9781881208259 10.1346/CMS-WLS-5 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1993 1993 5 Reynolds Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Layer Charge Characteristics of 2:1 Silicate Clay Minerals 9781881208075 9781881208266 10.1346/CMS-WLS-6 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1994 1994 6 Mermut Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Scanning Probe Microscopy of Clay Minerals 9781881208082 9781881208273 10.1346/CMS-WLS-7 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1994 1994 7 Nagy Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Organic Pollutants in the Environment 9781881208105 9781881208280 10.1346/CMS-WLS-8 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1996 1996 8 Blackburn Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Synchrotron X-Ray Methods in Clay Science 9781881208099 9781881208297 10.1346/CMS-WLS-9 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1999 1999 9 Bassett Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 1986-1999 Teaching clay science 9781881208129 9781881208310 10.1346/CMS-WLS-11 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2002 2002 Rule Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2000-2005 Electrochemical Properties of Clays 9781881208136 9781881208303 10.1346/CMS-WLS-10 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2002 2002 10 Fitch Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2000-2005 Molecular Modeling of Clays and Mineral Surfaces 9781881208112 9781881208327 10.1346/CMS-WLS-12 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2003 2003 12 Kubicki Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2000-2005 The Application of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Clay Minerals and Layered Double Hydroxides 9781881208141 9781881208334 10.1346/CMS-WLS-13 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2005 2005 13 Kloprogge Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2000-2005 Clay-based Polymer Nano-composites (CPN) 9781881208167 9781881208358 10.1346/CMS-WLS-15 fulltext The Clay Minerals Society monograph 2007 2007 15 Carrado Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2006-2010 Carbon Stabilization by Clays in the Environment: Process and Characterization Methods 9781881208174 9781881208365 10.1346/CMS-WLS-16 fulltext The Clay Minerals Society monograph 2009 2009 Laird Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures 16 P 2006-2010 Kaolin Genesis and Utilization 9781881208052 9781881208389 10.1346/CMS-SP-1 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 1993 1993 1 Murray Clay Minerals Society Special Publication P 1986-1999 Clays of Yellowstone National Park 9781881208181 9781881208372 10.1346/CMS-WLS-17 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2010 2010 Gates Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2006-2010 Advanced Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Clay Science 9781881208426 9781881208433 10.1346/CMS-WLS-19 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2014 2014 19 Stucki Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2015 Late Ordovician and Early Silurian stromatoporoid sponges from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada: Crossing the O/S mass extinction 9780660199306 9781927346150 Nestor 10.1139/9780660199306 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2010 2010 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Colonial Disphyllid Corals From Western Canada: Taxonomy and Biostratigraphic Significance 9780660199436 9781927346143 McLean 10.1139/9780660199436 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2010 2010 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume: 1905-1955 9781934969526 10.5382/AV50 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1955 1955 Bateman Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 1926-1985 Epithermal Base-Metal and Precious-Metal Systems, San Juan Mountains, Colorado 9781934969564 10.5382/GB.03 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1988 1988 3 Hutchinson Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Volume 9781934969533 10.5382/AV75 fulltext Economic Geology Publishing Company monograph 1981 1981 Skinner P 1926-1985 Mexican Silver Deposits 9781934969595 10.5382/GB.06 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1990 1990 6 Clark Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Metallogeny of Gold in the Black Hills, South Dakota 9781934969601 10.5382/GB.07 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1990 1990 7 Paterson Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Control on Base Metal and Gold Mineralizations, Bousquet—Rouyn-Noranda Area 9781934969632 10.5382/GB.10 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1991 1991 10 Tourigny Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Active and Extinct Hydrothermal Systems of the North Island, New Zealand 9781934969687 Simmons 10.5382/GB.15 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1992 1992 15 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Selected Mineral Deposits of Vermont and the Adirondack Mountains, New York 9781934969700 10.5382/GB.17 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1993 1993 17 Thompson Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Selected Mineral Deposits of British Columbia, Canada: I. Porphyry Ore Deposits Of Southern British Columbia II. Mineral Deposits Of Northern Vancouver Island 9781934969724 10.5382/GB.19 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1994 1994 19 Stanley Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Epithermal Gold Mineralization, Wenatchee and Liberty Districts, Central Washington 9781934969731 10.5382/GB.20 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1994 1994 20 Margolis Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Tertiary Extension and Mineral Deposits, Southwestern U.S. 188748325X 9781934969786 10.5382/GB.25 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1996 1996 25 Rehrig Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Lisbon Valley Sediment-Hosted Copper Deposits and Paradox Basin Fluids Trip 1887483373 9781934969908 10.5382/GB.37 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2005 2005 37 Thorson Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2000-2005 Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits in Colorado I. Climax Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits II. Henderson Molybdenum Mine 1887483381 9781934969915 Stegen 10.5382/GB.38 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2006 2006 38 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2006-2010 Terroir of Colorado’s Western Slope Vineyards 188748339X 9781934969922 Meinert 10.5382/GB.39 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2006 2006 39 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2006-2010 Rock Alteration as a Guide to Ore—East Tintic District, Utah 9781934969960 Lovering 10.5382/Mono.01 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1949 1949 1 Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1926-1985 Genesis of Stratiform Lead-Zinc-Barite-Fluorite Deposits (Mississippi Valley Type Deposits) 9781934969984 Brown 10.5382/Mono.03 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1967 1967 3 Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1926-1985 Tops and Bottoms of Porphyry Copper Deposits: The Bingham and Southwest Tintic Districts, Utah 9781934969298 9781934969946 10.5382/GB.41 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2010 2010 41 Krahulec Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2006-2010 Magmatic Ore Deposits 9781934969991 10.5382/Mono.04 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1969 1969 4 Wilson Economic Geology Monograph Series P 1926-1985 Magnetic Methods and the Timing of Geological Processes 9781862393547 9781862396364 10.1144/SP373 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 373 Jovane Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes 9781862393653 9781862396371 10.1144/M37 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2013 2013 37 Lucchi Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Thick-Skin-Dominated Orogens: From Initial Inversion to Full Accretion 9781862393585 9781862396388 10.1144/SP377 fulltext Geological Society London monograph 2013 2013 377 Nemčok Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Irish Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposits 9781934969748 10.5382/GB.21 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1995 1995 21 Anderson Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 The Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions II 9780813725239 9780813795232 10.1130/SPE523 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 523 Bickford P 2017 Linkages and Feedbacks in Orogenic Systems 9780813712130 9780813782133 10.1130/MEM213 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 213 Law P 2017 The Restless Indian Plate and Its Epic Voyage from Gondwana to Asia: Its Tectonic, Paleoclimatic, and Paleobiogeographic Evolution 9780813725291 10.1130/SPE529 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 529 GSA Special Papers P 2017 Index to the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 9781565762077 Bloom 10.2110/pec.58.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1958 1958 6 SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 Interval Velocities from Seismic Reflection Time Measurements 9780931830136 9781560802501 Hubral 10.1190/1.9781560802501 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1980 1980 P 1926-1985 The Infrared Spectra of Minerals 9780903056052 9780903056533 10.1180/mono-4 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 1974 1974 4 Farmer Mineralogical Society Monograph P 1926-1985 Structures and Sequences in Clastic Rocks 9781565763357 9781565762381 Harms 10.2110/scn.82.09 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1982 1982 9 SEPM Short Course Notes P 1926-1985 Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: Improved Engineering of Unconventional Shale Reservoirs 9781560803157 9781560803164 Maxwell 10.1190/1.9781560803164 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2014 2014 17 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2015 Silica in Sediments 9781565762084 10.2110/pec.59.01 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1959 1959 7 Ireland SEPM Special Publication P 1926-1985 The Seismic Velocity Model as an Interpretation Asset 9781560800910 9781560801849 10.1190/1.9781560801849 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1998 1998 2 Schultz Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 1986-1999 Insights and Methods for 4D Reservoir Monitoring and Characterization 9781560801283 9781560801696 Calvert 10.1190/1.9781560801696 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2005 2005 8 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2000-2005 Volcanic Associated Massive Sulfide Deposits: Processes and Examples in Modern and Ancient Settings 1887483527 9781629490151 10.5382/Rev.08 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1997 1997 8 Barrie Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Cretaceous Rudists and Carbonate Platforms: Environmental Feedback 9781565761278 9781565762954 10.2110/pec.07.87 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2007 2007 87 Scott SEPM Special Publication P 2006-2010 Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in the Evolving Precambrian World 1565760727 9781565761896 10-2110/pec.00.67 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2000 2000 67 Grotzinger SEPM Special Publication P 2000-2005 Techniques in Hydrothermal Ore Deposits Geology 1887483543 9781629490175 10.5382/Rev.10 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1998 1998 10 Richards Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Ore Genesis and Exploration: The Roles of Organic Matter 1887483535 9781629490168 10.5382/Rev.09 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1997 1997 9 Giordano Reviews in Economic Geology P 1986-1999 Integrated Methods for Discovery: Global Exploration in the Twenty-First Century 1887483918 9781629490335 10.5382/SP.09 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2002 2002 9 Goldfarb Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2000-2005 Supergene Environments, Processes, and Products 9781934969168 9781629490380 10.5382/SP.14 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2009 2009 14 Titley Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2006-2010 Digital Imaging and Deconvolution: The ABCs of Seismic Exploration and Processing 9781560801481 9781560801610 Robinson 10.1190/1.9781560801610 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2008 2008 15 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2006-2010 Uygulamalı Jeofіzіğіn Ansіklopedіk Sözlüğü 9789944892025 9781560801979 Sheriff 10.1190/1.9781560801979 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2006 2006 7 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2006-2010 3C Seismic and VSP: Converted waves and vector wavefield applications 9781560803355 9781560803362 Gaiser 10.1190/1.9781560803362 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2016 2016 19 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2016 The Challenge of Finding New Mineral Resources: Global Metallogeny, Innovative Exploration, and New Discoveries 9781934969274 9781629490397 10.5382/SP.15.1 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2010 2010 15 (1) Goldfarb Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2006-2010 Classics of Elastic Wave Theory 9781560801429 9781560801931 10.1190/1.9781560801931 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2007 2007 24 Pelissier Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2006-2010 The Challenge of Finding New Mineral Resources: Global Metallogeny, Innovative Exploration, and New Discoveries 9781934969281 9781629490403 10.5382/SP.15.2 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2010 2010 15 Goldfarb Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2006-2010 Basic well log analysis 891816674 9781629810492 10.1306/Mth16823 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 16 Asquith AAPG Methods in Exploration P 2000-2005 Petroleum Systems in the Southern Gulf of Mexico 891813713 9781629810287 10.1306/M901319 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2009 2009 90 Bartolini AAPG Memoir P 2006-2010 Horizontal Wells: Focus on the Reservoir 891816658 9781629810553 10.1306/Mth14824 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2003 2003 14 Carr AAPG Methods in Exploration P 2000-2005 The Western Gulf of Mexico Basin: Tectonics,Sedimentary Basins, and Petroleum Systems 089181356X 9781629810638 10.1306/M75768 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 75 Bartolini AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Dolomite Reservoirs: Geochemical Techniques for Evaluating Origin and Distribution 891811850 9781629810966 Allan 10.1306/CE36576 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 36 AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1986-1999 Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps 089181602X 9781629810744 10.1306/TrHbk624 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1999 1999 3 Beaumont AAPG Treatise Handbook P 1986-1999 Geology of Continental Margins 891811540 9781629812021 10.1306/CE5387 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1977 1977 5 Curray AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series P 1926-1985 Paleotectonics and sedimentation in the Rocky Mountain Region, United States 891813195 9781629811451 10.1306/M41456 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1986 1986 41 Peterson AAPG Memoir P 1986-1999 North American Oil and Gas Fields 891813004 9781629812106 10.1306/M24385 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1976 1976 24 Braunstein AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Backbone of the Americas: Tectonic History from Pole to Pole 891812776 9781629812359 10.1306/M2358 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1963 1963 2 Childs AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 North Atlantic—Geology and Continental Drift 891812873 9781629812274 10.1306/M12367 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1969 1969 12 Kay AAPG Memoir P 1926-1985 Electron Microscopy of Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs 9780891813835 9781629812700 10.1306/M1021339 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2013 2013 102 Camp AAPG Memoir P 2015 The Life of Frank Coles Phillips (1902–1982) and the Structural Geology of the Moine Petrofabric Controversy 9781862391024 9781862393981 Howarth 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2002.023 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 23 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 Deep-Water Contourite Systems: Modern Drifts and Ancient Series, Seismic and Sedimentary Characteristics 9781862390928 9781862393974 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2002.022 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 22 Stow Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 Understanding Granites: Integrating New and Classical Techniques 9781862390584 9781862394162 10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.168 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 1999 1999 168 Castro Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 1986-1999 Salt, Shale and Igneous Diapirs in and around Europe 9781862390669 9781862394223 10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.174 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 1999 1999 174 Vendeville Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 1986-1999 The Petroleum Exploration of Ireland’s Offshore Basins 9781862390874 9781862394360 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.188 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 188 Shannon Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Geochronology: Linking the Isotopic Record with Petrology and Textures 9781862391468 9781862394681 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.220 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2003 2003 220 Vance Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Palaeowaters in Coastal Europe: Evolution of Groundwater since the Late Pleistocene 9781862390867 9781862394377 10.1144/GSL.SP.2001.189 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2001 2001 189 Edmunds Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Deep-Water Sedimentation in the Alpine Basin of SE France: New perspectives on the Grès d'Annot and related systems 9781862391482 9781862394698 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.221 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 221 Joseph Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Geological Prior Information: Informing Science and Engineering 9781862391710 9781862394872 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.239 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2004 2004 239 Curtis Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 The Afar Volcanic Province within the East African Rift System 9781862391963 9781862395077 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.259 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 259 Yirgu Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 High-Strain Zones: Structure and Physical Properties 9781862391789 9781862394933 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.245 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2005 2005 245 Bruhn Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2000-2005 Non-Marine Permian Biostratigraphy and Biochronology 9781862392069 9781862395138 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.265 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 265 Lucas Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Petroleum Geology: From Mature Basins to New Frontiers – Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference 9781862392984 9781862394131 10.1144/007 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 7 Vining Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series P 2006-2010 Channel Flow, Ductile Extrusion and Exhumation in Continental Collision Zones 9781862392090 9781862395169 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.268 fulltext Geological Society London monograph 2006 2006 268 Law Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Mapping Hazardous Terrain Using Remote Sensing 9781862392298 9781862395312 10.1144/SP283 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 283 Teeuw Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Structurally Complex Reservoirs 9781862392410 9781862395404 10.1144/SP292 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 292 Jolley Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Communicating Environmental Geoscience 9781862392601 9781862395534 10.1144/SP305 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 305 Liverman Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 History of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology 9781862392557 9781862395497 10.1144/SP301 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 301 Grapes Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Underground Gas Storage: Worldwide Experiences and Future Development in the UK and Europe 9781862392724 9781862395619 10.1144/SP313 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 313 Evans Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Devonian Change: Case Studies in Palaeogeography and Palaeoecology 9781862392731 9781862395626 10.1144/SP314 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2009 2009 314 Königshof Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Boundaries of the West African Craton 9781862392519 9781862395459 10.1144/SP297 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2008 2008 297 Ennih Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Petrological Evolution of the European Lithospheric Mantle 9781862393042 9781862395855 10.1144/SP337 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 337 Coltorti Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Diamonds to Gold: I. State Line Kimberlite District, Colorado; II. Cresson Mine, Cripple Creek District, Colorado 1887483268 9781934969793 Thompson 10.5382/GB.26 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1996 1996 26 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Carbonate-Hosted Lead-Zinc-Fluorite-Barite Deposits of North America 1887483225 9781934969755 10.5382/GB.22 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1995 1995 22 Misra Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Methods for Study of Microbe – Mineral Interactions 9781881208150 9781881208341 10.1346/CMS-WLS-14 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2006 2006 14 Maurice Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2006-2010 Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth’s Crust 9781862393479 9781862396159 10.1144/SP367 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 Healy Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Seismicity, Fault Rupture and Earthquake Hazards in Slowly Deforming Regions 9781862397453 9781862399648 Landgraf 10.1144/SP432 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 432 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Basins in Asia 9781862393462 9781862396142 10.1144/SP366 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 366 Bhat Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 Deep-Time Perspectives on Climate Change: Marrying the Signal from Computer Models and Biological Proxies 9781862392403 9781862396203 10.1144/TMS002 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2007 2007 2 Williams The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications P 2006-2010 One Hundredth Anniversary Volume 9781887483018 9781934969519 10.5382/AV100 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2005 2005 Hedenquist P 2000-2005 Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building: The Legacy of Peach and Horne 9781862393004 9781862395831 10.1144/SP335 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 335 Law Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 The Evolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental Growth 9781862393035 9781862395862 10.1144/SP338 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 338 Kusky Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Fjord Systems and Archives 9781862393127 9781862395923 10.1144/SP344 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 344 Howe Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Carbonate Concepts from the Maldives, Indian Ocean 891810420 9781629811000 Purdy 10.1306/St34568 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1993 1993 34 AAPG Studies in Geology P 1986-1999 Phoscorites and carbonatites from mantle to mine: the key example of the Kola alkaline province 9780903056229 9780903056496 10.1180/MSS.10 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2004 2004 Wall The Mineralogical Society Series P 2000-2005 Introduction to the Petroleum Geology of Deepwater Setting 1588610071 9781629810393 10.1306/St571314 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2006 2006 57 Weimer AAPG Studies in Geology P 2006-2010 New Frontiers in Paleopedology and Terrestrial Paleoclimatology: Paleosols and Soil Surface Analog Systems 9781565763227 9781565763036 10.2110/sepmsp.104 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2013 2013 104 Driese SEPM Special Publication P 2011-2014 Redox-reactive Minerals: Properties, Reactions and Applications in Clean Technologies 9780903056571 9780903056588 10.1180/EMU-notes.17 fulltext European Mineralogical Union monograph 2017 2017 17 Ahmed European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2015 Unconventional Energy Resources: Making the Unconventional Conventional 978-0-9836096-1-2 10.5724/gcs.09.29 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2009 2009 29 Carr SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Advanced Reservoir Characterization for the 21st Century 978-0-9836097-1-1 10.5724/gcs.99.19 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1999 1999 19 Hentz SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic Development of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Region–A Context for Hydrocarbon Exploration 978-0-9836097-3-5 10.5724/gcs.92.13 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1992 1992 13 Pindell SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Rates of Geologic Processes, Tectonics, Sedimentation, Eustasy and Climate–Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration 978-0-9836097-4-2 10.5724/gcs.93.14 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1993 1993 14 Armentrout SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 The Paleogene of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Basins: Processes, Events and Petroleum Systems 978-0-9836096-3-6 10.5724/gcs.07.27 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2007 2007 27 Kennan SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Seismic Imaging of Depositional and Geomorphic Systems 978-0-9836096-0-5 10.5724/gcs.10.30 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2010 2010 30 Wood SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Submarine Fans and Turbidite Systems—Sequence Stratigraphy, Reservoir Architecture and Production Characteristics Gulf of Mexico and International 978-0-9836097-5-9 10.5724/gcs.94.15 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1994 1994 15 Weimer SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Sequence Stratigraphy as an Exploration Tool: Concepts and Practices in the Gulf Coast 978-0-9836097-2-8 10.5724/gcs.90.11 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1990 1990 11 Armentrout SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Petroleum Systems of Deep-Water Basins–Global and Gulf of Mexico Experience 978-0-9836096-9-8 10.5724/gcs.01.21 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2001 2001 21 Fillon SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 New Understanding of the Petroleum Systems of Continental Margins of the World 978-0-9836097-8-0 10.5724/gcs.12.32 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2012 2012 32 Rosen SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Shelf Margin Deltas and Linked Down Slope Petroleum Systems–Global Significance and Future Exploration Potential 978-0-9836096-7-4 10.5724/gcs.03.23 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2003 2003 23 Roberts SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Sequence Stratigraphic Models for Exploration and Production: Evolving Methodology, Emerging Models and Application Histories 978-0-9836096-8-1 10.5724/gcs.02.22 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2002 2002 22 Armentrout SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Attributes: New Views on Seismic Imaging–Their Use in Exploration and Production 978-0-9836097-7-3 10.5724/gcs.11.31 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2011 2011 31 Marfurt SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Petroleum Systems of Divergent Continental Margin Basins 978-0-9836096-5-0 10.5724/gcs.05.25 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2005 2005 25 Post SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Salt Sediment Interactions and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Concepts, Applications and Case Studies for the 21st Century 978-0-9836096-6-7 10.5724/gcs.04.24 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2004 2004 24 Post SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Phanerozoic Paleoclimate: An Atlas of Lithologic Indicators of Climate 9781565762817 9781565762893 Boucot 10.2110/sepmcsp.11 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2013 2013 11 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 2015 Reservoir Characterization: Integrating Technology and Business Practices 978-0-9836096-4-3 10.5724/gcs.06.26 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2006 2006 26 Slatt SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Deep-Water Reservoirs of the World 978-0-9836097-0-4 10.5724/gcs.00.20 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2000 2000 20 Weimer SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Evaluating Water-Depth Variation and Mapping Depositional Facies on the Great Bahama Bank – a “Flat-Topped” Isolated Carbonate Platform 9781565763326 9781565763388 Harris fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2014 2014 56 SEPM Short Course Notes P 2015 Deposits, Architecture, and Controls of Carbonate Margin, Slope and Basinal Settings 9781565763234 9781565763241 10.2110/sepmsp.105. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2014 2014 105 Verwer SEPM Special Publication P 2015 Recognition of Shallow-Water versus Deep-Water Sedimentary Facies in Growth-Structure Affected Formations of the Gulf Coast Basin 978-1-944966-01-0 10.5724/gcs.81.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1981 1981 2 SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Mudstone Primer: Lithofacies variations, diagnostic criteria, and sedimentologic–stratigraphic implications at lamina to bedset scale 9781565763395 9781565763418 Lazar 10.2110/sepmcsp.12. fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2015 2015 12 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 2015 The Jurassic of the Gulf Rim 978-1-944966-02-7 10.5724/gcs.84.03 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 3 Ventress SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Petroleum Systems in “Rift” Basins 978-1-944966-00-3 10.5724/gcs.15.34 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2015 2015 34 Post SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Characteristics of Gulf Basin Deep-Water Sediments and Their Exploration Potential 978-1-944966-04-1 10.5724/gcs.84.05 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 5 Hotel SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Habitat of Oil and Gas in the Gulf Coast 978-1-944966-03-4 10.5724/gcs.85.04 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 4 Perkins SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Timing of Siliciclastic Diagenesis: Relationship to Hydrocarbon Migration 978-1-944966-05-8 10.5724/gcs.85.06 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1985 1985 6 SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Shelf Sedimentation, Shelf Sequences and Related Hydrocarbon Accumulation 978-1-944966-06-5 10.5724/gcs.89.07 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1989 1989 7 Morton SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Innovative Biostratigraphic Approaches to Sequence Analysis–New Exploration Opportunities 978-1-944966-07-2 10.5724/gcs.87.08 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1987 1987 8 SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico: Quaternary Framework and Environmental Issues 978-1-944966-09-6 10.5724/gcs.91.12 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1991 1991 12 Shanley SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Gulf Coast Oils and Gases: Their Characteristics, Origin, Distribution, and Exploration and Production Significance 978-1-944966-08-9 10.5724/gcs.90.09 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1990 1990 9 SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Mesozoic of the Gulf Rim and Beyond: New Progress in Science and Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico Basin 978-1-944966-10-2 10.5724/gcs.15.35 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2016 2016 35 Lowery SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Salt, Sediment and Hydrocarbons 978-1-944966-30-0 10.5724/gcs.95.16 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1995 1995 16 SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Shallow Marine and Nonmarine Reservoirs: Sequence Stratigraphy, Reservoir Architecture and Production Characteristics 978-1-944966-31-7 10.5724/gcs.97.18 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1997 1997 18 Shanley SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Gulf of Mexico Salt Tectonics, Associated Processes and Exploration Potential 978-1-944966-32-4 10.5724/gcs.89.10 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1989 1989 10 Ventress SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Field Excursions in Southern California: Field Guides to the 2016 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting 9780813700458 9780813756455 10.1130/FLD045 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 45 Kraatz GSA Field Guides P 2017 A Color Guide to the Petrography of Carbonate Rocks: Grains, textures, porosity, diagenesis 891813586 9781629810041 Scholle 10.1306/M77973 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2003 2003 77 AAPG Memoir P 2000-2005 Lower Permian Colonial Rugose Corals, Western and Northwestern Pangaea: Taxonomy and Distribution 9780660196640 9780660196657 Fedorowski 10.1139/9780660196640 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2007 2007 NRC Monograph Publishing Program P 2015 Interpreter Sam Carries On 9781560803393 9781560803409 Herron 10.1190/1.9781560803409 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2016 2016 20 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical Monograph Series P 2017 Practical Applications of Time-lapse Seismic Data 9781560803072 9781560803126 Johnston 10.1190/1.9781560803126 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2013 2013 16 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2016 Seismic Petrophysics in Quantitative Interpretation 9781560803249 9781560803256 10.1190/1.9781560803256 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2016 2016 18 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2017 Unfolding the Geology of the West 9780813700441 9780813756448 10.1130/9780813700441 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2016 2016 44 Keller GSA Field Guide P 2017 Elements of 3D Seismology 9781560803379 9781560803386 Liner 10.1190/1.9781560803386 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2016 2016 19 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2017 3D Seismic Imaging 9781560801375 9781560801689 Biondi 10.1190/1.9781560801689 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2006 2006 14 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2017 Rare Earth and Critical Elements in Ore Deposits 9781629492186 9781629490922 10.5382/REV.18 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2015 2015 18 Verplanck Reviews in Economic Geology P 2015 AVO 9781560803195 9781560803201 Chopra 10.1190/1.9781560803201 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2014 2014 16 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2017 Mesozoic Biotas of Scandinavia and its Arctic Territories 9781862397484 9781862391581 10.1144/SP434 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 434 Kear Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Classical and Modern Diffraction Theory 9781560803225 9781560803232 10.1190/1.9781560803232 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2015 2015 29 Klem-Musatov Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2015 Geology and Archaeology: Submerged Landscapes of the Continental Shelf 9781862396913 9781862396999 10.1144/SP411 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 411 Harff Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 The Geology of Japan 9781862397439 9781862397064 10.1144/GOJ fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 Moreno Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2015 Tertiary Deep-Marine Reservoirs of the North Sea Region 9781862396562 9781862396791 10.1144/SP403 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 403 McKie Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Appreciating Physical Landscapes: Three Hundred Years of Geotourism 9781862397248 9781862397125 10.1144/SP417 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 417 Hose Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Sedimentary Basins and Crustal Processes at Continental Margins: From Modern Hyper-extended Margins to Deformed Ancient Analogues 9781862397200 9781862397170 10.1144/SP413 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 413 Gibson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems 9781862397323 9781862397460 10.1144/SP422 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 422 Caricchi Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Sustainable Use of Traditional Geomaterials in Construction Practice 9781862397255 9781862397187 10.1144/SP416 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 416 Přikryl Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2015 Industrial Structural Geology: Principles, Techniques and Integration 9781862397309 9781862399549 10.1144/SP421 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 421 Richards Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Arthur Smith Woodward: His Life and Influence on Modern Vertebrate Palaeontology 9781862397415 9781862399624 10.1144/SP430 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 430 Johanson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Seismic Diffraction 9781560803171 9781560803188 10.1190/1.9781560803188 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2015 2015 30 Klem-Musatov Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series P 2015 Materials and Clay Minerals 9781881208402 9781881208006 10.1346/CMS-WLS-18 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2014 2014 18 Stucki Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2016 Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions 9781862397361 9781862399587 10.1144/SP426 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 426 Harris Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Surface Modification of Clays and Nanocomposites 9781881208440 9781881208457 10.1346/CMS-WLS-20 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2015 2015 20 Beall Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2015 Filling the Gaps – from Microscopic Pore Structures to Transport Properties in Shales 9781881208464 9781881208471 10.1346/CMS-WLS-21 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2015 2015 21 Schäfer Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lectures P 2015 Stratigraphic Analysis Utilizing Advanced Geophysical, Wireline and Borehole Technology for Petroleum Exploration and Production 978-0-9836097-6-6 10.5724/gcs.96.17 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1996 1996 17 Pacht SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Answering the Challenges of Production from Deep-Water Reservoirs: Analogues and Case Histories to Aid a New Generation 978-0-9836096-2-9 10.5724/gcs.08.28 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2008 2008 28 Schofield SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 A revised correlation of Quaternary deposits in the British Isles 9781862390423 9781786202864 10.1144/SR23 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 1999 1999 23 Bowen Geological Society, London, Special Reports P 2017 Tectonics of the Deccan Large Igneous Province 9781786202758 9781786203281 Mukherjee 10.1144/SP445 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 445 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Geochemistry and Geophysics of Active Volcanic Lakes 9781786202444 9781786202918 10.1144/SP437 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 437 Ohba Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2017 History of Geoscience: Celebrating 50 Years of INHIGEO 9781786202697 9781786202925 10.1144/SP442 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 442 Mayer Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2017 A revised correlation of Silurian rocks in the British Isles 9780903317757 9781786202840 Cocks 10.1144/SR21 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 1992 1992 21 Geological Society, London, Special Reports P 2017 A revised correlation of Pre-Cambrian rocks in the British Isles 9781897799116 9781786202857 10.1144/SR22 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 1994 1994 22 Gibbons Geological Society, London, Special Reports P 2017 Anisotropy 2000: Fractures, Converted Waves, and Case Studies 9781560801085 9781560801771 10.1190/1.9781560801771 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2001 2001 6 Ikelle P 2000-2005 Mineral Fibres: Crystal Chemistry, Chemical-Physical Properties, Biological Interaction and Toxicity 9780903056656 9780903056663 10.1180/EMU-notes.18 fulltext European Mineralogical Union monograph 2017 2017 18 Gualtieri European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2018 The Value of Outcrop Studies in Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty and Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production 9781786201409 9781786203090 10.1144/SP436 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 436 Bowman Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2017 Petroleum Geoscience of the West Africa Margin 9781786202437 9781786203106 10.1144/SP438 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 438 Ceraldi Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2017 The Andaman–Nicobar Accretionary Ridge: Geology, Tectonics and Hazards 9781786202819 9781786203007 10.1144/M47 fulltext The Geological Society London monograph 2017 2017 47 Bandopadhyay Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2017 Crust–Mantle Interactions and Granitoid Diversification: Insights from Archaean Cratons 9781786202802 9781786202949 10.1144/SP449 fulltext The Geological Society London monograph 2017 2017 449 Halla Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2017 Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains 9781862397477 9781862399655 10.1144/SP433 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 433 Hughes Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus 9781862397392 9781862399600 10.1144/SP428 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 428 Sosson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Introduction to Petroleum Seismology 1-56080-129-8 9781560801702 Ikelle 10.1190/1.9781560801702 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2005 2005 12 Investigations in Geophysics P 2017 Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient 9781786202680 9781862397088 10.1144/M46 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 46 Dowdeswell Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2015 Engineering Seismology: With Applications to Geotechnical Engineering 9781560803294 9781560803300 Öz 10.1190/1.9781560803300 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2015 2015 17 Miller Investigations in Geophysics P 2017 Seismic Inversion 9781560803416 9781560803423 Schuster 10.1190/1.9781560803423 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2017 2017 20 Investigations in Geophysics P 2017 Methods and Applications in Reservoir Geophysics 978-1-56080-216-7 9781560802174 10.1190/1.9781560802174 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2010 2010 15 Johnston Society of Exploration Geophysicists P 2017 A revised correlation of Tertiary rocks in the British Isles and adjacent areas of NW Europe 9781862397286 9781862397071 King 10.1144/SR27 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 27 Geological Society, London, Special Reports P 2015 Pinedale Field: Case Study of a Giant Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir 9780891813873 9781629812717 10.1306/M1071305 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2014 2014 107 Longman AAPG Memoir P 2015 The Tectonic Setting and Origin of Cretaceous Batholiths within the North American Cordillera: The Case for Slab Failure Magmatism and Its Significance for Crustal Growth 9780813725321 9780813795324 Hildebrand 10.1130/SPE532 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 532 GSA Special Papers P 2018 Atlas of Migmatites 9780660197876 9780660197883 Sawyer 10.1139/9780660197876 fulltext Canadian Science Publishing monograph 2008 2008 9 The Canadian Mineralogist Special Publication P 2015 Rock Deformation from Field, Experiments and Theory: A Volume in Honour of Ernie Rutter 9781862396883 9781862396975 10.1144/SP409 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2015 2015 409 Faulkner Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the Western Tien Shan Range 9781862397385 9781862399594 10.1144/SP427 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 427 Brunet Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 From the Puget Lowland to East of the Cascade Range: Geologic Excursions in the Pacific Northwest 9780813700496 9780813756493 10.1130/fld049 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 49 Haugerud GSA Field Guides P 2018 Amplitude Variation with Offset: Gulf Coast Case Studies 9781560800637 9781560802495 Allen 10.1190/1.9781560802495 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1993 1993 4 Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 High-Resolution Seismic Exploration 9781560803492 9781560803508 Li 10.1190/1.9781560803508 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2016 2016 21 Geophysical Monograph Series P 2016 Basic Geophysics 9781560803454 9781560803461 Robinson 10.1190/1.9781560803461 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2017 2017 22 Geophysical Monograph Series P 2017 Planning Land 3-D Seismic Surveys 9781560800897 9781560801801 Cordsen 10.1190/1.9781560801801 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2000 2000 9 Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 Paleozoic Stratigraphy and Resources of the Michigan Basin 9780813725314 9780813795317 10.1130/SPE531 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 531 Grammer P 2018 Quaternary Glaciation of the Great Lakes Region: Process, Landforms, Sediments, and Chronology 9780813725307 9780813795300 10.1130/SPE530 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 530 Kehew P 2018 Earth System Evolution and Early Life: A Celebration of the Work of Martin Brasier 9781786202796 9781786202932 10.1144/SP448 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 448 Brasier Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2017 Microseismic Monitoring 9781560803478 9781560803485 Grechka 10.1190/1.9781560803485 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2017 2017 22 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2017 Expert Systems in Exploration 9781560800231 9781560802532 10.1190/1.9781560802532 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1991 1991 3 Aminzadeh Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 Seismic Modeling of Geologic Structures: Applications to Exploration Problems 9781560800507 9781560802754 10.1190/1.9781560802754 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1991 1991 2 Fagin Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 Carbonate Seismology 9781560800385 9781560802099 10.1190/1.9781560802099 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1997 1997 6 Palaz Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 Multicomponent Seismology in Petroleum Exploration 9781560800514 9781560802556 Tatham 10.1190/1.9781560802556 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1991 1991 6 Castagna Investigations in Geophysics P 2017 Shear-Wave Exploration 9780931830457 9781560802761 10.1190/1.9781560802761 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1986 1986 1 Danbom Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 Tectonosedimentary Relations of Pennsylvanian to Jurassic Strata on the Colorado Plateau 9780813725338 9780813795331 Dickinson 10.1130/SPE533 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 533 GSA Special Papers P 2018 Tectonic Evolution, Collision, and Seismicity of Southwest Asia: In Honor of Manuel Berberian’s Forty-Five Years of Research Contributions 9780813725253 9780813795256 10.1130/SPE525 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2017 2017 525 Sorkhabi P 2017 Geology and Medicine: Historical Connections 9781786202833 9781786203335 Duffin 10.1144/SP452 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 452 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Geomechanics and Geology 9781786203205 9781786203397 10.1144/SP458 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 458 TURNER Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Monogenetic Volcanism 978-1-78620-283-3 978-1-78620-376-2 10.1144/SP446 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 446 Németh Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 The NE Atlantic Region. A Reappraisal of Crustal Structure, Tectonostratigraphy and Magmatic Evolution 978-1-78620-313-7 978-1-78620-37-00 Péron-Pinvidic 10.1144/SP447 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 447 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Sedimentology of Paralic Reservoirs: Recent Advances 978-1-78620-282-6 978-1-78620-374-8 10.1144/SP444 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 444 Hampson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Geology and Tectonics of Subduction Zones: A Tribute to Gaku Kimura 9780813725345 9780813795348 10.1130/SPE534 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 534 Byrne P 2018 Geology at Every Scale: Field Excursions for the 2018 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee 9780813700502 9780813756509 10.1130/fld050 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 50 Engel GSA Field Guide P 2018 Mineralogical Crystallography 9780903056595 9780903056601 10.1180/EMU-notes.19 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2017 2017 19 Plášil P 2015 Covariance Analysis for Seismic Signal Processing 9781560800811 9781560802037 10.1190/1.9781560802037 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1999 1999 8 Kirlin P 2017 Advances in Near-surface Seismology and Ground-penetrating Radar 9781560802242 9781560802259 10.1190/1.9781560802259 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2010 2010 15 Miller P 2017 Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics: Volume 1, Theory 9780931830518 9781560802631 10.1190/1.9781560802631 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1987 1987 3 Nabighian P 2017 The Geometry and Growth of Normal Faults 9781862399679 9781862399716 10.1144/SP439 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2016 2016 439 Childs Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 NEW ADVANCES IN DEVONIAN CARBONATES: OUTCROP ANALOGS, RESERVOIRS AND CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 9781565763449 9781565763456 10.2110/sepmsp.107 fulltext Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2017 2017 107 Playton P 2016 Crustal Evolution of India and Antarctica: The Supercontinent Connection 9781786203199 9781786203380 Pant 10.1144/SP457 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 457 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Museums at the Forefront of the History and Philosophy of Geology: History Made, History in the Making 9780813725352 9780813795355 10.1130/SPE535 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 535 Rosenberg GSA Special Papers P 2018 From Saline to Freshwater: The Diversity of Western Lakes in Space and Time 9780813725369 9780813795362 10.1130/SPE536 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 536 Starratt GSA Special Papers P 2018 Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics: Volume 2, Application, Parts A and B 9781560800224 9781560802686 10.1190/1.9781560802686 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1991 1991 3 Nabighian P 2017 Women and Geology: Who Are We, Where Have We Come From, and Where Are We Going? 9780813712147 9780813782140 10.1130/MEM214 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 214 Johnson P 2018 Radioactive Waste Confinement: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers 9781786202734 9781786203267 10.1144/SP443 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 443 Norris Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Sustainable Development and Management of the Shallow Subsurface 9781862393431 9781786203984 de Mulder 10.1144/MPSDM fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2012 2012 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Myanmar: Geology, Resources and Tectonics 9781862399693 9781862399730 Barber 10.1144/M48 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 48 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2016 Large Igneous Provinces from Gondwana and Adjacent Regions 9781786203250 9781786203441 Sensarma 10.1144/SP463 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 463 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 New Perspectives on Pterosaur Palaeobiology 9781786203175 9781786203366 Hone 10.1144/SP455 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 455 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Petroleum Geology of NW Europe: 50 Years of Learning – Proceedings of the 8th Petroleum Geology Conference 9781786202772 9781786203151 Bowman 10.1144/PGC8 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 8 Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series P 2018 Subseismic-Scale Reservoir Deformation 9781786203212 9781786203403 Ashton 10.1144/SP459 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 459 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Tsunamis: Geology, Hazards and Risks 9781786203182 9781786203373 Scourse 10.1144/SP456 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 456 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Exploration of Subsurface Antarctica: Uncovering Past Changes and Modern Processes 9781786203229 9781786203427 Siegert 10.1144/SP461 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 461 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Circum-Arctic Lithosphere Evolution 9781786203236 9781786203410 Pease 10.1144/SP460 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 460 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 The Archaeological and Forensic Applications of Microfossils: A Deeper Understanding of Human History 9781786203052 9781786203069 Williams 10.1144/TMS007 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 7 The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications P 2017 Engineering Geology and Geomorphology of Glaciated and Periglaciated Terrains: Engineering Group Working Party Report 9781786203021 9781786203038 Griffiths 10.1144/EGSP28 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 EGSP28 Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2017 Seismic Data Analysis: Processing, Inversion, and Interpretation of Seismic Data 9781560800941 9781560801580 Yilmaz 10.1190/1.9781560801580 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2001 2001 10 Investigations in Geophysics P 2017 Seismic True-Amplitude Imaging 9781560801436 9781560801672 Schleicher 10.1190/1.9781560801672 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2007 2007 12 Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 Offset-Dependent Reflectivity–Theory and Practice of AVO Analysis 9781560800590 9781560802624 10.1190/1.9781560802624 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1993 1993 8 Castagna P 2017 Hydrocarbon Seepage: From Source to Surface 9781560803102 9781560803119 10.1190/1.9781560803119 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2013 2013 16 Aminzadeh P 2017 Heavy Oils: Reservoir Characterization and Production Monitoring 9781560802228 9781560802235 10.1190/1.9781560802235 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2010 2010 13 Chopra P 2017 Induced Polarization: Applications and Case Histories 9780931830891 9781560802594 10.1190/1.9781560802594 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1990 1990 4 Fink P 2017 Magnetotellurics in the Context of the Theory of Ill-Posed Problems 9781560801061 9781560802068 Berdichevsky 10.1190/1.9781560802068 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2002 2002 11 Keller Investigations in Geophysics P 2017 Near-Surface Geophysics 9781560801306 9781560801719 10.1190/1.9781560801719 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2005 2005 13 Butler P 2017 Radon, Health and Natural Hazards 9781786203083 9781786203328 Gillmore 10.1144/SP451 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 451 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Geohazards in Indonesia: Earth Science for Disaster Risk Reduction 9781862399662 9781862399709 10.1144/SP441 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 441 Cummins Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2016 Zinc Deposits in East Tennessee 9781934969670 10.5382/GB.14 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1992 1992 14 Misra Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Field Volcanology: A Tribute to the Distinguished Career of Don Swanson 9780813725383 9780813795386 10.1130/SPE538 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 538 Poland GSA Special Papers P 2019 Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction 9781786201393 9781786202901 Armitage 10.1144/SP435 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2017 2017 435 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2017 Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and Provenance: A Celebration of the Career of William R. Dickinson 9780813725406 9780813795409 10.1130/SPE540 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 540 Ingersoll GSA Special Papers P 2019 From Source to Seep: Geochemical Applications in Hydrocarbon Systems 9781786203663 9781786203687 Lawson 10.1144/SP468 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 468 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 The Seismic Signal and Its Meaning 9781560803331 9781560803348 Rosa 10.1190/1.9781560803348 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2018 2018 23 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2018 Circum-Arctic Structural Events: Tectonic Evolution of the Arctic Margins and Trans-Arctic Links with Adjacent Orogens 9780813725413 9780813795416 10.1130/SPE541 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 541 Piepjohn GSA Special Papers P 2019 Characterization of Ore-Forming Systems from Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Studies 9781786203137 9781786203342 Gessner 10.1144/SP453 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 453 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 The Himalayan Cryosphere: Past and Present 9781786203243 9781786203434 Pant 10.1144/SP462 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 462 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea 9781786203588 9781786203724 Simmons 10.1144/SP464 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 464 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Archean Base and Precious Metal Deposits, Southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada 9781629492209 9781629491172 10.5382/Rev.19 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2017 2017 19 Monecke P 2017 Characterization and Modeling of Carbonates–Mountjoy Symposium 1 9781565763524 9781565763531 10.2110/sepmsp.109 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2018 2018 109 Macneil P 2017 The Permian Timescale 9781786202826 9781786203311 Lucas 10.1144/SP450 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 450 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2018 Diversity in Carlin-Style Gold Deposits 9781629492223 9781629491189 Muntean 10.5382/rev.20 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 20 Reviews in Economic Geology P 2018 Metals, Minerals, and Society 9781629493084 9781629496405 10.5382/SP.21 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 21 Arribas R. Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2018 Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics 9781560800798 9781560802150 10.1190/1.9781560802150 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 1999 1999 7 Oristaglio P 2017 History of the European Oil and Gas Industry 9781786203632 9781786203656 Craig 10.1144/SP465 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 465 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Advances in Karst Research: Theory, Fieldwork and Applications 9781786203595 9781786203786 Parise 10.1144/SP466 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 466 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Geology and Geomorphology of Alluvial and Fluvial Fans: Terrestrial and Planetary Perspectives 9781786202673 9781786203809 Ventra 10.1144/SP440 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 440 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Giant Fields of the Decade 2000–2010 9780891813934 9781629812762 10.1306/AAPG113 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2017 2017 113 Merrill P 2017 Ancient Oceans, Orogenic Uplifts, and Glacial Ice: Geologic Crossroads in America’s Heartland 9780813700519 9780813756516 10.1130/fld051 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 51 Florea P 2018 Mesozoic Resource Potential in the Southern Permian Basin 9781786203847 9781786203885 Kilhams 10.1144/SP469 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 469 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure—Development of “Brim” Sedimentation in a Multilayered Marine Target 9780813725376 9780813795379 Dypvik 10.1130/SPE537 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 537 GSA Special Papers F 2019 Rift-Related Coarse-Grained Submarine Fan Reservoirs; the Brae Play, South Viking Graben, North Sea 9780891813958 9781629812816 Turner 10.1306/AAPG115 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2018 2018 115 AAPG Memoir P 2017 Clay Materials Used in Construction 9781862391840 9781862393837 Reeves 10.1144/GSL.ENG.2006.021 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2006 2006 21 Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2006-2010 Slope Engineering for Mountain Roads 9781862393318 9781862393868 10.1144/EGSP24 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2011 2011 24 Hearn Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2011-2014 The Geology of Spain 9781862391277 9781862393912 10.1144/GOSPP fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 Gibbons Geological Society, London, Geology of Series P 2000-2005 Micropalaeontology, Sedimentary Environments and Stratigraphy: a Tribute to Dennis Curry (1912–2001) 9781862393059 9781862396227 10.1144/TMS004 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2010 2010 4 Whittaker The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications P 2006-2010 Cratonic Basin Formation: A Case Study of the Parnaíba Basin of Brazil 9781786203960 9781786204127 10.1144/SP472 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2018 2018 472 Daly Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Military Aspects of Geology: Fortification, Excavation and Terrain Evaluation 9781786203946 9781786204189 10.1144/SP473 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 473 Rose Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Martian Gullies and their Earth Analogues 9781786203601 9781786203625 Conway 10.1144/SP467 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 467 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Field Excursions in the Carolinas: Guides for the 2019 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting 9780813700533 9780813756530 10.1130/fld053 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 53 Chadwick GSA Field Guides P 2019 Petroleum Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia 9780891813972 9781629812809 Zamora 10.1306/AAPG117 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2018 2018 117 AAPG Memoir P 2018 Introduction to Oil Sands Clays 9781881208488 9781881208495 10.1346/CMS-WLS-22 fulltext Clay Minerals Society monograph 2018 2018 22 Hockley Clay Minerals Society P 2018 The Art of Finding Springs, Second Edition: A Translation of L’Art de Découvrir les Sources, Seconde Édition 9780813725390 9780813795393 Paramelle 10.1130/SPE539 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 539 GSA Special Papers P 2019 The Edwards Aquifer: The Past, Present, and Future of a Vital Water Resource 9780813712154 9780813782157 10.1130/MEM215 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 215 Sharp GSA Memoirs P 2019 250 Million Years of Earth History in Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco 9780813725420 9780813795423 10.1130/SPE542 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 542 Koeberl GSA Special Papers P 2019 Exploring Extreme and Unusual Geology in the Stable Midcontinent: Field Excursions for the 2019 GSA South-Central, North-Central, and Rocky Mountain Sections Joint Meeting 9780813700526 9780813756523 10.1130/fld052 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 52 Schulmeister GSA Field Guides P 2018 Sequence Stratigraphy: The Future Defined 9781944966362 10.5724/gcs.17 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2017 2017 36 Hart SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2020 Paleozoic Plays of NW Europe 9781786203953 9781786204103 Monaghan 10.1144/SP471 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 471 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Glaciated Margins: The Sedimentary and Geophysical Archive 9781786203977 9781786204141 Le Heron 10.1144/SP475 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 475 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 LATITUDINAL CONTROLS ON STRATIGRAPHIC MODELS AND SEDIMENTARY CONCEPTS 9781565763463 9781565763470 FRATICELLI 10.2110/sepmsp.108. fulltext Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2019 2019 108 Special Publications P 2016 Field Conference Guide, AAPG National Convention, San Diego, California 9781732014848 Abbott 10.32375/1996-GB73 fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1996 1996 GB 73 Guidebook P 2018 Geoscience and Exploration of the Argyle, Bunder, Diavik, and Murowa Diamond Deposits 9781629493060 9781629496399 10.5382/SP.20 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 20 Davy Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2017 Geology of the Midway-Sunset Oil Field and Adjacent Temblor Range San Joaquin Basin, California 9781732014855 Nilsen 10.32375/2001-GB75 fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 GB 75 Guidebook P 2018 Yosemite and the Mother Lode Gold Belt: Geology, Tectonics, and the Evolution of Hydrothermal Fluids in the Sierra Nevada of California 9781732014817 Landefeld 10.32375/1990-GB68 fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologist monograph 1990 1990 GB 68 Guidebook P 2018 Late Cenozoic Fluid Seeps and Tectonics Along the San Gregorio Fault Zone in the Monterey Bay Region, California 9781732014886 Garrison 10.32375/1999-GB76 fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1999 1999 GB 76 Guidebook P 2018 Geology and Tectonics of the San Fernando Valley and East Ventura Basin, California 9781732014893 10.32375/2001-GB77 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2001 2001 GB 77 Wright Guidebook P 2018 Field Guide to the Late Cenozoic Subduction Tectonics & Sedimentation of Northern Coastal California 9781732014824 Carver 10.32375/1992-GB71 fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologist monograph 1992 1992 GB 71 Guidebook P 2018 Field Guide to the Monterey Formation between Santa Barbara and Gaviota, California 9781732014831 Hornafius 10.32375/1994-GB72 fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1994 1994 GB 72 Guidebook P 2018 Contributions to the Geology of the Northern Channel Islands, So. California 9781732014862 10.32375/1998-MP45 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1998 1998 MP 45 Weigand Miscellaneous Publications P 2018 Structure and Petroleum Geology, Santa Barbara Channel, California 9781732014879 10.32375/1998-MP46 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1998 1998 MP 46 Kunitomi Miscellaneous Publication P 2018 Structure, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Occurrences of the San Joaquin Basin, California 9781732014800 Kuespert 10.32375/1990-GB65 fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologist monograph 1990 1990 GB 65 Guidebook P 2018 Iceland: The Formation and Evolution of a Young, Dynamic, Volcanic Island—A Field Trip Guide 9780813700540 9780813756547 Jordan 10.1130/fld054 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 54 GSA Field Guides P 2019 The Physical Geography and Geology of the Driftless Area: The Career and Contributions of James C. Knox 9780813725437 9780813795430 10.1130/SPE543 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 543 Carson GSA Special Papers P 2019 Siliciclastic Reservoirs of the Arabian Plate 9780891813989 9781629812823 AlAnzi 10.1306/AAPG116 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2019 2019 116 AAPG Memoir P 2019 GEOLOGIC PROBLEM SOLVING WITH MICROFOSSILS IV 9781565763609 9781565763616 DENNE 10.2110/sepmsp.111 fulltext Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2019 2019 111 Special Publications P 2019 Geologic Excursions in Southwestern North America 9780813700557 9780813756554 10.1130/fld055 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 55 Pearthree GSA Field Guides P 2019 HP–UHP Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution of Orogenic Belts 9781786203991 9781786204202 10.1144/SP474 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 474 Zhang Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock Environments: Managing Catchment and Subsurface Resources 9781786204011 9781786204226 10.1144/SP479 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 479 Ofterdinger Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 Multiple Roles of Clays in Radioactive Waste Confinement 9781786204042 9781786204288 10.1144/SP482 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 482 Norris Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 Aspects of the Life and Works of Archibald Geikie 9781786204028 9781786204240 10.1144/SP480 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 480 Betterton Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 Managing the Gulf Coast Using Geology and Engineering 9780813741239 9780813741246 Davis 10.1130/9780813741239 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2018 2018 P 2019 A Geologic Interpretation of the Chukchi Sea Petroleum Province: Offshore Alaska, USA 9780891814276 9781629812830 Homza 10.1306/AAPG119 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2019 2019 119 AAPG Memoir P 2019 Paleozoic–Mesozoic Geology of South Island, New Zealand: Subduction-related Processes Adjacent to SE Gondwana 9781786204301 10.1144/M49 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 49 Robertson Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2020 Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Assessing Geohazards, Environmental Implications and Economic Significance of Subaqueous Landslides 9781786203823 9781786203861 10.1144/SP477 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 477 Lintern Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2019 Mass Extinctions, Volcanism, and Impacts: New Developments 9780813725444 9780813795447 10.1130/SPE544 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 544 Adatte GSA Special Papers P 2019 Metamorphic Geology: Microscale to Mountain Belts 9781786204004 9781786204165 10.1144/SP478 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 478 Ferrero Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 Crustal Architecture and Evolution of the Himalaya–Karakoram–Tibet Orogen 9781786204035 9781786204264 10.1144/SP481 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 481 Sharma Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 Himalayan Tectonics: A Modern Synthesis 9781786204059 9781786204523 10.1144/SP483 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 483 Treloar Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 The Contribution of Mineralogy to Cultural Heritage 9780903056618 9780903056625 Artioli 10.1180/EMU-notes.20 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2019 2019 20 EMU Notes in Mineralogy series P 2015 Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World. Part 4: Antarctica, Asia and Europe (excluding the former USSR), Australasia and Oceanic Islands 9781786204455 9781786204684 Woolley 10.1144/MPAR4 fulltext The Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 Part 4 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 Fifty Years of the Wilson Cycle Concept in Plate Tectonics 9781786203830 9781786203878 10.1144/SP470 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 470 Wilson Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 River to Reservoir: Geoscience to Engineering 9781786204318 9781786204639 10.1144/SP488 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2019 2019 488 Corbett Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 The Appalachian Geology of John M. Dennison: Rocks, People, and a Few Good Restaurants along the Way 9780813725451 9780813795454 10.1130/SPE545 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 545 Avary GSA Special Papers P 2020 Southern and Central Mexico: Basement Framework, Tectonic Evolution, and Provenance of Mesozoic–Cenozoic Basins 9780813725468 9780813795461 10.1130/SPE546 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 546 Martens GSA Special Papers P 2020 Mudstone Diagenesis: Research Perspectives for Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Seals, and Source Rocks 9780891814252 9781629812847 Camp 10.1306/AAPG120 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2019 2019 120 AAPG Memoir P 2019 Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: 50 Years of Research since the Seminal Text Book of J. G. Ramsay 9781786204295 9781786204721 10.1144/SP487 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 487 Bond Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2020 The Gigantic Markagunt and Sevier Gravity Slides Resulting from Mid-Cenozoic Catastrophic Mega-Scale Failure of the Marysvale Volcanic Field, Utah, USA 9780813700564 9780813756561 Biek 10.1130/FLD056 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2019 2019 56 GSA Field Guide P 2020 Mississippian Reservoirs of the Midcontinent 9780891813996 9781629812854 Grammer 10.1306/AAPG122 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2018 2018 122 AAPG Memoir P 2018 Stratigraphic Palynology of the Palaeozoic of Saudi Arabia 9990104018 9781733475709 fulltext Gulf PetroLink monograph 2000 2000 1 Al-Hajri GeoArabia Special Publication P 2019 Carboniferous, Permian and Early Triassic Arabian Stratigraphy 9990104638 9781733475723 Al-Husseini fulltext Gulf PetroLink monograph 2004 2004 3 GeoArabia Special Publication P 2019 The Desert of Southeast Arabia 9990104891 9781733475730 Glennie fulltext Gulf PetroLink monograph 2005 2005 GeoArabia Special Publication P 2019 Lexicon of Oman Subsurface Stratigraphy 9789990110562 9781733475747 Forbes fulltext Gulf PetroLink monograph 2010 2010 5 GeoArabia Special Publication P 2019 Barremian – Aptian Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Habitat of the Eastern Arabian Plate (vol. 1) 9789990110593 9781733475754 van Buchem fulltext Gulf PetroLink monograph 2010 2010 4 vol. 1 GeoArabia Special Publication P 2019 Arabian Plate Sequence Stratigraphy 9781733475716 fulltext Gulf PetroLink monograph 2001 2001 2 GeoArabia Special Publication P 2019 Barremian – Aptian Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Habitat of the Eastern Arabian Plate (vol. 2) 9781733475761 van Buchem fulltext Gulf PetroLink monograph 2010 2010 4 vol. 2 GeoArabia Special Publication P 2020 Ecology of Foraminifera From San Antonio Bay and Environs, Southwest Texas 9781970168013 Parker fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1953 1953 2 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Mio-Oligocene (Aquitanian) Foraminifera From the Goajira Peninsula, Colombia 9781970168037 Becker fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1958 1958 4 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Sweden: Lithotectonic Framework, Tectonic Evolution and Mineral Resources 9781786204608 9781786204707 10.1144/M50 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 50 Stephens Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2020 An Eocene Foraminiferal Fauna From the Agua Fresca Shale of Magallanes Province, Southernmost Chile 9781970168006 Todd fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1952 1952 1 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Recent Foraminifera and Thecamoebina From the Eastern Gulf of Paria, Trinidad 9781970168020 Todd fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1957 1957 3 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Smaller Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian Calcareous Foraminifers From Nevada 9781970168051 Brenckle fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1973 1973 11 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Ecology of Living Benthonic Foraminifera From the San Diego, California, Area 9781970168044 Uchio fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1960 1960 5 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Dissolution of Deep-sea Carbonates 9781970168075 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1975 1975 13 Sliter Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Gulf of Mexico Deep-water Foraminifers 9781970168082 Pflum fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1976 1976 14 Sliter Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Planktonic Foraminifera and Stratigraphy of the Corsicana Formation (Maestrichtian) North-central Texas 9781970168068 Smith fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1973 1973 12 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 A Guide to Modern Radiolaria 9781970168099 Nigrini fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1979 1979 16 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Studies in Marine Micropaleontology and Paleoecology: A Memorial Volume to Orville L. Bandy 9781970168129 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1980 1980 19 Sliter Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Quantitative Studies of Marsh Foraminiferal Distributions in Nova Scotia: Implications for Sea Level Studies 9781970168112 Scott fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1980 1980 17 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea 9781970168204 Loeblich fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1994 1994 31 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Modern Radiolarian Global Distributions 9781970168105 Lombari fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1985 1985 16A Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Holocene Arcellacea (Thecamoebians) From Eastern Canada 9781970168136 Medioli fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1983 1983 21 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Micropaleontology of Miocene Sediments in the Shallow Subsurface of Onslow Bay, North Carolina Continental Shelf 9781970168167 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1988 1988 25 Snyder Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Timing and Depositional History of Eustatic Sequences: Constraints on Seismic Stratigraphy 9781970168150 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1905 1905 24 Ross Cushman Special Publications P 2020 A Guide to Miocene Radiolaria 9781970168143 Nigrini fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1984 1984 22 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Pliocene Benthic Foraminifera From the Ontong-java Plateau (Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean): Faunal Response to Changing Paleoenvironment 9781970168174 Hermelin fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1989 1989 26 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Atlas of California Neogene Foraminifera 9781970168181 Finger fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1990 1990 28 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Biostratigraphic Atlas of Miocene Foraminifera From the Monterey and Modelo Formations, Central and Southern California 9781970168198 Finger fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1992 1992 29 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Late Cenozoic Benthic Foraminifera: Taxonomy, Ecology and Stratigraphy. In honour of Rolf W. Feyling-Hanssen on his 75th Birthday. July 24, 1993 9781970168211 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1994 1994 32 Sejrup Cushman Special Publications P 2020 The Generic Revision of Five Families of Rotaliine Foraminifera. Part 1 -- The Bolivinitidae. Part 2 -- The Anomalinidae, Alabaminidae, Cancrisidae and Gavelinellidae 9781970168228 Revets fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1996 1996 34 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Biology, Mineralogy, and Diagenesis of Some Typical Late Paleozoic Sedentary Foraminifera and Algal-Foraminiferal Colonies 9781970168235 Henbest fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1963 1963 6 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Foraminifera, Stratigraphy, and Paleoecology of The Aquia Formation of Maryland and Virginia 9781970168242 Nogan fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1964 1964 7 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Fusulinids From North-Central Texas 9781970168259 Kauffman fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1966 1966 8 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Tournayellinae, Calcareous Foraminifera, in Mississippian Rocks of North America 9781970168266 Skipp fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1966 1966 9 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 The Stratigraphic and Phylogenetic Significance of the Fusulinid Genus Eowaeringella , With Several New Species 9781970168273 Stewart fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1968 1968 10 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Lower Cretaceous Radiolarian Biostratigraphy of the Great Valley Sequence and Franciscan Complex, California Coast Ranges 9781970168280 Pessagno fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1977 1977 15 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Depositional Environments of the Upper Cretaceous Rocks in the Northern Part of the Eastern Alps 9781970168297 Butt fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1981 1981 20 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Type Archaediscacean Foraminifers (Carboniferous) From the Former Soviet Union and Great Britain: With a Description of Computer Modeling of Archaediscacean Coiling 9781970168303 Brenckle fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1993 1993 30 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Upper Devonian and Mississippian Radiolarian Zonation and Biostratigraphy of the Woodford, Sycamore, Caney and Goddard Formations, Oklahoma 9781970168310 Schwartzapfel fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1996 1996 33 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 New Foraminifera From the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin of Arctic Canada 9781970168327 McNeil fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 1997 1997 35 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 A Compendium of Upper Devonian-Carboniferous Type Foraminifers from the Former Soviet Union 9781970168334 Brenckle fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2005 2005 38 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Quantifying Holocene Sea-Level Change Using Intertidal Foraminifera: Lessons from the British Isles 9781970168358 Horton fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2006 2006 40 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera 9781970168365 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2006 2006 41 Pearson Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Systematics of The Eostaffellidae (Late Paleozoic Foraminifera) 9781970168372 Van Ginkel fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2010 2010 42 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 The Last Global Extinction (Mid-Pleistocene) of Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera (Chrysalogoniidae, Ellipsoidinidae, Glandulonodosariidae, Plectofrondiculariidae, Pleurostomellidae, Stilostomellidae), their Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic History and Taxonomy 9781970168389 Hayward fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2012 2012 43 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Atlas of Benthic Foraminifera from Cold-Water Coral Reefs 9781970168396 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2015 2015 44 Spezzaferri Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Systematic Taxonomy of Exceptionally Well-Preserved Planktonic Foraminifera from The Eocene/Oligocene Boundary of Tanzania 9781970168402 Pearson fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2015 2015 45 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Atlas of Oligocene Planktonic Foraminifera 9781970168419 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2018 2018 46 Wade Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Distribution and Taxonomy of Modern Benthic Foraminifera of the Western Sunda Shelf (South China Sea) off Peninsular Malaysia 9781970168426 Martin fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2018 2018 47 Cushman Special Publications P 2020 THE REVISION OF Gavelinella BROTZEN, 1942, Berthelina MALAPRIS, 1965 AND Lingulogavelinella MALAPRIS, 1965 9781970168433 Revets fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2001 2001 37 Cushman Special Publications P 2021 Lagoon to Deep-Water Formaminifera and Ostracods from the Plio-Pleistocene Kallithea Bay Section, Rhodes, Greece 9781970168341 fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2005 2005 39 Rasmussen Cushman Special Publications P 2020 Geology Field Trips in and around the U.S. Capital 9780813700571 9780813756578 10.1130/FLD057 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 57 Swezey GSA Field Guide P 2020 Structural and Thermal Evolution of the Himalayan Thrust Belt in Midwestern Nepal 9780813725475 9780813795478 DeCelles 10.1130/SPE547 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 547 GSA Special Papers P 2020 Untangling the Quaternary Period—A Legacy of Stephen C. Porter 9780813725482 9780813795485 10.1130/SPE548 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 548 Waitt GSA Special Papers P 2020 From the Islands to the Mountains: A 2020 View of Geologic Excursions in Southern California 9780813700595 9780813756592 10.1130/FLD059 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 59 Heermance GSA Field Guide P 2020 Geology of The Northern San Joaquin Basin Gas Province 9781733984430 10.32375/1997-MP43 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1997 1997 MP 43 Knauer Miscellaneous Publication P 2019 Geology and Tectonics of the Central California Coastal Region, San Francisco to Monterey 9781733984409 10.32375/1990-GB67 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1990 1990 GB 67 Garrison Guidebook P 2019 Paleogene Submarine Canyons of The Sacramento Valley, California 9781733984485 10.32375/1984-SV1 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 SV 1 Almgren SYMPOSIUM VOLUME P 2019 Geological Hazards in the UK: Their Occurrence, Monitoring and Mitigation – Engineering Group Working Party Report 9781786204615 9781786204653 10.1144/EGSP29 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 29 Giles Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications P 2020 Architecture and Evolution of the Crust during Continental Arc Magmatism: A Transect through the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia 9780813700588 9780813756585 Woodsworth 10.1130/FLD058 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 58 GSA Field Guide P 2020 Fold and Thrust Belts: Structural Style, Evolution and Exploration 9781786204479 9781786205155 10.1144/SP490 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 490 Hammerstein Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Integrated Fault Seal Analysis 9781786204592 9781786205315 10.1144/SP496 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 496 Ogilvie Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Cretaceous Climate Events and Short-Term Sea-Level Changes 9781786204745 9781786204806 10.1144/SP498 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 498 Wagreich Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Post-Archean Granitic Rocks: Petrogenetic Processes and Tectonic Environments 9781786204486 9781786204912 10.1144/SP491 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 491 Janoušek Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 New Caledonia: Geology, Geodynamic Evolution and Mineral Resources 9781786204660 9781786204820 10.1144/M51 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 51 Maurizot Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2021 Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Advances in Process Understanding, Monitoring and Hazard Assessments 9781786204776 9781786204998 10.1144/SP500 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 500 Georgiopoulou Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Passive Margins: Tectonics, Sedimentation and Magmatism 9781786203854 9781786203892 10.1144/SP476 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 476 McClay Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Application of Analytical Techniques to Petroleum Systems 9781786204066 9781786204547 10.1144/SP484 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 484 Dowey Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Geomagnetic Field Variations in the Past: New Data, Applications and Recent Advances 9781786204738 9781786205339 10.1144/SP497 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 497 Tema Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Global Heritage Stone: Worldwide Examples of Heritage Stones 9781786204080 9781786204868 10.1144/SP486 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 486 Hannibal Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 The Changing Role of Geological Surveys 9781786204769 9781786205353 10.1144/SP499 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 499 Hill Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 Revising the Revisions: James Hutton’s Reputation among Geologists in the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries 9780813712161 9780813782164 Şengör 10.1130/MWR216 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 216 GSA Memoirs P 2020 United Kingdom Oil and Gas Fields: 50th Anniversary Commemorative Volume 9781786204752 9781786205070 10.1144/M52 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 52 Goffey Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2021 From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution 9781565763548 9781565763555 10.2110/sepmsp.110 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2019 2019 110 Marsaglia Special Publication P 2019 Simultaneous Source Seismic Acquisition 9781560803782 9781560803799 Abma 10.1190/1.9781560803799 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2020 2020 18 Geophysical Developments Series P 2022 Carbonate Pore Systems: New Developments and Case Studies 9781565763647 9781565763654 10.2110/sepmsp.112 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2019 2019 112 McNeill Special Publications P 2019 ATLAS OF SHALLOW-WATER TROPICAL BENTHIC FORAMINIFERA FROM MOOREA (SOCIETY ISLANDS, FRENCH POLYNESIA) 9781970168440 Fajemila fulltext Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research monograph 2020 2020 48 Cushman Special Publications P 2021 APPLIED STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF ORE-FORMING HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS 9781629492247 9781629495798 10.5382/rev.21 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2020 2020 21 Rowland Reviews in Economic Geology P 2018 The Middle and Late Jurassic Intrashelf Basin of the Eastern Arabian Peninsula 9781786205261 9781786205278 10.1144/M53 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 53 Wilson Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2021 Emergence and Evolution of Barbados 9780813725499 9780813795492 Speed 10.1130/SPE549 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 549 Speed GSA Special Papers P 2020 Integrated Geology of Unconventionals: The Case of the Vaca Muerta Play, Argentina 9780891814269 9781629812861 Minisini 10.1306/AAPG121 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 121 AAPG Memoir P 2019 Archean Granitoids of India: Windows into Early Earth Tectonics 9781786204462 9781786205056 10.1144/SP489 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 489 Dey Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 The Geology and Tectonics of the Jabal Akhdar and Saih Hatat Domes, Oman Mountains 9781786204936 9781786205254 Scharf 10.1144/M54 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 54 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2021 Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI 9780813725505 9780813795508 10.1130/SPE550 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 550 Reimold GSA Special Papers P 2021 The Evolution of Paleontological Art 9780813712185 9780813782188 10.1130/MWR218 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 218 Clary GSA Memoirs P 2021 Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces 9781629493121 9781629496429 10.5382/SP.23 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2020 2020 23 Sillitoe Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2019 Reflections On the San Andreas & San Gabriel Faults Striking Contradictions to Large Lateral Offsets 9781733984461 Paschall 10.32375/2007-MP50 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2007 2007 MP 50 Miscellaneous Publication P 2019 MIDDLE TERTIARY SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY, SOUTHERN SAN JOAQUIN BASIN, CALIFORNIA 9781733984478 Hewlett 10.32375/2014-MP51 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2015 2015 MP 51 Miscellaneous Publication P 2019 Contributions to the Geology of the San Joaquin Basin, California 9781733984454 10.32375/2009-MP48 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2009 2009 MP 48 Bowen Miscellaneous Publication P 2019 Regional Geology of Mount Diablo, California: Its Tectonic Evolution on the North America Plate Boundary 9780813712178 9780813782171 10.1130/MWR217 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 217 Sullivan GSA Memoirs P 2021 Providencia Island: A Miocene Stratovolcano on the Lower Nicaraguan Rise, Western Caribbean—A Geological Enigma Resolved 9780813712192 9780813782195 Smith 10.1130/MWR219 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 219 GSA Memoirs F 2022 In the Footsteps of Warren B. Hamilton: New Ideas in Earth Science 9780813725536 9780813795539 10.1130/SPE553 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 553 Foulger GSA Special Papers P 2021 GSA in the Field in 2020 9780813756608 9780813756608 10.1130/FLD060 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2020 2020 60 Cousens GSA Field Guide P 2020 Biostratigraphy, Age, and Paleoenvironment of the Pliocene Beaufort Formation on Meighen Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago 9780813725512 9780813795515 10.1130/SPE551 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 551 Barendregt GSA Special Papers P 2021 Plate Tectonics, Ophiolites, and Societal Significance of Geology: A Celebration of the Career of Eldridge Moores 9780813725529 9780813795522 10.1130/SPE552 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 552 Wakabayashi GSA Special Papers P 2021 A Guide to Forensic Geology 9781786204882 9781786205377 Donnelly 10.1144/GFG fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2020 2020 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2021 South America–Caribbean–Central Atlantic Plate Boundary: Tectonic Evolution, Basin Architecture, and Petroleum Systems 9781629812878 9780891814283 Bartolini 10.1306/AAPG123 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2021 2021 123 AAPG Memoir P 2020 Coccolithophores: Cenozoic Discoasterales—Biology, Taxonomy, Stratigraphy 978-1-56576-376-0 978-1-56576-377-7 Aubry 10.2110/sepmcsp.14 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2021 2021 14 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology F 2022 Tectonic Evolution of the Sevier-Laramide Hinterland, Thrust Belt, and Foreland, and Postorogenic Slab Rollback (180–20 Ma) 9780813725550 9780813795553 10.1130/SPE555 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2022 2022 555 Craddock GSA Special Papers F 2022 From Terranes to Terrains: Geologic Field Guides on the Construction and Destruction of the Pacific Northwest 9780813700625 9780813756622 10.1130/FLD062 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 62 Booth GSA Field Guide P 2021 Field Excursions from the 2021 GSA Section Meetings 9780813700618 9780813756615 10.1130/FLD061 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 61 Florsheim GSA Field Guide P 2021 New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen 9780813725543 9780813795546 10.1130/SPE554 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2022 2022 554 Kuiper GSA Special Papers P 2021 Stratigraphic Architecture of a Sand-rich, Deep-sea Depositional System: The Stevens Sandstone, San Joaquin Basin, California 9781733984447 Lamb 10.32375/2003-MP47 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2003 2003 MP 47 Miscellaneous Publications P 2019 Seismic Characterization of Carbonate Platforms and Reservoirs 9781786205391 9781786209962 10.1144/SP509 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 509 Hendry Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Response to the Jenkyns Event in the Early Toarcian (Jurassic) 9781786205469 9781786209993 10.1144/SP514 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 514 Reolid Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Active Volcanoes of China 9781786205407 9781786209979 10.1144/SP510 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 510 Xu Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Mineralization and Sustainable Development in the West African Craton: From Field Observations to Modelling 9781786204899 9781786209900 10.1144/SP502 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 502 Aïfa Geological Society, London, Special Publications F 2022 Subsurface Sand Remobilization and Injection 9781786204561 9781786209887 10.1144/SP493 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 493 Silcock Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Characterization of Modern and Historical Seismic–Tsunamic Events, and Their Global–Societal Impacts 9781786204783 9781786209894 10.1144/SP501 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 501 Dilek Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Geoethics: Status and Future Perspectives 9781786205384 9781786209955 10.1144/SP508 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 508 Di Capua Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Celebrating 100 Years of Female Fellowship of the Geological Society: Discovering Forgotten Histories 9781786204967 9781786209931 10.1144/SP506 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 506 Burek Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Forensic Soil Science and Geology 9781786204554 9781786209870 10.1144/SP492 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 492 Fitzpatrick Geological Society, London, Special Publications F 2022 Stable Isotope Studies of the Water Cycle and Terrestrial Environments 9781786204974 9781786209948 10.1144/SP507 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 507 Bojar Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Applications of Non-Pollen Palynomorphs: from Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions to Biostratigraphy 9781786205414 9781786209986 Marret 10.1144/SP511 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 511 Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Pannotia to Pangaea: Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic Orogenic Cycles in the Circum-Atlantic Region 9781786204929 9781786209917 10.1144/SP503 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 503 Murphy Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 Volcanism in Antarctica: 200 Million Years of Subduction, Rifting and Continental Break-up 9781786205360 9781786209863 10.1144/M55 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 55 Smellie Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2022 The Basins, Orogens and Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean 9781786204943 9781786209924 10.1144/SP504 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2021 2021 504 Davison Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2022 From the Guajira Desert to the Apennines, and from Mediterranean Microplates to the Mexican Killer Asteroid: Honoring the Career of Walter Alvarez 9780813725574 9780813795577 10.1130/SPE557 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2022 2022 557 Koeberl GSA Special Papers F 2022 Field Excursions from Las Vegas, Nevada: Guides to the 2022 GSA Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Joint Section Meeting 9780813700632 9780813756639 10.1130/FLD063 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2021 2021 63 Jiang GSA Field Guide P 2021 The Supergiant Lower Cretaceous Pre-Salt Petroleum Systems of the Santos Basin, Brazil 978-0-89181-429-9 9781629812892 Rocha Mello 10.1306/AAPG124 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Brazilpetrostudies monograph 2021 2021 124 AAPG Memoir P 2021 Understanding the Monterey Formation and Similar Biosiliceous Units across Space and Time 9780813725567 9780813795560 10.1130/SPE556 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2022 2022 556 Aiello GSA Special Papers F 2022 TECTONICS, SEDIMENTATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE EEL RIVER AND ASSOCIATED COASTAL BASINS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 9781733984423 10.32375/1987-MP37B fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1987 1987 MP 37B Schymiczek Miscellaneous Publication P 2019 DEEP-WATER SANDSTONES: SUBMARINE CANYON TO BASIN PLAIN, WESTERN CALIFORNIA 9781733984416 Lowe 10.32375/2004-GB79 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2004 2004 GB 79 Guidebook P 2019 Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent 9780813712208 9780813782201 10.1130/MWR220 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2022 2022 220 Whitmeyer GSA Memoirs F 2022 Environmental Mineralogy II 9780903056328 9780903056403 10.1180/EMU-notes.13 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2012 2012 13 Vaughan European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2011-2014 Sandstone Petrography, Petrology, and Modeling 978-1-56576-374-6 978-1-56576-375-3 Taylor 10.2110/sepmcsp.13 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2022 2022 13 SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology P 2016 Giant Fields of the Decade: 2010–2020 978-0-89181-430-6 9781629812908 Sternbach 10.1306/AAPG125 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ENI, Armstrong Oil & Gas, Inc., and Repsol monograph 2021 2021 125 AAPG Memoir P 2021 Holocene Evolution of the Western Louisiana–Texas Coast, USA: Response to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change 9780813712215 9780813782218 Anderson 10.1130/MWR221 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2022 2022 221 GSA Memoirs F 2022 SEPM 2020 DEI SURVEY SUMMARY REPORT 9781565763784 Harper 10.2110/sepmmisc.22 fulltext SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) monograph 2022 2022 22 SEPM Miscellaneous Publication F 2023 Propagation of Environmental Signals within Source-to-Sink Stratigraphy 978-1-56576-356-2 978-1-56576-357-9 10.2110/sepmfg.13 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2017 2017 13 Clark SEPM Field Trip Guidebook F 2022 FIELD GUIDE TO THE TECTONICS OF THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE CALIFORNIA COAST RANGES AND THE GREAT VALLEY OF CALIFORNIA 9781970168488 10.32375/1992-GB70 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 GB 70 Erskine Guidebook P 2021 SANTA BARBARA and VENTURA BASINS: Tectonics, Structure, Sedimentation, and Oilfields along an East-West Transect, 1988 9781970168495 10.32375/1988-GB64 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1988 1988 GB 64 Sylvester Guidebook P 2021 MIOCENE AND CRETACEOUS DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS NORTHWESTERN BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 9781970168532 10.32375/1984-GB54 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1984 1984 GB 54 Minch Guidebook P 2021 GUIDE TO THE MONTEREY FORMATION IN THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL AREA, VENTURA TO SAN LUIS OBISPO 9781970168549 10.32375/1981-GB52 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1981 1981 GB 52 Isaacs Guidebook P 2021 Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Tectonostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of Western Pangea 9781565763661 9781565763678 10.2110/sepmsp.113 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2020 2020 113 Henderson Special Publication P 2020 GEOLOGIC FIELD GUIDE TO THE LONG BEACH AREA 9781970168518 10.32375/1987-GB58 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1987 1987 GB 58 Clarke Guidebook P 2021 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTO BASIN 9781970168471 10.32375/1992-MP41 fulltext Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 1992 1992 41 Cherven Miscellaneous Publication P 2021 Tectonomagmatic Influences on Metallogeny and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: A Tribute to Jeremy P. Richards (Volume I) 9781629496436 10.5382/SP24 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2021 2021 24_v. 1 (OA) Sholeh Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists F 2022 Tectonomagmatic Influences on Metallogeny and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: A Tribute to Jeremy P. Richards (Volume II) 9781629496443 10.5382/SP24V2 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2021 2021 24_v. 2 (OA) Sholeh Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2023 Recent Advancement in Geoinformatics and Data Science 9780813725581 9780813795584 10.1130/SPE558 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2023 2023 558 Ma GSA Special Papers F 2022 Field Excursions in the Front Range and Wet Mountains of Colorado for GSA Connects 2022 9780813700649 9780813756646 10.1130/FLD064 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2022 2022 64 Mahan GSA Field Guide F 2022 Lamprophyres, Lamproites and Related Rocks: Tracers to Supercontinent Cycles and Metallogenesis 9781786205438 9781786205803 10.1144/SP513 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 513 Krmíček Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 Large Igneous Provinces and their Plumbing Systems 9781786205520 9781786205810 10.1144/SP518 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 518 Srivastava Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 The Carboniferous Timescale 9781786205421 9781786205827 10.1144/SP512 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 512 Lucas Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 Cross-Border Themes in Petroleum Geology I: The North Sea 9781786204578 9781786205216 10.1144/SP494 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 494 Patruno Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 Mesozoic Biological Events and Ecosystems in East Asia 9781786205674 9781786205834 10.1144/SP521 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 521 Chang Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 From Continental Shelf to Slope: Mapping the Oceanic Realm 9781786204950 9781786205117 10.1144/SP505 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 505 Asch Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 Cross-Border Themes in Petroleum Geology II: Atlantic Margin and Barents Sea 9781786204585 9781786205230 10.1144/SP495 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 495 Chiarella Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Insights from the Tafilalt Biota, Morocco 9781786204073 9781786204844 10.1144/SP485 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 485 Hunter Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 The Historic Sykesville Ultramafic Rock-Associated, Fe-Cu-Co-Zn-Ni Mineral District: Drill Core and Mine Dump 9781629494883 Candela 10.5382/GB.51 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2015 2015 51 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Porphyry Systems of Central and Southern British Columbia 978-1-629490-62-5 978-1-629494-89-0 Logan 10.5382/GB.52 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2016 2016 52 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Lapland’s Au and Ni-Cu-PGE Systems in Finland 978-1-629490-84-7 978-1-629495-00-2 Eilu 10.5382/GB.63 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2020 2020 63 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Precious Metal Epithermal and Porphyry Deposits of the Maricunga Belt, and Copper-Silver IOCG Deposits of Northern Chile 978-1-629490-78-6 978-1-629494-97-5 Chavez 10.5382/GB.60 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2019 2019 60 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Lithium and Gold Associated with Rhyolites 978-1-629490-74-8 978-1-629494-95-1 Price 10.5382/GB.58 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 58 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Gold Deposits of the Birimian and Tarkwaian in Ghana 978-1-629490-72-4 978-1-629494-94-4 Lipson 10.5382/GB.57 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 57 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Carlin-type Gold Deposits of Northern Nevada, USA 978-1-629490-70-0 978-1-629494-93-7 Cline 10.5382/GB.56 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2017 2017 56 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Biga Peninsula: Au-Cu-Mo-Pb-Zn Deposits 978-1-629490-68-7 978-1-629494-92-0 Ceyhan 10.5382/GB.55 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2016 2016 55 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Eocene to Miocene Hydrothermal Deposits of Northern Greece and Bulgaria: Relationships Between Tectonic-Magmatic Activity, Alteration, and Gold Mineralization 978-1-629490-66-3 978-1-629494-91-3 Voudouris 10.5382/GB.54 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2016 2016 54 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Placer Deposits of the Atlantic Coastal Plain: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Mineral Resources, Mining, and Reclamation Cove Point, Maryland, Williamsburg and Stony Creek, Virginia 978-1-629490-58-8 978-1-629494-87-6 Berquist 10.5382/GB.50 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2015 2015 50 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Copper-Gold-Silver-Molybdenum Metallogeny of Northern Chile 978-1-629490-56-4 978-1-629494-86-9 Chávez 10.5382/GB.49 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2015 2015 49 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Major Copper-Molybdenum Porphyry Systems, Southwestern USA 978-1-629490-54-0 978-1-629494-85-2 Chávez 10.5382/GB.48 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2015 2015 48 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Non-Ferrous Mineralization Associated with the Wawa-Abitibi Terrane and Duluth Complex Cu-Ni-PGM Deposits, Northeastern Minnesota 978-1-629490-52-6 978-1-629494-84-5 Hudak 10.5382/GB.47 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2014 2014 47 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 The Cripple Creek Mining District of Colorado in 2014 978-1-629490-50-2 978-1-629494-83-8 Brown 10.5382/GB.46 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2014 2014 46 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 The Viburnum Trend: A World-Class Pb-Zn-Cu MVT District in Southeast Missouri, USA Part I: Fletcher Mine and Mill Part II: Casteel Mine and Trend Exploration Drilling 978-1-629490-44-1 978-1-629494-82-1 Schott 10.5382/GB.45 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2014 2014 45 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Porphyry Systems of Central and Southern BC: Tour of Central BC Porphyry Deposits from Prince George to Princeton 978-162949-048-9 978-1-629494-81-4 Logan 10.5382/GB.44 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2013 2013 44 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2024 Climax and Henderson Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits and the Leadville District, Colorado 978-1-629490-46-5 978-1-629494-80-7 Stegen 10.5382/GB.43 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 43 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2023 Gold and Silver Mines of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico. Part I: La India, Sonora, and Pinos Altos, Chihuahua Part II: Palmarejo District, Chihuahua Part III: La Cienega District, Durango 978-1-629493-52-7 978-1-629494-79-1 Gastelum-Morales 10.5382/GB.42-2014 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2014 2014 42 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2024 The Upper-Cretaceous Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits of the Eastern Pontide Orogenic Belt (NE Turkey) 9781629490649 9781629490656 Revan 10.5382/GB.53 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2016 2016 53 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Tectonomagmatic Pulses and Multiphase Mineralization in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico 978-1-629490-80-9 978-1-629491-11-0 Ferrari 10.5382/GB.61 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2020 2020 61 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Mineral Deposits of Myanmar (Burma) 978-1-629494-99-9 978-1-629494-98-2 Robb 10.5382/GB.62 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2020 2020 62 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Seismic Measurements – What Geophysicists and Engineers Need to Know 9781560803843 9781560803850 Willis 10.1190/1.9781560803850 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2023 2023 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2022 Fluid Inclusions: Analysis and Interpretation 0-921294-32-8 978-0-921294-67-2 10.3749/9780921294672 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2003 2003 Samson Short Courses P 2023 Geology of Gem Deposits Second Edition 978-0-921294-54-2 978-0-921294-69-6 10.3749/9780921294696 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2014 2014 Groat Short Courses P 2023 Uranium: Cradle to Grave 978-0-921294-53-5 978-0-921294-68-9 10.3749/9780921294689 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2013 2013 Burns Short Courses P 2023 Applied Isotope Geochemistry 978-0-921294-62-7 978-0-921294-70-2 10.3749/9780921294702 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2019 2019 Eglington Topics in Mineral Sciences P 2023 Fluid and Melt Inclusions: Applications to Geologic Processes 978-0-921294-71-9 9780921294634 10.3749/9780921294719 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2020 2020 Lecumberri-Sanchez Topics in Mineral Sciences P 2023 Recent Advances in Understanding Gold Deposits: from Orogeny to Alluvium 9781786205490 9781786205858 10.1144/SP516 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 516 Torvela Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 The Geochemistry and Geophysics of the Antarctic Mantle 9781786204677 9781786205865 10.1144/M56 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 56 Martin Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2023 Sequence Stratigraphy: Applications to Fine-Grained Rocks 978-0-89181-431-3 9781629812915 Bohacs 10.1306/AAPG126 fulltext The American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Brazilpetrostudies monograph 126 AAPG Memoir P 2021 The History of the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology: Volume 5: Geomorphology in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century 9781786205643 9781786205841 10.1144/M58 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2022 2022 58 Burt Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2023 Recent Seismicity in the Southern Midcontinent, USA: Scientific, Regulatory, and Industry Responses 9780813725598 9780813795591 10.1130/SPE559 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2023 2023 559 Buchanan GSA Special Papers F 2022 Geology of a Large Intact Extensional Oceanic Arc Crustal Section with Superior Exposures: Cretaceous Alisitos Arc, Baja California (Mexico) 9780813725604 9780813795607 Busby 10.1130/SPE560 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2023 2023 560 GSA Special Papers F 2022 Cenozoic Isolated Carbonate Platforms—Focus Southeast Asia 978-1-56576-368-5 978-1-56576-369-2 10.2110/sepmsp.114 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2020 2020 114 Rankey Special Publication P 2020 Quaternary Geoarchaeology of India 9781786205483 9781786205872 10.1144/SP515 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 Tiwari Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2023 Field Excursions to the Northern Sierra Nevada of California, the Mining Districts of the Sierra Nevada, and Cretaceous and Paleocene Sediments in Maryland, USA 9780813700656 9780813756653 10.1130/FLD065 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2023 2023 65 Kelsey GSA Field Guide P 2023 Structural Analysis and Chronologic Constraints on Progressive Deformation within the Rincon Mountains, Arizona: Implications for Development of Metamorphic Core Complexes 9780813712222 9780813782225 Davis 10.1130/MWR222 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2023 2023 222 GSA Memoirs P 2023 Construction and Modification of Debris-Flow Alluvial Fans as Captured in the Geomorphic and Sedimentary Record: Examples from the Western Sangre de Cristo Mountains, South-Central Colorado 9780813725611 9780813795614 Nicovich 10.1130/SPE561 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2023 2023 561 GSA Special Papers F 2022 Mineral Deposits of China 978-1-629496-41-2 978-1-629493-10-7 10.5382/SP.22 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 22 Chang Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists P 2018 Giant Carbonate-Replacement (Manto) Gold Deposits of North-Central Nevada: The Carlin and Cortez Trends, USA 978-1-629490-86-1 978-1-629495-01-9 10.5382/GB.64 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2021 2021 64 Putnam Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Paradox Basin Fluids and Colorado Plateau Copper, Uranium, and Vanadium Deposits Field Trip 9781629490762 9781629494968 Thorson 10.5382/GB.59 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2018 2018 59 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series F 2022 Seismic Attributes as the Framework for Data Integration Throughout the Oilfield Life Cycle 9781560803515 9781560803522 Marfurt 10.1190/1.9781560803522 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2018 2018 21 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Instructor Series P 2018 Field Excursions to the Appalachian Plateaus and the Valley and Ridge for GSA Connects 2023 9780813700663 9780813756660 10.1130/FLD066 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2023 2023 66 McLaurin GSA Field Guide P 2023 Ichnology in Shallow-marine and Transitional Environments 9781786205681 9781786209542 10.1144/SP522 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 522 Cónsole-Gonella Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Straits and Seaways: Controls, Processes and Implications in Modern and Ancient Systems 9781786205704 9781786209559 10.1144/SP523 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 523 Rossi Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 The Green Stone Age: Exploration and Exploitation of Minerals for Green Technologies 9781786205735 9781786209580 10.1144/SP526 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 526 Smelror Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Visages of Geodiversity and Geoheritage 9781786205780 9781786209627 10.1144/SP530 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 530 Kubalíková Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Conservation Palaeobiology of Marine Ecosystems 9781786205773 9781786209610 10.1144/SP529 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 529 Nawrot Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Ice Ages, Climate Dynamics and Biotic Events: the Late Pennsylvanian World 9781786205919 9781786205193 10.1144/SP535 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 535 Lucas Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Sequence Stratigraphy of the Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous (Hettangian–Berriasian) of the North Sea Region 9781786205926 9781786209498 Copestake 10.1144/M59 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 59 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2024 A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 1 9781786205889 9781786209641 10.1144/SP532 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 532 Harper Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 2 9781786205896 9781786209658 10.1144/SP533 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 533 Servais Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Tectonic Development, Thermal History and Hydrocarbon Habitat Models of Transform Margins: their Differences from Rifted Margins 9781786205711 9781786209566 10.1144/SP524 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 524 Nemčok Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 The Chalk Aquifers of Northern Europe 9781786205513 9781786209511 10.1144/SP517 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 517 Farrell Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Volcanic Processes in the Sedimentary Record: When Volcanoes Meet the Environment 9781786205667 9781786209535 10.1144/SP520 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 520 Di Capua Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 The Consummate Geoscientist: A Celebration of the Career of Maarten de Wit 9781786205797 9781786209634 10.1144/SP531 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 531 Hynes Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Enabling Secure Subsurface Storage in Future Energy Systems 9781786205766 9781786209603 10.1144/SP528 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 528 Miocic Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Working with Migmatites 978-0-921294-46-7 978-0-921294-74-0 10.3749/9780921294740 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2008 2008 SC38 Sawyer Short Courses P 2024 Melt Inclusions in Plutonic Rocks 978-0-921294-36-0 978-0-921294-75-7 10.3749/9780921294757 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2006 2006 SC36 Webster Short Courses P 2024 Cathodoluminescence and its Application to Geoscience 978-0-921294-55-9 978-0-921294-73-3 10.3749/9780921294733 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2014 2014 SC45 Coulson Short Courses P 2024 Exploration for Platinum-Group Element Deposits 978-0-921294-35-2 978-0-921294-76-4 10.3749/9780921294764 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 2005 2005 SC35 Mungall Short Courses P 2024 Understanding Amplitudes: Basic seismic analysis for rock properties 978-1-56080-382-9 978-1-56080-383-6 Burianyk 10.1190/1.9781560803836 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2021 2021 Geophysical Monograph Series P 2022 The Geology and Geochemistry of Uranium and Thorium Deposits 978-0-921294-57-3 978-0-921294-72-6 10.3749/9780921294726 fulltext Mineralogical Association of Canada monograph 46 Cuney Short Courses P 2024 Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems 9780813725628 9780813795621 Florsheim 10.1130/SPE562 fulltext Geological Society of America monograph 2024 2024 562 GSA Special Papers P 2023 Core Values: the Role of Core in Twenty-first Century Reservoir Characterization 9781786205759 9781786209597 10.1144/SP527 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 527 Neal Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Deep Clay Formations: 40 Years of RD&D in the Belgian URL HADES 9781786205933 9781786205018 10.1144/SP536 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2023 2023 536 Li Geological Society, London, Special Publications P 2024 The Source-to-Sink Vade-mecum: History, Concepts and Tools | Vade-mecum de l'approche Source-To-Sink: Histoire, Concepts et Outils 978-1-56576-379-1 Castelltort 10.2110/sepmcsp.16 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2023 2023 16 Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology F 2024 Sedimentary Basins: Origin, Depositional Histories, and Petroleum Systems 978-0-9836097-9-0 10.5724/gcs.14.33 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2014 2014 33 Pindell SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications P 2018 Stratigraphy, Diagenesis, and Structural Deformation of the Monterey Formation, Central California Coast 978-1-56576-358-6 10.2110/sepmfg.14 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 2018 2018 14 Behl Field Trip Guidebook F 2022 Industrial Mineral Resources of the Delaware Basin, Texas and New Mexico 9781934969618 10.5382/GB.08 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1990 1990 8 Kyle Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Archean Gold Deposits of the Matachewan-Kirkland Lake-Larder Lake Area, Ontario, Canada 9781934969649 10.5382/GB.11 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 1991 1991 11 Lovell Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 1986-1999 Northern Sierra Madre Occidental Gold-Silver Mines, Mexico 9781934969328 9781934969953 10.5382/GB.42 fulltext Society of Economic Geologists monograph 2010 2010 42 Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series P 2006-2010 Hardrock Seismic Exploration 9781560801146 9781560802396 10.1190/1.9781560802396 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2003 2003 10 Eaton Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics: Principles, Methods, and Case Studies, Volume II 891817042 9781629810676 10.1306/CA51063 fulltext American Association of Petroleum Geologists monograph 2006 2006 5 Coburn AAPG Computer Applications in Geology P 2006-2010 Geophysical Characterization of Gas Hydrates 9781560802181 9781560802198 10.1190/1.9781560802197 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2010 2010 14 Riedel Geophysical Developments Series P 2017 The Later Proterozoic Torridonian Rocks of Scotland: their Sedimentology, Geochemistry and Origin 9781862391031 9781862393998 Stewart 10.1144/GSL.MEM.2002.024 fulltext Geological Society of London monograph 2002 2002 24 Geological Society, London, Memoirs P 2000-2005 NEOTECTONICS AND ASSOCIATED SEDIMENTATION, VENTURA BASIN, CALIFORNIA 979-8-9901639-0-4 Sylvester 10.32375/1997-CGSGB-NEO fulltext The Pacific Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologist monograph 1997 1997 97 Guidebook P 2021 DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS, STRUCTURE, AND TECTONICS OF THE WESTERN TRANSVERSE RANGES, VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 9798990163911 10.32375/1996-CGSGB-DEP fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologist monograph 1996 1996 24 Brown Guidebook P 2021 VENTURA BASIN: GEOLOGIC INTRODUCTION AND FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 979-8-9901639-2-8 10.32375/1988-CGSGB-Ven fulltext The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologist monograph 1988 1988 GB 74 Link Guidebook P 2021 Layered Mineral Structures and their Application in Advanced Technologies 9780903056298 9780903056458 10.1180/EMU-notes.11 fulltext Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland monograph 2011 2011 11 Brigatti European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy P 2011-2014 PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF COASTAL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 979-8-9901639-3-5 10.32375/1988-CGSGB-PET fulltext The Pacific Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologist monograph 1987 1987 71 Wright Guidebook P 2021 Introduction to Petroleum Seismology, Second edition 9781560803430 9781560803447 Ikelle 10.1190/1.9781560803447 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2017 2017 12 Investigations in Geophysics P 2017 Understanding Signals: Basic waveform analysis from a geophysical perspective 9781560803577 9781560803584 Burianyk 10.1190/1.9781560803584 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2019 2019 23 Geophysical Monograph Series P 2019 Attenuation and Dispersion of Elastic Waves in Porous Rocks: Mechanisms and models 9781560803904 9781560803911 Gurevich 10.1190/1.9781560803911 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2023 2023 26 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical References Series P 2023 Stratigraphic, Tectonic, Thermal, and Diagenetic Histories of the Monterey Formation, Pismo and Huasna Basin, California 918985447 9781565762770 10.2110/sepmfg.02 fulltext SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology monograph 1984 1984 2 Surdam SEPM Field Trip Guidebook P 1926-1985 Illustrated Seismic Processing Volume 1: Imaging 9781560803614 9781560803621 Hill 10.1190/1.9781560803621 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2019 2019 15 Course Notes Series P 2019 Illustrated Seismic Processing Volume 2: Preimaging 9781560803683 9781560803690 Hill 10.1190/1.9781560803690 fulltext Society of Exploration Geophysicists monograph 2019 2019 16 Course Notes Series P 2019 Machine Learning for Science and Engineering Volume I: Fundamentals 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